"I didn’t expect that even you couldn’t handle him, Garp!!"

‘Looks like we need more manpower....’Saint Satan said in a deep voice, his eyes were filled with scarlet light.

‘teleportation magic circle——’

‘Sea King: Sea Spear——’

The trident in Adolf's hand is like the heart of the ocean reflecting blue light, intertwined with dark red lightning of destruction, projected from the bottom of the sea!

The earth cracked open, and a huge hole penetrated from bottom to top, leading directly to Saint Satan!

‘————!!’Saint Satan immediately sensed the strong aura, his face twisted with fear, his bloodshot eyes widened as wide as they could!

However, under the penetration of the sea and waves, the ability user's body was weak and he was still half a beat slower!

‘Boom whoosh——’

The trident of blue magic and dark red destruction shot out from the earth, went straight into the sky and exploded, intensifying the torrential rain and thunder in the sky!

The magic circle was destroyed, and Saint Satan's lower body was penetrated at the same time, and the ferocious eight legs were cut off again...

"hateful! He wants to consume us here——"Saint Satan gnashed his teeth, feeling extremely powerless.

It was obvious that he could not fight against Adolf now, so he wanted to gather people while there was still a place to stay, and call the other four people who were drinking tea to fight together.

But Adolf did not give him a chance at all.

If Adolf knew that he wanted to gather people instead of running away, he would not stop him, but applauded and welcomed him!

Especially those with special abilities, the more the better!

"Want to run? What are you thinking about?——"

"Worthy of the hero Garp who chased Roger with a ship and built a mountain with one punch"

"And there is this invisible great swordsman Bogart, with his sword combed in the middle."

"This intensity has been going on for half an hour and I'm still not exhausted. It's so fierce...."

In the waves, Adolf held the Trident of Water and watched them fight with all their strength. It was a waste!

In this half hour, he had recovered all the energy he had consumed, but Garp and the others were so tired that they couldn't stop at all.

Garp dared to chase Roger with a ship and was not hacked to death, which shows that they are at least about the same strength, and Roger also has Rayleigh on the ship! In other words, Bogart can compete with Reilly.

It can be said that the two of them are ridiculously strong, and with the addition of the Five Old Stars, Satan Saint, if he really dares to go up alone, he is afraid that he will be beaten to the point of doubting his life, and even several people will hold him down together, and he will not be able to escape!

But so what? ?

They can hit a mountain with one punch, or even sink an entire island, but can they destroy the entire ocean?

It’s useless to defeat it, it must be defeated!

The waves are endless, and he only needs to wave his trident to push it from time to time to maintain the huge waves.

Even with continued use, he felt that if he studied it carefully, he could permanently solidify the huge wave sea area and form the unique ocean current weather of the New World!

After all, in the New World, extreme weather such as storms and huge waves are not uncommon, and there are even more extreme ones. It can be said to be the true power of heaven and earth.

"This kid is so difficult! We have obviously been able to destroy the last bit of the place, but we are just trying to drain our energy!"Garp also felt powerless and aggrieved. He obviously couldn't beat him.——

"Lieutenant General Garp!"Bogart glanced heavily at the marines protecting him, as well as Vegapunk, Caesar Courant, Five Old Stars, Satan Saint and others.

Yes, Adolf was able to attack Punkhar with destructive tricks from the beginning. There is nothing Garp and the others can do to stop the foundation of Sad Island. Once the island is destroyed, Saint Sartan will basically lose his combat power, but it will also force Garp and Bogart to fight with him in a life-and- death fight.

It is really unstable.

So using the surging tsunami to consume Garp and their energy and force them to defend the island will undoubtedly greatly increase his chances of winning.

As long as the island is still there, Garp and Bogart will not voluntarily abandon the land and cannot take it with them. So many people left by swimming?

If they really wanted to leave, Adolf wouldn't try to keep them, but not the others.——

"Saint Satan! We'll create a chance for you later, but you only get one chance!"Garp pushed back the wave again and said with great caution.

"Now we have no choice but to leave!" Satan nodded. At this point, he could no longer be tough.

Looking at the only place left with a thousand meters to go, it would be useless even if he called the other four over. Instead, Adolf would catch them all in one fell swoop and wipe them out....

"Bogart——"Cap shouts!

Bogart nodded and looked up at the huge cumulonimbus clouds in the sky. They were so thick that it seemed as if the sky was falling. There was no ray of sunlight at all, and only the flashing arcs of thunder from time to time illuminated the world.

It’s simply doomsday despair and the darkest hour——


The sword sheathed, eyes closed, and breath calmed down.

In just a moment, the momentum was adjusted to the extreme, and he slashed suddenly - it was dawn————

An unparalleled crack appeared in the sky, and the clouds were torn apart for a hundred miles. The sun shone down, as if seeing the light of hope, and my mood became more open!

The rainstorm on the way was also cut off, and there was a moment of respite.


Saint Satan seized the opportunity and jumped up, his body suddenly shook, and his armed domineering force shattered all the suits on his body and flew out, including the wet sea water!

Although it seems that weakness and physical exertion are serious, it is better than being directly powerless in sea water.

‘teleportation magic circle——’

A scarlet mysterious magic circle appeared under his eight feet. Without the influence of sea water, it formed very quickly!

‘Sea King: Sea Spear——’

The trident in his hand was projected again, and he also saw that Garp and the others were trying their best, how could they be allowed to escape!

The majesty of the blue and dark red sea cuts across space and distance, arriving in an instant.

But at the same time, Garp jumped to the bottom of Saint Satan

"You little mermaid, you've had enough trouble.——"

‘fist bone impact——’

The ultimate entangled domineering force punched out, blocking the front of the trident tip!

It doesn't look like there are so many fancy special effects. It's just a domineering attack with the right hand, but it has the terrifying power to smash most of the Beehive Island into pieces!!

To put it bluntly, this is the purity of a non-ability person, the extremely powerful body and domineering spirit!


And during the collision, the blue waves shone brightly, reflecting the beauty of the whole world out to sea, but it also carried an arc of destruction!

Circles of fluctuations spread from the middle, washing out like super vibration waves, followed by waves of destruction, and everything on the island was washed away!

Vegapunk, Caesar Courant, and nearly a thousand trembling marines were all thrown away!


Garp's madness squeezed out all his potential, and his face was distorted and terrifying. The sea halberd carrying the power of the sea could no longer maintain its shape and completely exploded, turning into a high-pressure water blade and exploding in a ring - but this water blade ring Has an extremely terrifying edge——

"No one wants to leave——"Adolf took the initiative to rush out!

However, Saint Satan was closer and stretched out his eight legs earlier, leading everyone to flee immediately, leaving Adolf empty-handed!

At this time, an endless tsunami hit and submerged the last place to stay.

"I don't believe you can teleport out of this storm at once!!"Adolf was not affected by the sea. He immediately took out the phone bug and asked for X-ray vision.

But he suddenly found a huge head of more than ten meters in the sea, and a purple figure beside it was swept away by the sea water!


"Caesar Courant is here too?!"

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