If this place wasn’t full of surveillance bugs and Hannibal was already standing beside him, Luo Xiu really wanted to take away Walder’s Devil Fruit now. The other party he had ever seen had top-level Devil Fruits, but his strength was The most useless one!

Yes, in the entire One Piece world, most of them have rubbish Devil Fruits, and their powers are also rubbish. The rest is that the fruits have good abilities, and the abilities of their users are also passable.

The rarest thing is people like Bundiwald. They are so rare that it is difficult to find someone similar to him.……

“This person is Bundy.”Ward, he has been locked up here for almost thirty years! A superhuman-Momo fruit user! He was once a famous pirate!”

Hannibal found Luo Xiu looking at Bond. Diwald, thinking that the other party probably didn’t know the identity of this person, so he explained to Luo Xiu.

“It’s just a waste! Nothing worth saying!”

Luo Xiu shook his head contemptuously, dropped a few words, and returned to the original road!

He had lost interest in this trip to Impel City, and it was time to leave. As for the King of Evil, the Wine Barrel, and the Evil Wolf For example, he had no intention of meeting those people who were rescued by Blackbeard in the original work.

In other words, those people were not even qualified to talk to Luo Xiu, and he didn’t know how many levels they were missing during this period!

That’s it! , Luo Xiu and Hannibal took the elevator and headed to the first floor. They only saw each other and chatted a few words along the way. He didn’t want to say goodbye to Magellan anymore. He was probably still squatting in the toilet. to solve his own problems.

As for the special place in the city called the Kingdom of Human Demons, he had no idea about it and simply let it go. Anyway, the major events have been changed a lot. He didn’t believe that those people could successfully escape from prison!

Now that Beihai has been completely recognized as the safest sea area in the world, Luo Xiu did not plan to go back there, but decided to visit the other three sea areas. The first person he targeted was The South China Sea is a land of outstanding people, and the number of pirates is relatively large!

Time flies, and a few days after leaving Impel Down City, Luo Xiu’s general-class warship is slowly floating on the sea. Since there is no order to sail at full speed, order, so the speed of the ship is not very fast. It is more like strolling than rushing.

At this time, Luo Xiu is sitting on the bench on the deck, holding a goblet in one hand, and pouring a sip of wine into his mouth from time to time while enjoying He was enjoying Baccarat’s massage and the fruit Taotu fed him! At the same time, he was watching Brand, whose injuries were still not clearing up, standing there practicing domineering. The scene could be said to be the envy of others.

For Luo Xiu, This is life! Yes, he is keen on enjoying it! Especially when sailing on the sea on a warship, if he doesn’t order a”little show”, he will probably die of boredom!

“Sir! General Akainu just received news that many of the top officers of the Dove faction’s branches in the East China Sea, South China Sea, and West China Sea have voluntarily abdicated! Your reputation is really great! Even though no one arrived, they were all scared!”

Bacara gently squeezed Luo Xiu’s shoulders and reported the news from Akainu to her man in a low voice.

“oh? Are you afraid that I will cause trouble for them when I arrive in person? These garbage are really cautious!”

Luo Xiu could guess with closed eyes why those people did this. Part of it was because of the orders issued by Garp and Qingzhi. Secondly, it was because he was afraid of Luo Xiu and was afraid that the newly appointed Governor of the Four Seas would arrest him. Use them to prevent them from having a happy ending.

Although they are dovish people who always talk about justice and treating civilians well, in fact, those who collude with pirates or are in their positions have achieved nothing. Most of the navies that cannot be built are from the doves.

In fact, the greed in their hearts is much more than that of the hawks! Coupled with the huge number of doves, this results in the low-level civilians often Invaded by pirates and revolutionary troops!

“If they were all replaced by hawks, what problems would happen to the World Government?”

Taotu paused for a moment and said with worry. She thought about the problem more than Baccarat. As the saying goes, stand tall and see far!

She was a junior general many years ago, and now she is more As a great inspector with the same rank as a general, he is very familiar with the world government!

So Taotu is a little doubtful, after Luo Xiu clears out the four seas and replaces all the official positions with his own people, will he Received a new blow from the World Government.

Originally, she did not have any faction, but after becoming Luo Xiu’s woman, she naturally became a member of the hawk faction, making suggestions for her man. Isn’t this okay?……

“Hey! It’s not that easy! If Wulaoxing can watch, I will arrange all my people to branches in the four seas! Then they are probably stupid!”

“In fact, even Beihai, which I first managed, has a few people who are under my jurisdiction on the surface, but behind the scenes, they are directly appointed by Wulaoxing as the highest branch commander! These people cannot be touched, even if you know their identities! It’s best to just keep playing dumb and bide your time! Luo

Xiu grinned and said to Taotu with a chuckle.

He was not a fool. He was so obsessed with Beihai at the beginning and was always eager to achieve results. Of course he discovered some”heretics” in the navy camp! But With Luo Xiu’s mind, how could he not guess the usefulness of these people to the World Government, so he did not replace them. Instead, he did not expose them and allowed them to continue in their original positions! After these few years of experience, As well as the information obtained in the original work, Luo Xiu is well aware of the desire for control of Wulaoxing and others and the bottom line of the World Government. Otherwise, his official position would not be promoted so quickly!

As long as he does not do anything outrageous, such as collusion A certain pirate protects the revolutionary army, speaks rudely to the Celestial Dragons, or attacks, etc.! Then the next marshal of the Navy Headquarters will definitely fall on him!

Even if he never does any missions again, he will just waste himself like this His achievements are enough to take over the position of the Warring States Period!

“Tell the warship to stop, I’ll come as soon as I can!”


Before Taotu could say anything else, Luo Xiu said something with a look of ecstasy, then turned into a bolt of lightning and soared into the sky, quickly flying towards the distant sky.

(The fourth update is here! Please subscribe, flowers, monthly passes, evaluation votes, I want them all! Remember to customize if you like it! Thank you for your support! )

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