Lublum Sea

An island in the waters of this territory of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Duh… Click, click, click…

Looking at the past from afar, I saw that the air on the surface of the island strangely emitted spider pattern cracks, constantly spreading, and then spreading, until finally, the whole island was twisted, and finally, with a thunderous noise, the island was divided into several halves in one breath, as if a natural disaster had come.

“Phew, phew… Phew…”

After performing a trick that completely split the islands, Whitebeard put one hand in front of him.

Although he is not as serious as in his later life, he is now more than fifty years old anyway, and it is destined that it will be impossible to progress in the future, only to stay in place, or even regress.

The white-bearded blonde hair at this time was stained with blood, both Accardo’s and his own.

A white robe draped behind his back had become tattered, and new wounds could be seen on his body from time to time.

How long had it been since the last time I had suffered so many injuries?

“Fighting me will give you no chance to even breathe.”

A ghostly shadow rose behind Whitebeard, and a pitch-black large-caliber pistol pressed against Whitebeard’s knee, and with a “bang” roar, pierced Whitebeard’s knee.

No way, if he didn’t jump up, Accardo’s height could only barely reach the waist of Whitebeard.


Whitebeard let out a muffled snort in his throat, and was about to fall to the ground, but he quickly clenched the beak knife in his hand and supported the huge body.

“Lao Tzu but… Whitebeard, aaaa ”

Whitebeard waved his knife, with a powerful shockwave that can smash the air, slashed over, smashing the space in front of Accardo like glass, in the eyes of Whitebeard, Accardo seemed to be embedded in glass, under this blow, the body was completely shattered.

However, there was no trace of pain on Accardo’s face, and the crazy smile on his face only stopped for a moment, and then quickly recovered.

“Resurrected again?” Whitebeard secretly said in his heart, this move should have shattered this kid’s heart, but he was still able to live like this.

Even Whitebeard didn’t remember that the two had been fighting like this for days and nights, and Accardo’s resurrection had been shown in front of him too many times, so that Whitebeard was no longer surprised, and only thought about how to defeat each other.


Suddenly, Whitebeard increased the power output in his hand, opened his fist, and turned into a palm to grab Accardo’s body.

With the huge difference in the size of the two, Whitebeard grabbed Accardo as if it were an adult strong man lifting a baby.

Whitebeard threw Accardo up heavily, and then slammed it to the ground, and the ability to shake the fruit was activated, seemingly wanting Accardo to sink completely to the bottom of the sea.


The land under the feet of the two was less than one-fifth of the area of the island at the beginning, and the rest of the land was destroyed by Whitebeard’s ability, like the fragments of a collapsed iceberg that began to gradually move along the current.

Whitebeard made a successful move, he pressed Accardo’s head heavily on the ground, and the palm erupted with a shock wave unique to the Shock Fruit, knocking the ground into a deep ditch. and bury Accardo in it.

A few seconds later, the energy erupted from the island caused the tsunami to rise again, and most of Accardo’s body was completely smashed into the ditch. At the angle of Whitebeard, he could barely see Accardo’s body stuck between the two islands.

“So, it hurts a little, doesn’t it? Immortal boy~~” Whitebeard raised his head and roared lowly, turned around and prepared to leave, although he can make up for Accardo again, but the island is on the verge of collapse, and if you punch again, the ground under your feet will completely collapse.

Of course, as a capable person, you can’t do this, and Whitebeard can’t die with the other party.

However, the core of the island was also over-destroyed and fell to the bottom of the sea, which must be only a matter of time.

However, not a few seconds later, under the perception of smell, Accardo’s breath changed, and the whitebeard turned his head to look down at the bottom of the ditch, and then looked at Accardo, but saw that Accardo’s body color slowly changed, and a few seconds later actually turned into a young soldier in armor.

Suddenly, a hand slapped Whitebeard’s shoulder, and when Whitebeard suddenly turned around and slashed with a beak knife.

Sparks burst out, and a large sword blocked his beak knife, and it was Accardor who was holding this giant sword.

At this time, his bangs covered his right hair, and the exposed eyes and corners of his mouth were upturned, revealing an ecstatic and slightly regretful expression, “Good move, but it’s a pity, whitebeard.” ”

However, after experiencing the failure, Whitebeard did not show the slightest regret on his face, and his smile was still untamed, “What an arrogant brat.” ”


Both sides took a step backwards at the same time, thunder flashed from the dark clouds, and suddenly a torrential rain fell, as if announcing the continuation of the battle.

But at this moment, the two turned their heads at the same time to look at the sea on the side, and saw that in the distance, countless pirate ships were slowly moving towards this side.

Whitebeard recognized it in an instant, it was his Moby Dick, and the ships of the pirate group under the leadership of many whitebeard pirates.

But what really caught Whitebeard’s attention was a ship with a goddess statue on the bow to the left of the Moby Dick, and the man standing on the bow… His lifelong nemesis, Gordo Roger!

When he was still several miles from the coast, Roger standing on the Jackson jumped, and the afterimage appeared between Accardo and Whitebeard.

“Hey, Roger…”

The mouth under the white beard moved, “I haven’t seen it for a few years, and I suddenly ran over today, what do you want to do?” ”

“I’m here to stop your fight.” Roger stood between the two and said word by word.

PS: Seeing a lot of reminders and tips today, I decided to add potatoes, wait a minute.

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