Accardo finally reached an agreement with Vegapunk, and the minimum condition was naturally the principle of paying with one hand and delivering with the other.

Byinbruz Island

This is the island where one of the research laboratories used by Vegapunk before being recruited by the World Government to the Scientific Research Institute of the Navy headquarters.

After the Hailou Stone bullet is completed, he will find a way to put things there, and Accardo will also need to prepare what he wants for the purpose of trading.

Located in the New World, Beinbrutz Island used to be one of the territories of the Overlord Family, but it was wiped out by the Navy a few years ago, so it was temporarily used as one of the training bases of the Navy because of the many rare animals on it.

“When are you going to finish what I want?” Accardo asked, still maintaining the appearance of a CP0 person.

“Well… It takes countless efforts to make Hailou stone into a weapon like a sword, not to mention the higher difficulty of development, a larger number of bullets, and it is impossible in a short time, so that the moment the world releases the news of Hailou stone is equivalent to the signal I gave you, you come and take it. Vegapunk replied.

“In a word.”

Accardo turned away and placed the bullet used by the jackal on the experimental table in front of Vegapunk, “This is the bullet sample required for the requested Hailou stone bullet, do as you do.” ”

“I know, slow down and don’t send it.” Vegapunk beckoned.


Accardo chuckled and left the research room, while Vegapunk quickly hid the bullets, which was a crime, but with his skills, this little thing was nothing.


On the other side, Accardo entered the residential street of Marin Fandor in the form of CP0, where basically the families of some high-ranking naval figures lived, because they were too famous and led to too many revenges, so many family members lived on the side of the Navy headquarters, located at the rear of the Navy headquarters building.

Accardo walked here, there were no people around, but it could be seen that there were also video phone bugs for surveillance around.

If you return to the ship in this way, you will definitely be taken back to Mary Joa as a real CP0, and you must get out here.

It’s just that the video phone bug used for nearby surveillance must be solved.

Thinking of this, several bats suddenly flew out of Accardo’s wide sleeves, flying to the front, in the naval monitoring room, a member of the naval monitoring squad who was originally fishing looked at the countless monitoring screens in front of him, and suddenly a picture was black, and he couldn’t help but wonder: “What’s going on?” Is the phone bug sick? ”

The telephone worm is actually a creature, if there is life, even if it is killed, it will naturally not be able to play the picture.

“Investigate immediately and see what went wrong.”

For other branches, this kind of thing does not need to be so concerned, but here is the headquarters of the navy, the headquarters of the navy, Marin Fando, everything must be according to the strictest standards.

On the other side, Accardo walked under the surveillance phone worm that had been bitten to death by bats, and soon, two soldiers came over, and when they saw Accardo, they quickly saluted.

Accardo beckoned to the two, signaling them to get closer.

The two looked at each other suspiciously, stood in front of each other, and only listened to Accardo say: “I have one thing for you to help me report to the naval superiors, that is…”


Just when the two were still concentrating and preparing to listen to what the other party wanted to say, suddenly Accardo’s left and right fists had pierced the abdomen of the two soldiers, and before they had time to make a sound, the black light virus swallowed them up, and it was at this moment that Accardo changed from the appearance of CP0 to the appearance of an ordinary naval soldier.


On the other side, at the location of the Navy Square pier, it has been waiting for more than four hours, but the commander of CP0 is still missing, so that the agents staying on the government ship are anxious.

Although it is known that this is the headquarters of the Navy, it is impossible for anything to happen.

Now the navy is increasingly not listening to the government’s instructions, and the two sides are getting along far less harmoniously than the outside world thinks.

The people of the government do not want to make trouble in the territory of the navy, and the navy sees that the government ship can hide and hide, and does not want to take the initiative to go up and get involved with them.

On the other side of the square, Accardo was walking here in the form of a soldier who had just been devoured by him, and saw a naval warship docked on the shore.

The sail is raised, which proves that it should be ready to attack, because if it is parked and not used, the sail of the ship is put away, and since it is raised, it proves that it is about to attack.

“Where is this warship going?”

Accardo asked from an inconspicuous position to a passing private soldier.

PS: The third is to ask for flowers for collection

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