As soon as he arrived on Chambord Island, Rayleigh began to prepare for the next voyage to the new world, first of all, of course, the coating thing, which took several days to engineer, must be carried out at the first time, in a few days, the navy still found them one step earlier and the whole army was destroyed.

Renly divided the rest of the crew to buy the essentials for the journey, water, food, and so on.

The remaining part of the men, led by Jabba, stood guard on the ship.

On this island where pirates, pirate hunters and navies run amok and chaos, it is not okay to look at their new precious ship.

On the other hand, Accardo found the same shipyard in the same ship after Reilly’s departure and asked them to go to Area 27 to coat his ship.

Coating is a very important task, and if it breaks at the bottom of the sea at a depth of 10,000 meters, the severity is unimaginable.

Renly, they have dived to the bottom of the sea many times to reach the new world, and it is not wrong for them to choose the same shipyard, right?

Even the Roger Pirates, after entering Chambord Island, are extremely low-key, if they are hunted by the navy here, it is difficult to go to sea normally, plus the battle at sea is very likely to break the membrane, so you must avoid fighting.

The coating time for the Accardo ship took a total of five days, and on the third day, Accardo secretly killed a patrolling naval squad and snatched their military phone worms to prepare for a last-minute plan.

Accardo stayed by his ship these days, rarely leaving, and once there was a navy close to his side or someone who might reveal his tracks, he would be killed, and the navy patrol team would be destroyed because of this.

Although this practice kept Accardo’s whereabouts secret for a while, and also allowed the coating work to proceed smoothly, the navy was not a fool, and finally, on the fifth day, when the coating was about to be completed, Accardo found that the navy had gathered a naval force of more than three hundred people approaching this side.

Accardo’s thermal sight now covers the area of two cities, his location is No. 27, which can extend to the southern area of No. 70, and next to the 70 area, the naval garrison area No. 60.

At this time, the naval forces had already heard about Area 70, and if they went at full speed, they would reach themselves in less than an hour.

Accardo turned to several coaters and asked, “How much time will it take to complete completely?” ”

A craftsman with a turban looked up and said, “It will take more than three hours, guest.” ”

Three hours, if no action is taken, he will be surrounded by the navy, plus with the speed of Borusalino, I am afraid it will not take five minutes for him to rush over.

Sure enough, I still have to use that trick.

Accardo took out the military phone worm that he snatched from a naval patrol team the day before yesterday, and after dialing it successfully, said to the navy opposite: “Report, report, the pirate ship of the Roger Pirate Group was found in the southwest area of Area 55, and report again, the pirate ship of the Roger Pirate Group was found in the southwest pier area of Area 55.” ”

When the sailors on the opposite side heard the five words “Roger’s Pirates”, they were so frightened that they couldn’t say anything for a few seconds, and after returning to their senses, they immediately asked urgently: “How is the situation at the scene?” ”

Accardo smiled slightly, and began to make up nonsense, “The situation is very serious, their ship coating has been completed, Captain Gordo Roger, Deputy Captain Hades Rayleigh, and Battle Jabba and others have arrived, presumably they will set sail soon, please instruct.” ”

After hesitating for a while, the naval officer on the opposite side said: “You hide there first and don’t move, I will immediately report this matter to my superiors!” Remember, head to Don’t Take Action! Roger’s Pirates are not something you can deal with. ”

Immediately afterwards, the phone worm was hung up, and Accardo threw it casually, throwing the phone bug into the bottomless sea.

“That way, you can distract yourself, right?” Accardo turned on his thermal vision again, ready to observe the group of soldiers coming this way.

According to his observations during this time, the number of naval stations is now sparse, most of them are filled into patrols, and the whole island is looking for themselves.

At this time, the news that Roger’s Pirates were in Area 55 would definitely shock them.

You know, the No. 60 area where the naval station is located is connected to the craftsmen and the No. 50 area where Roger is located, and it will take less than half an hour, as long as you send troops from the naval station, you can rush over immediately.

Borusalino, on the other hand, is two minutes, no, maybe a minute.

“I’m embarrassed to take advantage of you, Roger, but we’re enemies, aren’t we?” Accardo laughed to himself.

On the naval side, Borusalino, who is currently the supreme commander here, almost fell to the ground with a cigarette in his surprised mouth when he heard that the Roger Pirates were actually in Area 55, not far away.

“How many troops are reserved for the garrison now?” Borusalino asked.

One of Borusalino’s soldiers saluted and replied, “Yes!” Because of the orders of the headquarters, most of the garrisons were sent out to patrol, and now we only have more than 500 people left to be able to mobilize at the first time. ”

“Five hundred … This number of people is not qualified to deal with Roger…” Polusalino knew Roger’s horror very well.

Five hundred? Five thousand people is about the same.

When the officer who reported heard this, he suddenly remembered something and reported again: “Lieutenant General, just sent three hundred people to investigate Area 27, where the navy soldiers recently disappeared, and if you can, you can transfer them all back and transfer them to Roger’s side.” ”

Three hundred people, plus five hundred people who had a base first, and finally a certain number of troops were left in the garrison just in case.

Although this number of people is still not enough to confront the Roger Pirates, he must be able to buy a little time as much as possible until the arrival of the people of the headquarters.

“Hmm, then prepare as you said, I’ll contact Marshal Air immediately.”

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