When the time comes....

Five emperors stand side by side!

This sea is beyond their control, the navy!

If someone is worried, someone is happy!

"Daddy can be resurrected!"

"Is it really expected by us?"

The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates including Fire Fist Ace were surprised inexplicably!

Especially Ace!

He thought in the first place....

He can be resurrected, then naturally, Whitebeard may also be resurrected!


Now it's realized!

"Will Whitebeard be resurrected!"

The red-haired Shanks' eyes wandered, but he was not sure!

But he knew....

If Whitebeard is really resurrected....

The sea will fall into two situations!

Either calm very!

Whitebeard has this strength to shock the sea!

Either it's unusually chaotic!

Others who are hostile to Whitebeard unite against Whitebeard!


I'm not happy at all!

"This is no joke!"

Blackbeard is panicking!

Whitebeard is really going to be resurrected!

Then he's finished!

"Whitebeard must not be resurrected, move this island now!"

Blackbeard was flustered....

"Sea hero Jinping, you must not choose to resurrect Whitebeard!"

When the time comes!

The resurrected Whitebeard, who leads the Whitebeard Pirate Group, plus the Red-Haired Pirate Group, his subordinates are not necessarily opponents!


That is a man who is terrifying without relying on fruit ability!

The eyes of the world....

They all looked at Jinping on the light curtain!

"Please, Resurrection Daddy!"

The remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates pray....

"Never revive Whitebeard!"

Blackbeard is also praying, and his heart is pounding!

"Now, I really have a headache!"

Sengoku has a serious face....

He knows!

There is a high chance that Jinpei will choose to resurrect Whitebeard!

As for why!

It's simple....

Whitebeard resurrected....

The crisis on Fishman Island is over!

Facing the gaze of everyone from all over the world....

As if he hadn't seen it, Jinping was calm and firm: "I choose to resurrect Whitebeard!" "

Surprising but expected choice!


When Blackbeard heard this, he directly crushed the railing!

The face is gloomy and scary!


Fire Fist Ace and others drank excitedly!

"Is it really resurrected!"

Redheaded, Sengoku sighed....

Together looked at the graveyard of Whitebeard!

"Fuf, how big a wave will a whitebeard without fruit ability make!"

Doflamingo is looking forward to it!

He was looking forward to it more....

How will the other two emperors of the New World react!


A dazzling white light fell with a bang, shrouding Whitebeard's cemetery!

A burst of vigor erupts!

The white light only existed for ten seconds before disappearing!

And at the moment when the white light disappears....

Blackbeard suddenly covered his chest and fell to the ground in pain, coughing up a mouthful of blood.

But his face was like a ghost: "How is it possible, how is my Shock Fruit ability being divided!" "

He said this!

Shocked everyone!

Because of his reaction at the moment, he was spread to the entire sea by the light curtain!

"Ability split?"

"There is such a thing!"

"How is it possible!"


As we all know, after the previous owner dies, the Devil Fruit ability is passed on to the next owner.

There is never such a thing as a division of abilities!

This is completely contrary to scientific logic!

No one has ever found out about such a thing!

This is also impossible to detect!

A transparent fluctuation appeared on the blackbeard's body, condensing into a ball!

No matter how Blackbeard stops it, resists....

The light mass did not stop, and rushed into the graveyard of Whitebeard!


Next moment!

A thick and powerful arm poked out, exuding a fierce aura!

One arm, as if it can tear the sea apart and suppress everything!

"It's terrifying!"

"Is this the power of the strongest man in the world?"

In the light curtain!

Only to hear an explosion, the graveyard of the white beard shook with a bang, and the old giant with a crescent beard sat up from it, his eyes were like a torch, terrifying!

"Cool la-la, what happened, Lao Tzu actually lived again?"

This old giant is naturally a whitebeard....

He got up from the cemetery and swept his gaze over the crowd present!

"What a grand spectacle, what happened, my dear sons!"

Whitebeard looked at Ace, Marko and the others who were crying with excitement, although his voice was gentle, he carried a majesty that dominated the world!

Here he stands....

The entire sky screen seemed to be retreating, unwilling to confront him head-on!

"Cool la-la, Tichy, you're there too!"

Whitebeard's eyes were like a knife and looked at Blackbeard Tichy!

This moment....

Everyone standing beside Tiqi couldn't help but feel that their breath was stagnant, and they felt that the sky was falling, and the heavy power made them unable to deal with it indifferently!

Blackbeard's pupils were constricting and he was afraid.

But he is now the Four Emperors after all, and he has a powerful existence, so naturally he can't be scared by Whitebeard's words and can't say a word.

"Hahaha, it's been a long time, Dad, I didn't expect to see you again!"

There was a black fog on him....

Beware of Whitebeard's sudden attack!

"Yo, Whitebeard, congratulations, appear in the world again, you can treat me to a good drink later!"

The redhead came over and said in a joking tone.

"Cool, enough wine, but can you tell me what's going on!"

"How come the old man, a remnant of the old era who should have passed away, has been resurrected, and an incredible character has appeared!"

"I feel that my body is more smooth than before attacking Marin Fando, and it is not easy for someone who can do all this!"

Whitebeard pulled out the supreme fast knife by the tomb, Cong Yun Cut, fell to the ground, and asked.

The power of the strongest man in the world has not weakened by half a point!

But he said this....

But once again surprised everyone in the world!

Whitebeard is actually better than before?

How else to play this!

"Thing, that's how it goes!"

The redhead simply told Whitebeard what happened all the time!

That's a matter of minutes!

After listening....

Whitebeard couldn't help but look at this light curtain, and his face was shocked: "Cool la-la, I didn't expect that this small piece of light curtain has such great power, even a dead person like me can be resurrected!" "

Although the redhead only spoke to him for a few minutes!

But the content of this few minutes!

It's very surprising....

It's not just him who is resurrected!

And the fire fist Ace who should have died has also been resurrected!

"Well, since the old man is resurrected again, then I, the remnant of the old era, will sail in the new era again!"

Whitebeard is not some grinding person!

What to say that I am a person of the old times, it is not suitable to stay in the new era!

Since the resurrection!

Then he will protect his sons again!

"Little ones..."

Whitebeard looked at Fire Fist Ace, Marko and the others, domineering and calm: "Are you still willing to continue sailing with me!" "

Listen to this....

Fire Fist Ace and the others were overjoyed, and said in unison: "Yes, Dad!! "

Sonic boom!

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