Solon: "A knife flow..." Monet

was horrified: "It's going to be cut!"

Solon swung his knife, Monet was torn in half, and he whispered like a beast: "Great shock! "

It's a very visually striking scene....

Extremely aesthetically pleasing!

But Monet, who was torn in half, did not die!

She is a Snow Fruit ability, nature!

Solon's blow just now was not attached to the domineering and could not hurt her.

She struggled to get up, her face angry: "Damn, unexpectedly... Small... Underestimate me!! "

She wanted elemental restoration....


What shocked her was!

Solon's completely domineering knife tore her apart, and she couldn't even recover!

"How is it possible!"

The snow woman was terrified....

How could there be such a thing!

The powerhouses of the four seas who watched this scene also wanted to know why!

As we all know....

Only domineering and sea lou stones are effective against nature....

But Solon's domineering is useless....

Why can't Monet the Snow Woman recover!

But the light curtain picture is so far....

No one couldn't help but curse!

Just whetted their appetite!

The result is gone in a blink of an eye!

This behavior is really abominable!

Bitter hatred!

"Roronoa Solon's second story seems to be another thing that happens in the future!"

"Will the Straw Hats go against Doflamingo?"

"What a fussy guy!"

In the previous video....

They already knew!

Straw Hat Luffy and his gang will make a big fuss about Cake Island!

Didn't expect this video!

They found out again that Luffy the Straw Hat would be up against Doflamingo!


"The Straw Hats..."

has always been watching the lively Doflamingo for the first time to feel, what is called eating melons to eat themselves!

His face was gloomy....

In the video just now....

He has already seen that Monet the Snow Woman is cornered by Solon....

Dare to do something to his family, unforgivable!

"However, after watching so many pretend people, the pirate hunter is indeed the most miserable one in pretending!"

"But the phrase 'nothing' is shocking enough!"

"What does this have to do with us, I only know that the strong people on this sea, pretending to be forced is really different, wonderful!"

These two pretend images of Solon....

The first one was really tragic!

The second....

That's really handsome!

Like a biting beast!

He didn't even use domineering, and he scared a natural ability person with only his breath to the point that his ability was unstable, and he couldn't move, waiting to be cut!

Really handsome!

"Big news, the Straw Hats and gang will actually stand on the same front as the Navy, and their enemy is actually Qiwu Haido Flamengo!"

"This is really amazing, the news revealed by this light curtain is too terrifying, hehe, the world government/government is afraid that it can't sit still!"

Such a terrifying light curtain....

It can even predict the future....

The world government/government can never be calm!

This existence....

Absolutely affect their prestige and shake the foundation of their rule!

[Seventh place scene maker: Roronoa Solon

] [Reason for listing: Others pretend to be handsome, I almost lost a life by pretending to be forced, really take life to pretend]

Good guy!

As soon as this reason for making the list came out!

Yamaji bent over directly with a smile!

"Hahaha, road idiot swordsman, have you heard, pretend to be life, this evaluation is too much in line with your character!"

"Alas, this is on the list, the experience between people is also different, there is no comparison!"

He looked regretful....

Seeing this, Solon gritted his teeth angrily, "It's as if you pretend to be very glorious, it's not the same as losing half a life!"

"Compared to me, you are only half a pound and eight taels!"

For the daily stirring of two!

The people on board are used to it!

Audiences from all over the world....

But also Sauron's evaluation made me laugh!

It's okay to take life pretend!

Although it is!

But no way!

Solon's second famous scene pretending to be forced, that is really handsome!

But the first famous scene is also really shocking!

Each has its own merits!

It immediately made people remember Solon as a person!

Will pretend, but also responsible!

"What will be his reward!"

The thing that everyone is most looking forward to is the reward that the corresponding person will receive after the famous scene!

So far....

Everyone did not have the slightest doubt about the ability of the light curtain....

There are not many people who do not want to make the list!

No way!

Because the rewards given by this light curtain are too much!

Since both the living and the dead can do it....

Then what else can't be done!

And most importantly....

This light curtain is really good at things!

Just a few videos!

It's already a mess of this sea!

Careerists, very much hope that the light curtain will continue to do things!

[Congratulations, pirate hunter Roronoa Solon, unlock the famous scene, please claim your reward

] [Reward 1, gain the strength to become the world's number one swordsman, complete your dream

] [Reward 2, choose a regret at will, make up for it]

The sound of the light curtain sounds....

The footage was also broadcast to Solon in real time!

"Roar, roar, those two beauties behind Solon are so beautiful, that is the little thief cat Nami, the son of the devil, Nicole Robin, I can do it again!"

"Which one will the pirate hunter choose?"

"This is still to think, of course, to complete the dream, what regrets can he have, the only regret is not to become the world's number one swordsman!"

Everyone's focus is different!

There are LSPs staring straight at Nami, Nicole Robin, who are hotly dressed, and staring at drooling!

There is also speculation about which reward Solon will choose!

"I always feel that the choice of pirate hunters will not be the same as we think!"

So said a certain 'prophet'.

"What? Does he really want to fill his regrets and don't want the strength of the world's first great sword hao? "

Some people were shocked and felt a little unbelievable!

That is the strength of the world's first great sword hao, and the pirate hunter actually does not choose...

They can't figure it out!

This time!

Solon in the picture looked over, his only eye flashed with affirmative essence, and the corners of his mouth rose: "I choose to complete regret and resurrect one of my childhood friends!" "

As soon as he said this!

The four seas are shocked!

"He actually chose to make up for ?!! regrets"

"No, he's not crazy!"

At this moment, everyone really can't understand!

Why is it so far!

Is the position of the world's number one sword hao fragrant!

But on the island of Krajecana!

Hawkeye looked at Solon's choice, but couldn't help but show a smile of approval!

"Only a truly strong person will not disdain to accept this kind of charity-like power!"

"The world's number one sword hao is fought out, not given!"

"Roronoa Solon, you didn't disappoint me!"

This is the man he approves!

Far away in the windmill village....

Frost Moon Sword Hall!

"Solon, is that childhood friend in your mouth her?"

This man, who has been smiling all the time and doesn't care about his own affairs, is finally moved!

His eyes trembled slightly, his heart accelerated unconsciously, and there was anticipation in his eyes....

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