Other people's introductory words are not all praise, but at least they will not introduce black history!

But as soon as he came out, this introduction was good....

Directly marked his black history!

Isn't this a direct disgrace to him!

That's it!

Originally, I didn't know that he was the first person to lose the qualification of the Seven Wuhai, but this time I also knew it!


More people will know!

He was defeated by the fledgling Straw Hat Luffy!

His face....

It's not easy to put it now!

Klockdar doesn't have to think about it, the people who laugh at him behind his back are definitely a lot of them now!


Krajekana Island, among the castles....

Hawkeye looked at the introduction on the light curtain, squinting slightly, if he remembered correctly, Klockdar's first words were said to him in the top battle!

And the reason why I said this....

It seems to be to save Luffy the straw hat who is being 'hunted down' by him!

"Seems kind of interesting!"

He whispered....

The video in this light curtain is still good to pass the time!

The screen starts playing!

From the beginning, it was a place of chaos!

Klockdar was bleeding from his head, with a cigar in his mouth, and his face was unhappy, and behind him, there was Luffy the straw hat!

Klockdar spoke, extremely impatient: "You're too much of a hindrance, straw hat boy!" "

Get out!"

Sounds pretty unkind to Luffy!


As long as anyone who has watched the live broadcast of the top battle knows it!

Klockdar actually saved Straw Hat Luffy!

Because a few seconds before Klockdar struck....

Straw Hat Luffy is being chased and killed by Hawkeye and running around!

"But one thing to say, Klockdar really exudes domineering all over his body!"

"That's right, this kind of person pretends to be forced, it is absolutely first-class!"

Someone commented out loud....

It's a pity that Klockdar can't hear it, otherwise, he would be quite happy!

In the picture!

"Why stop me, Klockdar!"

Hawkeye asked with a knife, his tone indifferent!

But Klockdar was still like that, with an unhappy look and said, "I'm in a super unhappy mood now, you give me care, Hawkeye!" "


Hawkeye's gaze was cold, and he slashed at him with a swing of his knife!

He's Hawkeye....

Don't be insulted!


This is the end of the first scene....

"I*, I still want to see the battle between Klockdar and Hawkeye, and the result is gone?"

"Good guys, you guys are really professional!"

It's equivalent to taking off your pants, but you only show me Peppa Pig!

"Although I am not happy, I still want to say that watching others pretend to be forced, it is really fulfilling!"

"Fart, what sense of accomplishment to watch others pretend to force you!"

In the light curtain....

There are voices from people from all over the world, and the picture they are in now!

When the video is not playing, everyone in the world can connect with each other in real time and communicate....

"Obviously, Klockdar's forced pretense is very successful!"

"Indeed, there are not many people who dare to say this to Hawkeye!"

Everyone quite agrees with this forced by Klockdar!

The light curtain lit up....

The screen continues!

The scene suddenly came to a desert!

Klockdar appeared....

Calm and relaxed....

Holding a cigar, it seems that the sun in this desert has no effect on him!

And across from him!

Straw Hat Luffy was looking at Klockdar with a shocked expression....

And then....

The face turned into anger!

"Is that you guy, who has harmed Vivi's country, I'm going to beat you off!"

He drank loudly and was determined!

Next moment!

He rushed straight over just like that!

Punches rain out....

Fist Hit Klockdar!

Klockdar just stood there without moving....

The body was smashed out of the bunkers....

The ability of the natural system is elemental, and it is impossible to hit the entity without using domineering!

Face Luffy's fist rain...

Klockdar looked calm and didn't even put Luffy in his eyes!



"Give up, Straw Hat Luffy, the gap in strength between you and me is too big, you want to save this country from me, you are not qualified enough..."

Klockdar waved his hand, "Desert Saber!" "

A sand blade shot out....

Cut through the desert and frightened Straw Hat Luffy to quickly dodge!

"Give you three minutes to beat me, and after three minutes you will not be accompanied!"

Looking at the Straw Hats who dodged their own blow, Klockdar said.

With contemptuous eyes and a proud tone, he didn't regard Straw Hat Luffy as an opponent at all, just like a child playing a game.

These words!

Naturally infuriated Straw Hat Luffy....

He's striking again!

Took out all the might....

The fist rain is dense, and the legs are whipped heavily!

But in a pity!

In front of those with natural abilities, it has no effect!

That's it!

Three minutes passed....

"It's time, Straw Hat Luffy, goodbye!"

Klockdar slapped the ground with a palm: "Desert sunflower!" "


The desert beneath Straw Hat Luffy's feet shook!

Collapsed with a bang!

Like a swamp, it didn't give Straw Hat Luffy a place to land at all, and devoured him!

The whole desert....

Only Klockdar was left on his long journey!

As if to say: how lonely is invincible!


End in Klockdar's back!


"Damn, he is so good at pretending, he pretended to be it!"

"Ahhhh, how can it be like this, where did you all learn the art of pretending, it's too good!"

After watching Klockdar's pretend video!

Everyone just wants to say....

Someone who can be on the pretend list!

It's really not easy!

It's so pretending!

"But it's a pity that Klockdar immediately explained to us what it means to pretend to be retributed!"

I don't know who came to such a sentence, which immediately ignited everyone's enthusiasm for discussion!

"Hahaha, this big brother, you are also too damaged, you are not afraid that Klockdar will ask you for an explanation!"

"Indeed, Klockdar pretended to be forced against Luffy the straw hat with his front foot, and he defeated him on his back foot, which is really a bit of a slap in the face!"

"Hahaha, what does this tell us, there is no strength to pretend to be forced, pretend to be struck by lightning!"


Klockdar was originally in a good mood after watching his pretend video!


When he turned around, someone said something about the black history that he was defeated by Straw Hat Luffy, and his face suddenly turned black again!

Which pot does not open which pot!

These people really can't get by with his black history!

Don't go too far!

He glanced at the people who had spoken the most just now and remembered their faces!

Laugh at him!

Take its toll!

"Alas, also a poor baby!"

Sengoku shook his head, looking like he had pity for Klockdar!


Judging by the look on his face!

It's a bit of a schadenfreude no matter how you look at it!


Klockdar finally pretended to be forced, and as a result, he was slapped in the face!

Is it easy for him!

The old face is gone!

The 'mercy' of the Warring States, Klockdar saw it too!

For the first time, he felt!

This light curtain is so abominable!

It's just a pity....

He can't destroy this thing!

Because there is no entity at all....

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