"I don't think that's quite true, forget the yellow ape guy in Marko's video, I think he has a lot of potential to pretend!!"

There are also people who speak for the Navy!

"Forget about him so much, we'll just wait to watch the video!"

Some people think that other people are bothered!

The Navy is not on the list, what does it have to do with them!

And they can't decide who makes the list!

"In other words, what do you think is the origin of this light curtain!"

"I think it may be the product of the ability of a Devil Fruit ability!"

"It is estimated that the navy should be in the process of a quick inquiry!"

"Speaking of which, the World Zheng Mansion should be very unable to sit still at the moment, after all, the appearance of this thing is quite challenging their authority!"

"Che, what authority do they have!"

The sea has many opinions!

Because of the existence of this light curtain!

The sea is really lively!

Many characters related to the video have different actions!

For example, Monet the Snow Woman!

She remembered Solon deeply!

Don't conflict with this guy!

And Kurozu Yamaji....

He asked Jepp to be careful of the people of the Vince Mock family!

And the people of the Vince Mock family!

I have already started to contact BIGMOM in advance, and I want to ally with them and strengthen my power!

As for Blackbeard!

The forces are constantly shrinking, and the whole equipment is fighting!

The enemy is Whitebeard!

Blackbeard couldn't be too careful!

And Whitebeard!

He's sorting out centaurs!

After the top battle, because of his sacrifice, the Whitebeard Pirates scattered and walked away in order to avoid the enemy, or for other reasons

The overall number of people is constantly decreasing, and it is already less than five hundred!

Now he is back again....

Naturally, it is necessary to reunite the former children and re-form the sphere of influence!


You can see a field of ships, all converging towards the Whitebeard Pirates' station, Moby Dick Island, an island in the shape of a whale!

For this....

The top command of the Navy turned pale!

The origin of the light curtain is mysterious, making them fearful!

Now here comes another whitebeard!

Everyone feels that the future is a little gray!

The top of the Navy is worried....

The five old stars are even more worried!

It's been a long time, and nothing can make them so worried!

For this light curtain!

They hated it in their hearts!

If it weren't for this mysterious light curtain, how could they have fallen into such a situation!

"It's abominable!"

A five-old star slapped the table and stood up, quite angry: "Why do pirates pretend to be famous, and my navy doesn't have one, does this light curtain think that my navy has no one!" "

He is extremely unbalanced in his heart!

The light curtain counted eleven pretend famous scenes!

But there is not a single navy person inside!

This is also too biased in favor of pirates!

It's a monster!

If he couldn't touch the entity of this light curtain, he wanted to ask if he had an opinion about their navy!

Just when he was angry!

The light lights up and the light curtain appears!

[Inventory of Fifteen Famous Scenes in Pirate World (Part II)

] [Twelfth Costume Scene: Have You Been Kicked by Light]

Look at this sentence!

The five old stars were stunned....

Who is this, talking so rampantly!

And then!

He suddenly reacted!

People who can attack with light!

It seems that there is only ...

Just at this time!

The character introduction appears!

[Character introduction: He is lazy and always looks like he can't lift his spirit

] [He is one of the top combat forces in the sea, one of the three admirals of the navy, with the fruits of nature, shocking the world]

After reading the character introduction!

This five old stars can be determined....

This person is the one he guessed!

Admiral of the Navy headquarters, Yellow Ape Borusalino!

Sengoku: "It's really on the list!" "

He couldn't believe it....

How is all this so dreamy!

He just spit on it for a short time!

As a result, the Navy was on the list right away!

The yellow ape who was in a meeting next to him directly raised his hand in surrender and said, "Arala, this is troublesome, I didn't expect the old man to be on the list!"

When Sakaski heard this, he snorted coldly: "It should have been like this a long time ago!" The

tone is much lighter than before!

"No, there are really people on the Navy side on the list!"

"It was actually the yellow ape on the list, and when he said this, I witnessed it with my own eyes in the Chambord Islands!"

"Is it so exciting, the pirates are on the list here, and now it's the navy's turn?"

People from all over the world also discussed it again because of the video played by this light curtain!

Do you say!

The first eleven videos are all pirates!

And the last four videos are all navy?

It's kind of magical!

It's really arranged!

"Yellow Ape!"

Wano Country!

Somewhere patrolling!

One of the real fights of the Hundred Beast Pirates, magician Hawkins looked at the light curtain in front of him, and a strong light flashed in his eyes.

This pretend video!

The yellow ape pretends to be forced!

He was beaten!

That's not a glorious thing!


It's time to play!

At this moment, the entire Navy is looking forward to it!

They are looking forward to the yellow ape's pretense, and they are also looking forward to the yellow ape's reward!

Narrator: October 1520 in the Sea Garden calendar, Chambord Islands....

The beginning of the picture!

Just in front of a square, a group of missionary-like people were looking at the tall, yellow-striped lazy man in front of them with a panicked face!

He also panicked and reminded a blonde man who was divining not far away: "Please, run away, Captain Hawkins!"

The blonde man who was reminded was unmoved and continued to divination.

"Battle, defeat rate 100%!"

"Escape, success rate 12%!"

And just as he was divination, the man in the 'justice' robe and a yellow striped suit spoke: "May I excuse me, I'm looking for a man named Zhan Momomaru!"

Hawkins ignored it and continued divination: "Defense, avoidance rate 76%!" Seeing

that Hawkins ignored himself, the man in the yellow striped suit 'feeded' again, and Hawkins finally replied: "I don't know that person, you go find someone else!" "

Divination is complete!

Two people!

It's all so breezy!

But everyone watching this scene just wanted to say: This Hawkins can really pretend to be forced, and he doesn't change his face in the face of the general, and he actually doesn't run away, is he so fierce?

Oh, yes!

When others face the general, which one is not panicked and fleeing!

Hawkins poured good!

Leisurely divination, not at all afraid of this yellow-striped man in front of him - the general Yellow Ape!

"Maybe this guy really has confidence, otherwise how could he be so calm!"

Some speculated.

But if Hawkins knew what they thought!

He would probably say!

I thank you for looking up to me so much!

You think I don't want to escape?

I want to too!

Who does not panic in the face of the general!

But the yellow ape is in front of him, can he escape?

There is no escape!

Am I looking calm?

I'm panicking!

In the picture!

Yellow Ape: "That's not okay, I have to find him!"

He tilted his head, as if looking at his prey: "But I'm more idle now..." "

At this time, I can't let go of you as a bounty criminal, right!"

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