"Finally, I don't have to endure the pain of that little house anymore!"

For the first time, Su Yang felt...

No mosquitoes, no humidity, so comfortable!


"It's time to start working on the next video!"

Su Yang got up, cleaned the room, and sat down at the computer....

"What's next?" Top 10 masters? Pretend failure highlights? Or the top 10 famous knives?

Su Yang thought for a while, and suddenly showed a bad smile: "Hehe, it's better to do something!" "

His hand typed out a line of words on the keyboard - 'Voyager King' tear-jerking instant highlights!


"Just do it, let's cry together!"

He started collecting material!

The materials he remembered were naturally found immediately!

As for whether there is anything I don't remember....

Just look slowly on the Internet, enthusiastic netizens, will always give him corresponding reminders and suggestions!

Busy for most of the hour....

Eight tearjerker moments have been sorted!

"So much for now, no more, I'm afraid I'll be too depressed!"

"The background music is 'I've thought about it a hundred,' which is quite appropriate!"

After constructing the corresponding framework....

Su Yang began to devote himself to editing!

Editing is something that requires patience and thought....

Take it easy!

No rush!


Pirate World!

An earth-shattering news spread rapidly in the sea!

"What, Blackbeard, one of the Four Emperors, disbanded the pirate group and disappeared?"

"It is said that most of their pirate group has joined the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and now Hundred Beast Kaido is the strongest four emperors who deserve it!"

"Shhh! How so, how do I feel that the end is coming! "

Blackbeard disbanded the pirate group and strengthened the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, which made many people quite uneasy!

"It's not good!!"

"In the first half of the Great Voyage, the towns of many countries were burned and plundered by pirates, suffered heavy losses, and panicked in groups!"

"The garrison of the Chambord Islands requested emergency support, and many vicious pirates appeared ready to join the Hundred Beast Pirates!"

If the Blackbeard Pirate Group is disbanded and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group grows, it will only be disturbing!


When this news came, it immediately caused panic in the entire sea!


The pirates have no scruples anymore!

Already started doing whatever you wanted!

The deterrent front built by the Navy can be declared over!


After Sakaski knew about this!

Furious to the sky!

He never imagined that the pirates were so fast and bold!

So fast!

None of the troops they sent out had already reached their respective locations, and this had already happened!

"Marshal, it's not good!"

"Our many key branches in the New World have been attacked by the Hundred Beast Pirates, Vice Admiral Smogg, Lieutenant General Battyu, Lieutenant General Ghost Spider, Lieutenant General Dauberman, and several Giant Lieutenant Generals have suffered heavy damage!"

Bad news one after another....

Sakaski's face was instantly gloomy like ink, and his body was gurgling with magma...

It's like a silent volcano is about to erupt!

"Marshal, bad news!"

"The revolutionary army took this opportunity to capture two countries in the New World: Tros and Babajis, cutting off our ties with a number of key allied countries."

"The member countries are severely condemning us for being slow and will sue us at the upcoming World Conference of the Zheng Mansion!!"

This news....

Undoubtedly exacerbated Sakaski's anger again!

"Marshal, there is even more bad news!"

Lieutenant General Squirrel walked in, "The Hundred Beast Pirate Group has newly added two powerful pirates, and even if I wait to deal with it, it will be difficult to take advantage!"

"Moreover, according to the situation before the fall of some branches, it was far more than the Hundred Beast Pirate Group that attacked us."

"Perhaps, there are still a few strong people of the old times!"

Hearing this, Sakaski looked up, "Who?"

The squirrel had a solemn face: "Golden lion, Devil's descendant Douglas Barrett!" Hearing

these two names, Sakaski's pupils shrank, but before he could speak, the phone worm directly connected to the five old stars on the table rang.

"I'm Sakaski, what's going on!"

It will certainly not be a simple matter to let the five old stars call directly.

"Zefa appeared and stole the explosive rock of the New World scientific research base, this guy wants to detonate the submarine volcano of the entire New World and destroy the New World!"

The voice of the five old stars was quite heavy, and Sakaski's heart was even heavier when he listened!

What is eventful?

And here it is!

The house leak coincides with the overnight rain!

That's what it means, bad news comes one after another!

It's really time for the Navy to storm!

There are too many threats from the outside!

"Sakaski, the situation seems to be more serious than we thought!"

Sengoku walked in, and under the respectful gazes of the generals, he said: "At present, we only have strong men breaking their wrists and shrinking their forces to deal with the threat!"

"The revolutionary army will definitely be a help for us and have a certain role in resisting pirates!"

"The Four Emperors, Whitebeard, Redhead, these two guys are not particularly interested in territorial expansion!"

"But Kaido, bigmom may definitely make a move on the territory of these two, and we can see the opportunity to act when the time comes!"

"Maybe it can save a certain decline!"

Sengoku took a deep breath: "I'm just suggesting, how to do it specifically, we may need to have a high-level meeting!"

"Going directly to Mary Joa, the five old stars can no longer sit still, and the Draco side is very emotional, asking us to ensure the safety of their scattered members first!"

Hearing this, Sakaski couldn't help but clench his fists, this group of Draco will make trouble for them!

"Then do as you say, Sengoku-san!"

Sakaski rejoices, fortunately, although the Warring States are retired, they are still in the Navy!


Relying on him alone, he is categorically unable to decide so many things quickly and accurately!

Above the sea....

An unprecedented mess has appeared!

Deterrent power of the Navy!

It can be said that it has been reduced to a minimum!

Countless rampant pirates, acting recklessly!

More originally good people!

It was also stimulated to have evil thoughts in my heart!

Then plunge into this burning and plunder!



Woo~" The hearty laughter of the pirates and the terrified cries of the people turned into a sad song, playing everywhere in the sea!

"New World, my Blackbeard will go back one day!"

Chambord Islands....

Blackbeard looked in the direction of the new world, his face grim to himself.

He was hunted down!

But it's not just the people of the Whitebeard Pirates who hunted him down!

And the people of the Hundred Beast Pirates!

The people of the Whitebeard Pirates hunted him down to take revenge!

And the Hundred Beast Pirate Group is for the two devil fruits on his body!

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