The screen turns....

Choiba finally learns the fact that Shiruluk is terminally ill!

That's how he understood!

Shiruluk didn't really want to drive him away!

Just don't want him to see himself dead!

"Can't let the doctor die, can't!"

Choiba through unremitting efforts....

Finally, in a book, I found a 'Ami mushroom' that can treat all diseases....


It's a shame....

He interpreted the skull symbol next to Ami Utake as a symbol of miracle!

That's it!

He embarks on a journey to find Amee mushrooms!

He looked for a lot of places....


He was even close to the herd!

The leader of the deer herd has already kicked him away!

But this time!

He didn't run away anymore....

He pushed back with his horns!



Blood direct....

Blurred flesh and blood!

No matter what, this time he can't retreat!

He has reasons why he has to move forward....

At last!

The horn is broken....

Also seriously injured!

He finally defeated the leader of the deer herd and found Amee Mushroom!

He propped up his badly wounded and bleeding body, and knocked on the door of Shiruluk's room with Amioushroom, which it regarded as a miracle!

He held up the Ami mushroom and said with hope: "You don't want to die, you have to live, doctor..."

Shiruluk looked at Qioba in disbelief: "Did you pick this for me!"

"I want to be a doctor, you teach me how to be a doctor, so that I can also fight, just like a pirate!"

Seeing that Shiruluk did not answer, Qioba smiled lonely and lowered his head: "Sure enough, reindeer can't be a doctor!"

Shiruluk cried and hugged Qioba: "Of course you can, you can be, you can be!"

"You'll be a good doctor!"


How much suffering did Choiba go through to pick this ami mushroom!


This kind little reindeer doesn't know....

The Ami mushroom in his hand not only has no way to save Shiruluk, but will hasten his death!

He doesn't know....

Kindness can heal diseases, but it cannot save people's hearts!

Shiruluk knew that Ami mushrooms were poison, but he resolutely drank the mushroom soup and praised: "It's so delicious, thank you, Joba!"

"Hahaha, I have more energy to study a miracle cherry blossom, I can save this country!"

Choiba is happy....

He finally didn't have to separate from the doctor!


The truth will always be revealed one day!

The screen turns....

At Shiruluk's friend Kureha....

Qiao Ba happily held up the Ami mushroom and said, "He drank this medicine, so it's already fine!" "

But Kureha changed his complexion....

Amee mushroom, highly toxic!

How could it possibly save Shiruluk!

But Qioba didn't know, and said happily: "Because it is a panacea, his disease has improved, and the doctor also feels energetic!"

"He will definitely save the country!"

"I will also learn from the doctor in the future, how to make one..."

It was flown away by Kureha!

"You stupid reindeer, that kind of

mushroom is..." Kureha burst into tears: "That mushroom is highly poisonous."

"As long as you take a bite, you won't even live for half a day!"

Choba's pupils contracted violently....

"It's impossible, I've checked the book carefully..." Joba

sat up in disbelief...

"Although I lost that book, it is definitely a universal mushroom that can cure everything!"

"The skeleton represents a miracle, isn't it, next to Ami Wu Mushroom, there is also a similar skull drawn, and the doctor also said that his illness is much better!"

"He can't die, you must be lying to me!"

It's not so much that Choiba is a rebuttal!

It is better to convince himself to accept the sad news that Shiruluk is about to die because of his 'stupid intentions'!

Kuleiha lowered his head, and his voice was depressed: "He is very happy that you have this intention, the skull represents poison!" "

You're lying!"

Choiba drank!

"I didn't lie to you, remember well, there is no panacea for all diseases in this world, that's why doctors are needed!"

Kuleiha shouted: "Listen, only kindness cannot save people!"

"If you want to save people, you must have the corresponding knowledge and medical skills, and you can't save anyone without technology!"

Speaking of which!

Choiba finally broke down and cried!

The picture turns again!

Even if life is close to extinction!

But when he heard that there was a patient in the kingdom, Shiruluk still resolutely went forward.

Even if you find out that you have been deceived!

He just said happily: "Great, so there are no patients?" "

As for the front, the soldiers who lured him to get rid of him, he turned a blind eye!

"I thought something was wrong in this country!"

He cried happily: "Why, it turns out that only I have been deceived?" "

All the guards, shocked by him, speechless!

"When will man die?"

"Is it when the heart is pierced by a pistol?"

"It's not..."

"When you have an incurable disease?"

"Nor is it!"

"When you drink poisonous mushroom soup?"

"Nor is it!"

"It's when the world forgets!"

Grab a glass of wine....

Honor yourself, honor this life that is about to be saved: "Wow, my life is so beautiful!" "

When the words fell, he pulled the bomb on his body....

Only a black hat fell on Choba, who rushed to save Shiruluk.


"Please, Dr. Kureha, I want to make myself a panacea, a doctor who can cure any disease, a doctor who can cure even the country's disease!"

"Because, because, there is no incurable disease in this world!"

In the snowy night, Choiba waved Shiruluk's cherry blossom pirate flag, crying and begging....

Later later!

Qioba ushered in the light on the road of life - the Straw Hats!

"Although I don't know whose pirate flag this is, this is a flag that carries the oath of life..." In

the face of the fierce artillery fire of the magnetic drum kingdom Wapol, Straw Hat Luffy did not dodge, and protected the flag that carried the good memories of Shiruluk and Choba, as well as the oath, and held him steady, "He is not standing here casually!"

"This is not a flag that hip-hop people like you can break casually!"

Luffy's fierce drink was so deafening that it hit Qioba's heart deeply!

"Choba, you have a partner!"

Luffy gulped, and he slammed into Wapole, "We are your partners!" "

Magnetic Drum Kingdom's disease, cure him!!"

"Qioba, you are the best doctor!!"

The firmness of the young man....

Qioba burst into tears, and once again he seemed to see Dr. Shiruluk, he was smiling, as if to say, "Haha, the disease of the magnetic drum kingdom is cured, Qioba, you are amazing!" "

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