In the middle of the scene.

Suddenly fell silent.

There are many people who already have the answers!


They are not sure if the people they summarize are all the correct answers!

Because no one gave them a test mine.


No one knows how is wrong and how is right.

Everyone doesn't want to be the first bird!


That's it!

The tycoons of the sea, you look at me, I look at you, and they did not give an answer.

They are all waiting for each other's answers!

[Please answer within five minutes, if no one answers, you will be automatically disqualified from answering]

The light curtain did not give everyone a chance to hesitate for too long.

This made everyone who was still ready to drag it down have to dismiss this idea.


Someone pressed the preemptive answer button.

Everyone looked.

It's Mondol of the Bigmom Pirates!

Facing everyone's gaze....

Mondor is also calm.

The reason why he pressed the button is also quite simple.

The whole sea....

Most of the forces have already been rewarded.

They alone are the same.

I haven't received any rewards yet.

This made them, as one of the four emperors, somewhat faceless.


This time, I don't care if it's right or not.

Answered before speaking.

What if you get it right?

[Mr. Mondor, please answer]

The light curtain sounded, and everyone's attention also turned to Mondor.

Someone calms down.

Someone taunted.

There are also people who frown.

People who frown at this time....

Only people who are also members of the Bigmom family.

Like Kataku chestnut.

Although he understood Mondor's thoughts, he still felt that Mondor was a little too reckless.

To make this budding bird, there is no need at all!

"The parties to the confrontation are the Navy side, the Blackbeard side, and the red-haired pirate group and the remnants of the white-bearded pirate group."

"Among them, the naval side is the naval hero Karp, the marshal of the navy and the warring states."

"Blackbeard's side is Blackbeard Tichy, martial arts champion Bashas, and other accomplices."

"The red-haired pirates are Red-Haired Shanks, Deputy Captain Ben Beckman."

"The remnants of the Whitebeard Party are the immortal bird Marko, Foil Bista."

"Answer complete."

After Mondor finished speaking, he looked at the light curtain.

He knows.

Most of your own answers are unlikely to be correct.

But he was just a demonstration for the Katakuri people.

Since he's wrong....


Unlike him, there is a chance to get the right answer.

Everyone also looked at the light curtain, and some were quite nervous, afraid that Mondol would answer correctly.

[Wrong answer]

As Mondor himself expected.

He answered incorrectly.

This was not unexpected.

He had already prepared accordingly.


The frenzied thunder and lightning slammed down, and Mondol had already prepared, and the book fruit ability was launched, and the thunder and lightning were loaded in.

[Please continue to answer, no one to rush to answer within five minutes will be regarded as nullified]

The sound of the light curtain reminded again, which made the group of powerful people very stressed.




One after another, there are various strengths to answer, such as the Navy Warring States, the Revolutionary Army Dorag, and the red-haired Pirates' Beckman....

But rather a pity....

None of the answers were right.

This made a group of powerful people quite a blow....

So many of them answered, and none of them answered correctly.

What exactly is the correct answer?


At this time....

Katakuri successfully snatched the answer....

???Please answer, Your Excellency

Katakuri???The appearance of Katakuri has attracted the attention of many people.

The head of the three stars, the number two speaker in bigmom, and the top powerhouse in the sea, it is difficult for Katakuri not to attract attention.

"The characters of the confrontation are the naval hero Karp on the naval side, and the marshal of the navy Sengoku."

"Blackbeard side Blackbeard Tichy, fighting champion Bashas."

"And the red-haired Shanks of the Red-Haired Pirates, Deputy Captain Ben Beckman."

"I'm done."

Listen to Katakuri this answer....

Many people's eyebrows move slightly, will this be the answer?

How does it feel a little unreal?

Several people who answered incorrectly before.

Indeed, some people have removed the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Because they weren't involved.


Indeed, no one thought to get rid of these people such as Rain no Xiliu, the Evil King.

Because the entire Blackbeard gang is involved.

But the answer is all wrong.

"Is Katakuri really right?"

A group of powerful people looked at the light curtain, wanting to know the final result.

???Correct answer

??????Congratulations, Katakuri, please choose your reward???


As soon as this result came out, the scene boiled directly.

It was actually Katakuri who answered like this.

[Reward 1: Technique to obtain half of the bloodline factor of Jerma 666

] [Reward 2: Gain one-tenth of the strength of any family member]

and listen to the reward obtained by Katakuri.

Many of the powerful are also breathing, and their eyes are full of greed.

What is the biggest reason they participated in this prize contest?

It's not just to get rewards and get a boost in strength.

Above this sea....

As long as you have strength, what are you afraid you won't get?


"Please improve the strength of your mother Charlotte Lingling."

Katakuri's choice, as always, is simple and straightforward.

Hear about Katakuri's choice.

Bigmom, who had been quiet, couldn't help but smile.

Worthy of his son....

It is to know what is called profit maximization.

Bigmom was instantly illuminated by a white light, and its momentum was climbing rapidly.

It was only after reaching the second strongest in the field that it was able to stop.

As for who is the first?

Hundred Beast Kaido.

"The worst fears happened."

Watch this scene....

Sengoku sighed.

"It seems that in the future, our old bones will continue to work."

The navy is extremely powerful now, in fact, even if BigMom is strengthened, they are not very panicked.

Because they can still live in the sea with shock.

But other forces....

That's not how I think about it.

The red-haired Shanks thought in his heart: "These two guys, what if the alliance is over?" "

It would definitely turn into a very headache.

When the time comes....

Maybe things happened in the Valley of the Gods again.

The navy and pirates, maybe they will join forces again.

[Question 2: Please tell me the reward amount of the road idiot attribute-related characters in the 'Special Attribute Character Collection']

Perhaps because the first question is too difficult.

This made the tyrants cautious.

Even if many people have already got the answer in an instant.

But they hesitated to verify the facts before answering.


It's late.

Because someone won't hesitate a little.


Someone rushed to answer.

Everyone looked at it, and then said 'broken'.

Questions like this....

I am most afraid of the appearance of related Buddha-figures.

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