
After a series of other battles, he chose to take the same position as the pirates when Doflamingo was ready to release the birdcage to strangle everyone inside.

When Solon, the pirate hunter, gritted his teeth and said, 'There is a wolf before there is a tiger', he stands on the same position as the pirate.

Jointly resist this terrifying birdcage that is approaching ordinary people.

After the end of the battle in Dressrosa.

He made another amazing move.

On behalf of the navy, kneel to King Riku and apologize for the harm done to the country by Nanabu Kaido Flamengo.

This scene was broadcast live by the whole world.

To say that it is a shame is naturally a shame, but Fuji Tora does not care.

And face the Straw Hats gang who saved the country of Dressrosa.

Knowing that they are pirates!

Fuji Hu used a word of providence to let go of the Straw Hats and the gang.

Because the justice of Tenghu is always towards the people.

As long as it is beneficial to the people, even if it is a pirate, it will distinguish between good and bad and make the choice that is best in the public interest.

On the road to upholding justice, Tenghu has always worked hard.

Because it comes from the people, I understand the people's demands better.

Fujitora's style of acting is completely different from the three major admirals in the past.

Of all the admirals, it is the most popular and pragmatic.

All actions that hurt the population will become his enemies.

Because he couldn't bear to look directly at the Zhuzhu in the world, evil, darkness and self-destruction.

But in order to maintain the only light in the world and stick to the position of light, he has made continuous efforts.

This is Fujitora....

A man who always upholds justice.

"Fujitora is too handsome in his life."

"Is this justice for the admiral? Moved.

"Long live the adults of your life."

"Thank you so much for guarding this sea."

Countless people were moved in an uproar.

Looking at Fujitora's face....

I can feel a sense of relief, and the fear in my heart involuntarily dissipates.

"Hmph, self-asserted guy."

Although Fujitora's series of efforts has greatly contributed to the image of the Navy.

But as soon as it is mentioned, Fuji Tiger led the sailors to kneel and apologize to King Riku.

Sakaski's face is still not very good-looking!

Fujitora is, after all, a senior admiral.

Even if you want to apologize, there is no need to be so humble.

Suyang here.

"It would be nice if there were more men like Fujitora in this world."

Su Yang sighed.

No matter what era it is, Fuji Tiger is the most loved by the people, no matter where it is.

The existence of such a man can definitely make the times more stable and stable.

"But the next strong person will probably be more interesting."

The playback of this video is not only watched by the people of the pirate world, Su Yang is actually watching it.

Videos, always everyone watches together to have a more atmosphere.

[The third of the ten strong: Admiral, Yellow Ape Borusalino

] [He is the 'old man' of the Navy who has always stuck to the post of Admiral

] [He is not much interested in fame and power, but silently guards the sea, and is sent to various places from time to time to carry out some urgent tasks

] [He is the most representative idler representative in the Navy

] [His justice is ambiguous and difficult to understand]

The screen starts playing.

When the people watched the video, the yellow ape Borusalino scratched his head with some headache, "This time, the reputation of the old man will be ruined." "

Just like the introducer said.

He is a very loose person, his style of doing things is ambiguous, he can't figure out right and evil, and he can't figure it out.

It's easily reminiscent of being undercover.

But his yellow ape only looks rambling.

Not a single thing that really needs to be done is missed.

He has always been doing things, but not like Fujitora and Sakaski, who have a strong style.

In the picture.

The 26-year-old Porus Salino, together with the green pheasant Kuzan, who was later the three admirals, and the red dog Sakaski, were the first students under the Black Fist Zefa.

He is also known as a monster by the world because of his outstanding strength.

But he is particularly incompatible with his teacher Black Fist Zefa.

Perhaps it is a disagreement between the loose character and the serious Zefa, or a conflict of ideas.

In short, the specific reasons are unknown.

On the sea that belonged to Roger's time, Borusalino slowly emerged, but at that time, there were already several scattered weather.

Perhaps as a subordinate of the Warring States, he was also influenced by the Warring States friend Karp.

He believes that if you want to be free, you don't really need such a high status, and too high a status will affect freedom.

We don't know why.

But Borusalino's rambling is becoming more and more obvious.

Maybe it's the parting of life and death.

Or maybe it's really talent.

Or maybe Brusalino is really smart.

In this turbulent era, in the endless talent of the navy, do not want to show their edge too much.

Therefore, he converged his heart and only showed people in a rambling image.


There is a good saying: the sky does not go your way.

Even though the yellow ape has the intention to use rambling to create a feeling that he is unreliable.

But because his strength was too tough, his qualifications were enough, and his record was strong enough, Borusalino eventually sat on the position of the three admirals of the navy.

His style of acting is more fatalistic.

When the yellow ape swaggered in front of everyone again, he had been in the position of admiral for many years.

And the first thing he did when he showed up was to deal with the incident of Draco being beaten.

After getting Straw Hat Luffy to make a big fuss about the auction and beat Draco.

Borusalino, who was drinking tea in the Sengoku office, took the initiative to ask for the first time to go to the Chambordi Islands to deal with the beating of Draco.

The reason why he took the initiative to ask for it is unknown.

Perhaps because at that time, there was only one admiral of the yellow ape on the side of the Warring States.

Or maybe the yellow ape feels too bored and wants to do something to pass the time.

But the yellow ape's efficiency and record in this matter are obvious to all.

In an extremely windy way, after stepping on a cannonball to land on the Chambord Islands, all the pirates on the island fled in embarrassment.

It can be imagined that the power of the yellow ape.

In order to effectively capture the pirates on the island, he distributed his warships evenly around the Chambord Islands, forming a complete encirclement.

And brought pacifists from the naval science troops, very efficiently catching pirates on the island.

Although in it, he also made a joke about using the monitoring phone bug as a contact phone bug.

But no matter how you look at it, it all seems like a little joke after controlling all the situation.

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