Few viewers knew this person.

Only the people of Sibro Village exclaimed: "Isn't this the pirate who tried to plot Miss Koya's property and then failed." "


The screen starts playing....

A very handsome photo of a man in a suit appeared on the light screen of the world.

"Well... It's so handsome.

"Such a man is actually a pirate? Aaaaa

"Love love, this is the type I like, polite and completely wild."

Countless female viewers went straight crazy.

Locke, this is also too handsome.


Five years before the top battle took place, because his strength became stronger and stronger, and his reputation spread farther and farther, Locke was targeted by more and more bounty hunters.

This annoyed him.


He decided to kill 'himself' during an encounter with the Navy.

He came to the warship alone and after killing most of the sailors....

Let his hypnotist 'Zango' hypnotize a sailor and make him think he is Locke.

And then....

Hypnotize another sailor Monka, let him grab 'Locke' with his own hands, and go back to the errand.

That's it....

Locke was killed, and Monka was promoted to branch colonel/colonel for this merit.

After getting out....

Locke came to the village of Sibro and chose the rich Koya family here.


Pretending that they had made a small mistake, the poor crew who drove off the ship deceived the trust of the Koya family.

And that....

Smoothly entered the Keya family and stayed to be a housekeeper.

In the next three years, he did his duty, and after the death of Kaya's parents, he still took good care of Miss Kaya.


This is all acting, all just to gain the trust of Keya and the villagers, and to facilitate their own acquisition of Keya's property.

Locke originally planned to assassinate Miss Koya, and then inherit the property of the Koya family and become a businessman.

And yet....

The arrival of Straw Hat Luffy....

Break his plans and sabotage his disguise.


Locke failed sadly.

"Huh? Improper pirates just to seek other people's property?

"Brother, are you going narrower this way?"

"Can this also be called a careerist?"

Didn't look before.

I thought he was a great person.

The result?

That's it?

Improper pirates, working hard to be a housekeeper, but also serving others for so long, just to seek other people's property?

That's a bargain.

Big brother....

You're a pirate.

"So, just a little pirate."

Someone scoffed.

How can it be possible if the pattern is so small.

"It's not unreasonable to be ranked at the end, such a small idea, you are still a pirate."

Someone taunted out loud.

"But if this guy opens up the pattern, he can mix well anywhere."

Su Yang here....

Looking at the video with his mobile phone, Su Yang sighed.

Locke's intelligence was high, on par with Beckman.

But Vanlocke is a little more ambitious, and there is more than that.

He acts ruthlessly and intelligently....

Isn't that what you need to do big?

Blackbeard absolutely loves this kind of person.

[Careerist Fifth Place: Vince Mock Gaji

] [Character introduction: When he was young, he belonged to the illegal research team MADS with Vegapunk, Quinn and other scientists, and dreamed of dominating the North Sea]

"Oh, finally a person with something to watch."

"Isn't this the king of Djerma 666?"

"His ambition is so big, he can only rank fifth? Who are the top four? "

Hahaha, I'm curious too."

Vince Mock Gaji's achievements are already so great....

It was actually ranked fifth, and the first four....

What level does it have to be?

It's so curious.

Vince Mock Gaji, known as the strange bird.

He used to be a scientist and mastered mature ancestry factor technology.

The dream is to let the kingdom of Djerma he established dominate the North Sea.

In order to achieve his dream, he loaded the blood factor technology on his wife's body....

Four perfect warriors were made:

Vince Mock Iji.

Vince Mock Niech.

Vince Mock Yuji.

and daughter Vince Mock Lejiu.

It doesn't matter how much harm this technique can do to his wife.

It can be said that it is extremely selfish, cold.

And for the last failed 'warrior' Vince Mock Sanji, it is completely treated as a failure.

Regardless of asking, let the three brothers bully.

Using ancestry factor technology....

He also created an inexhaustible supply of Jerma 66 fighters.

Strong in combat, without emotion, obedient to orders, does not know pain.

By this force....

He established the only maritime mobile kingdom 'Jerma 66', and created the great event of "killing the four countries of the North Sea", which became famous all over the world.

After dominating the North Sea, Gaji's ambitions swelled and he allied with Bigmom to make the Djerma 66' even stronger.

He has the characteristics of a careerist's arrogance and conceit, as well as the careerist's admiration of strength and ruthlessness.

Throw away 'useless' things such as kindness and compassion.

It's a pity....

There is not enough awareness of their own strength.

I chose to cooperate with people who should not cooperate, and I went into the mouth of the tiger myself.

Excessive arrogance and self-confidence made them almost die on Cake Island.

As a careerist, not very qualified.

[Evaluation: Strength is not enough to support ambition, excessive arrogance leads to failure]

"This time the careerist is still a little decent, there is a little bit of careerist feeling."

"Unfortunately, it's still not enough to look like a real careerist."

"The strength is indeed there, but it's a pity that it's too arrogant to see your positioning."

"Ranked fifth, it's really not wronged."

Just look at Vince Mock Gaji's introduction....

You can feel the aura of arrogance and selfishness, rushing to your face.

Few viewers have much affection for him.

If you really dominate the North Sea, you can be on an equal footing with the four emperors?


[Careerist fourth place: Hundred Beasts

Kaido] [Character introduction: rough on the surface, but in fact extremely shrewd]

"What, the four emperors Kaido can only rank fourth???????"

"No, Kaido is fourth, that's right."

"Are you sure you want to put Kaido in line with people like Vince Mock Gaji and Black Cat Locke?"

Many viewers have been able to imagine it....

How crazy Kaido must be at this moment.

Vince Mock Gaji and the Black Cat Locke....

Which of these two can enter Kaido's eyes?

This is not an insult to him Kaido.

Confuse with such people and lose your worth.


Sure enough....

At this moment, thunder and lightning filled the sky over the ghost island, and Kaido's wild drinking spread.

Kaido's lungs really exploded.

Actually ranked him fourth?

He Kaido as the four emperors, his ambition can only rank fourth?

I knew this....

It's better not to be on the list.

He also thought before....

Careerists, this kind of list must have its own.

Make the list yourself, and must be number one.

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