Pirates of the Dead

Chapter 60 Pirates Destroyed

In order to obtain more soul energy, Qin Ge obviously also fought hard. As soon as he shot, he launched a thunderous momentum, which not only coerced the pirates, but also deterred the rest of the students.

"Damn it!" Smog, who rushed to the pirate ship with the students, saw Qin Ge killing the pirates so fiercely, and his eyes couldn't help showing strong unwillingness. The thieves attacked.

Smog's action also woke up the other students at once, and at the same time, he shot quickly and attacked the other remaining pirates.

They were naturally shocked by Qin Ge's strength, but they didn't want to be swayed by Qin Ge because of their military merit.

"Come on, kill these navies!"

"Hmph, the mere pirates dare to be so arrogant, let you feel the power of justice!"


The students and the pirates fought fiercely. The former wanted to use the pirates to gain military merit, while the latter fought back to save their lives.

Tatata ~~~~!

The sound of hurried footsteps came out. Under the attack of the students, Qin Ge was naturally unwilling to be left behind. He jumped from the guardrail and landed on the broken deck, and at the same time rushed towards the nearest pirate like a cheetah.

At this moment, the long knife in Singer Qin suddenly turned into an afterimage and disappeared, like a flash of shocking light from the knife. Fly into the air.

Wind Slashing Sword~!

There were waves of air all over Qin Ge's body, and the slashes that were almost incomparable kept flashing. The pirates didn't even have a chance to react, they were already beheaded, leaving only the corpses on the ground.

"Give me death!"

Just as Qin Ge kept slashing through the crowd to kill the pirates, the sturdy pirate with a face full of flesh rushed over in a rage. Chopping with Qin Ge.

"Huh?! Pirate Bernie!" Qin Ge had an instant insight into the attack, and predicted it in advance under the domineering perception of seeing and hearing. He easily avoided the slash of the giant axe sideways, and at the same time opened the distance with a rise and fall, stared at each other.

When he saw the sturdy pirate who had cut a huge gap on the deck with an axe, Qin Ge's eyes flashed with light, but he immediately recognized that it was the captain of this group of pirates. Bernie with a bounty of eight million berries.

Although carrying a heavy giant axe, Bernie's arm strength is obviously extraordinary. The giant axe in his hand is like an ordinary person holding a dagger, and there is no effort at all.

After his own chop was dodged, Bernie was furious that he danced the axe wildly again, roaring and swept towards Qin Ge.

A cold light flashed in Qin Ge's eyes, and at the foot of his feet, his figure shot out like lightning.

Wind Slashing Sword~!

The shocking light of the sword flickered and disappeared at the same time, Qin Ge and Bernie passed by in an instant.

Qin Ge, who rushed out a few meters under inertia, stopped, turned indifferently and looked at the person behind him.

Bernie's body seemed to be stiff in place, his pupils were widened, but the luster in his eyes quickly dimmed, a blood line emerged from his neck, and the blood on his head was sprayed into the air.

The pirate who had offered a reward of 8 million beries was instantly killed by Qin Ge with one move, which undoubtedly fully proved Qin Ge's current strength.

Although he killed the strongest pirate in the pirate picture, Qin Ge didn't stop. Instead, he shot at the remaining pirates after a slight pause.

A fight only lasted less than a quarter of an hour and ended, and the result naturally ended in the victory of the students of the military academy of the headquarters.

Only less than 20 of the nearly 150 Mad Wolf Pirates survived, and the broken pirate ship was littered with bloody corpses.

In contrast, although some of the students with Zefa and a group of navy elites were injured, no one died. Obviously, the intention of this battle was that the students won a great victory.

Under the call of Zefa, all the students gathered on the deck again, but it can also be seen that the students who have fought and won the battle are very excited and happy.

Zefa also looked at the students with satisfaction, but when he saw the indifferent Qin Ge in the crowd, he couldn't help thinking of Qin Ge's performance just now.

Undoubtedly, in this battle, Qin Ge was definitely the most dazzling. He was extremely brave from the beginning, and even more than half of the entire Crazy Wolf Pirates were killed by Qin Ge.

In terms of military merit, Qin Ge's harvest is naturally the greatest in this battle.

However, what Zefa pondered was Qin Ge's methods in facing the pirates.

Killing pirates is naturally nothing. Although the navy mainly wants to capture evil pirates, it will never show any mercy towards these pirates.

The problem is that Qin Ge didn't spare a single pirate in this battle. As long as the pirates he was targeting were all killed, there was no one alive at all. Those pirates who were caught were killed. , which were all subdued by other students after they were defeated.

Zefa was naturally a little uncomfortable with Qin Ge's iron-blooded methods. He was once called a 'don't kill' general, because even when dealing with vicious pirates, he only focused on arresting them. Killed an enemy.

Qin Ge's behavior is undoubtedly diametrically opposed to Zefa's way, and it can even be said to be the performance of two extremes.

Although there is no shortage of iron-blooded people in the navy, such as Akainu is one of them, there are almost no people like Qin Ge who are extremely bloodthirsty. After all, the navy represents justice, so bloody words are obviously not good. Suitable.

Zefa hesitated whether he should remind Qin Ge not to be so stubborn, but when he thought of his own experience, he gave up the idea again.

What's the use of being kind to pirates, he was kind, but in exchange for the tragic death of his family.

Although Qin Ge's methods were bloody in the past, the targets were only those vicious pirates. After learning his own lesson, Zefa simply chose to remain silent and let Qin Ge make his own choice.

After Zefa's comments, the students disbanded and returned to their houses to repair.

The same is true for Qin Ge. After returning to the room, he first took a good bath, rinsed off all the blood stains on his body, and put on new clothes.

Sitting cross-legged on the boat, Qin Ge just sank into the prison of the dead and checked the harvest.

Obviously, the soul energy of human beings is indeed much higher than that of beasts in the judgment of the prison of the dead. Qin Ge killed nearly 100 people in the battle, including Bernie on the pirate ship. Four hundred soul energy.

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