The battle was over.

An hour later.

The sun gradually set, it was dusk, the fighting at the north gate stopped quietly, and the battle came to an end.

The civilians who were originally preparing to leave the city for refuge had to return to the royal city because of the fierce fighting, and the various forces that were preparing to enter the city had also entered the royal city.

The entire Duz Saint Varan became more and more chaotic.

"Let's go, Granny Agus!"

Then, three carriages drove onto the street, passed through corpses, walked out of the north gate, and headed towards the town of Arada not far away.

"Where have you been, Brother Luodi? I haven't found you for a long time!"

As soon as I entered the old orphanage, Iko, who was walking towards me, threw herself into Luodi's arms.

"Nothing, I went to the royal city with Granny Agus!"

Luo Di scratched his head and lied as soon as he opened his mouth.

However, the simple Ai Kou believed it.

"Okay, Luo Di, come with me, I'll give you something!"

Enter the side room.

Ai Kou picked up the gift box on the bedside.

"Here, this is for you, you must wear it!"

Luo Di took the gift box, and before he said anything, Ai Kou pushed him out.

"This little girl is so mysterious!"

After opening the gift box, there was a beautifully crafted necklace inside.

This made Luo Di a little amused, but he finally put it on.

Inside the house, Ai Kou leaned against the door, holding another necklace in his hand, his face slightly flushed.


The palace.

Guards ran around, as if searching for something.

"Your Majesty, this way!"

In a hidden corner, the left guard Tingsong observed around, and suddenly ran towards an unmanned path with the black-robed man beside him.

"Hey, Tingsong, if my death can calm this war, why not let me die?"

The black-robed man is the king of the Kingdom of Sitkaya, Vatomir Shizuku.

He knew everything that happened during the day.

The left minister Leihaku planned to steal the country.

His daughter was preparing to raise an army to resist.

At that time, war will be inevitable, and the people's peaceful and peaceful life will be broken.

All this is not what he wants to see.

"Your Majesty, don't you understand the true face of Leihaku? If you don't attack him now, when he succeeds in stealing the country, the whole country will be in dire straits!"

To be honest, sometimes Tingsong really hopes that His Majesty Shizuku can be a little cold-blooded.

His temperament is too soft, even giving people a sense of weakness.

But Shizuku really loves the people like his own children.

This made Ting Song, as a subordinate, anxious.

In general, Shizuku is a wise ruler, but he is not suitable to be the ruler of a country.

"Your Majesty, consider the situation of Her Royal Highness the Princess. We must leave here quickly, and the situation tomorrow will definitely be very chaotic. If you can't show up, the truth may be distorted by Rehaku."

On the other side.

Rehaku threw the wine in his hand to the ground, and his already abstract face became more distorted.

"Didn't find it? Didn't find it again! Fina ran away, and this time even Shizuku ran away? What's the use of you bunch of trash?"

Obviously only one step away from the throne, but now everything is not going well.

How can he be rational?

At this time, two guards came in with a man with disheveled hair and blood all over his body.

"Your Majesty, the right guard Bangka has been caught!"

And the two words "Your Majesty" seemed to stimulate the escorted person. He raised his head suddenly and spit out a mouthful of blood foam from his mouth.

"Bah, Rehaku, you will die a miserable death. You want to be the king of Sitkaya Kingdom, are you worthy?"

Bangka made a final struggle, his body swayed from side to side. Although he was injured, he still broke free and rushed towards Rehaku with his hands entangled by chains.

Rehaku was also extremely angry and waved his hands at the man in black beside him.

"Get rid of him for me!"

The man in black did not speak, but disappeared the next moment.

In a breath, he appeared in front of Bangka again, and then stretched out his right hand, and quickly poked forward with his index finger a few times.

Chi Chi——

Bangka's eyes suddenly widened, and bloodshot instantly appeared, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Finally fell to the ground, without a breath.

If Luo Di was here, he would definitely find that the man in black used the "shave" and "finger gun" in the six styles of the navy!

Seeing that Bonka was solved, Rehaku breathed a sigh of relief, but his face was extremely ugly. After a long time, he took out the Den Den Mushi.

Bulu Bulu—


The next day, the sun rose as usual, but the Kingdom of Sitkaya was shrouded in haze.

Hundreds of ships gathered outside the only port town.

"Oh, let's go!"

Smanton, the third in command of the 'traitor' who had just finished gambling, stretched himself, played with the dice in his hand, and walked slowly towards the southern gate connected to the port town.

Behind him, there were densely packed mafia in black suits.

They got off from the big ships, and there were thousands of them.

And no one knew that in the farther sea, nearly fifty ships were quietly sailing here.

The big flag hanging was the flag of the Kionian royal family!

It seemed that there was another bigger conspiracy approaching.

Let's talk about the royal city.

Many civilians gathered outside the palace.

Many people actually didn't believe what Princess Fina said about 'Rehaku stealing the country'.

Mainly because Rehaku's disguise was too good.

But things always have to have a result, and the civilians urgently need to verify this matter with King Shizuku.

But how could they know that Shizuku had escaped last night, and it was Rehaku who lived in the palace now.

In the hall.

At this time, Rehaku was sitting on the throne, holding a half-dressed young woman in his arms.

"Fok, take people to send those untouchables outside away. If they really don't leave, you can... deal with them!"

The plan was disrupted, and Rehaku didn't plan to continue acting.

Over the years, the power he accumulated has been very strong.

There are nearly 20,000 elite soldiers secretly trained.

In addition, he also used money to win over pirates. There are also many pirate groups connected with him, and there are no less than ten pirate groups with a bounty of tens of millions.

This power is enough for him to suppress all those who disobey him.

He originally wanted to take over the country well. Since everyone wants to resist him, don't blame him for being rude.


The man in black nodded, turned around and walked out of the palace.


In the town of Arada outside the north gate, Luo Di looked at the tens of thousands of expeditionary forces and couldn't help but sigh.

"In just one night, 10,000 expeditionaries were gathered. It's not easy!"

Even though they didn't have sophisticated equipment, some people only had hoes or shovels in their hands.

Luo Di was also very impressed.

These people were not in the royal city, but from the three small towns of Arada, Delada and Grada.

Cohen was able to gather them here in one night. His coordination ability and personal charm are hard to estimate.

In response to Luo Di's sigh, Princess Fina raised the corners of her mouth, and her words could not hide her pride and pride.

"Grandpa Cohen is amazing!"

Aiko pouted on the side.

"Hmph, although I don't want to admit it, Grandpa Coen is indeed very powerful. However, in the end, we still have to rely on Luo Dige. Luo Dige is the most powerful in the world!"

Then Princess Fina started arguing with her.

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