The more you look at the more you want, the more you will be able to see the light.

At this time, Kidd didn't know what Conqueror Haki was.

But he had the potential to awaken Conqueror Haki.

Perhaps he needed an opportunity, or perhaps he needed to improve his own 'spirit'.

But it is undeniable that he had a certain resistance to the Conqueror Haki displayed by Luo Di.

"This power... is really magical, it can actually affect my mind!"

Kid was a little shocked.

And when he looked at Luo Di again.

But he found that the guy in front of him looked more and more familiar.

It seems that he has seen it somewhere!


Luo Di had already pulled out Huangquan, and the reflected black light in the sun made Kidd slightly stunned.

That knife seemed to have its own consciousness.

A ferocious beast was trapped inside, cruel and violent.

It was just in time!

Suddenly, Kidd's mouth corners slightly raised, and a cruel smile flashed across his face.

"Hehe, I wonder how you would feel if you were killed by your own knife?"

Then, with a wave of his hand, an invisible magnetic field continued to spread, and soon completely covered Huangquan, constantly eroding it, trying to magnetize it.

However, Kidd was surprised to find that... his magnetic force failed for the first time.

"Are you curious about why your fruit ability cannot be triggered?"

Lordi directly expressed Kidd's doubts.


Kid suddenly laughed.

He remembered.

"Finally met you, the god of death Luodi!"

"I can't wait to kill you——"

Kid's goal is to defeat one of the four emperors and replace him.

And the appearance of Luodi temporarily shifted his goal.

There is no way, who made Luo Di often appear in the headlines of newspapers and get all the limelight?

Kid has always been unyielding.

Luo Di looked at him quietly, then gently brushed the blade with his left hand fingers, a trace of blood flowed out and was absorbed by Huang Quan.

"Then you come and try it, see if my knife is more powerful or your magnetic force is more powerful!"

Kid was not surprised that Luo Di knew his ability.

Instead, he became more excited.

As the strongest supernova of this generation, his ability must have been leaked.

Since Luo Di knew it, he must have paid attention to himself.

"Then try it!"

Kid licked his lips, and the magnetic force was activated. The surrounding metal products continued to gather and completely wrapped his hands.

However, due to the small number, the assembled mechanical arm was not large.

"Magnetic Mantis!"

The fusion machine in the shape of a hook passed by at a high speed with the swing of Kidd's arm.

Purple sparks flickered, and the magnetic force pushed to increase the power of the hook.

"Blood Surge, Shock Slash!"

Lordi charged a knife and slashed it at high speed.

The huge slash stirred the air, and the edge of the death power shuttled up and down with a trace of blood, forming a strange vibration effect.

The air followed the wailing, and the audio that exceeded the limit made Kidd's head a little dizzy.

When he came to his senses, the huge slash was already in front of him, with a full sense of oppression, and the blood-colored airflow formed by the tremor even left some marks on his clothes.

It was a strong blow, and even made Kidd feel threatened by his life.

"If I can't even beat a small pirate, let alone the Four Emperors?"

Kid roared, his hands crossed, and the sickle-shaped mechanical arm was wrapped in purple light, and the magnetic force was stimulated to the extreme.


The huge explosion sounded everywhere.

Some pirates who happened to pass by stopped and observed quietly.

A strong explosive airflow swept over, carrying an indelible magnetic force and a light red air blade filled with a faint smell of blood.

The air blade was extremely sharp, and even though it was nearly a hundred meters away, it still injured the pirates who were watching.

"Hiss, damn, what is that?"

"Run, there is something wrong with the airflow, you can't look at it for more than a second, or it will explode!"

"What kind of monsters are those two guys? Just the aftermath has such power."

"Look at this..."

"Bounty? Death God Lodi and Eustace Kidd... Kidd! It turned out to be them!?"


After a while.

When the dust cleared.

Blood fell drop by drop.

Kidd half-knelt on the ground, his head lowered, his expression extremely painful.

Blood soaked his whole body, like a bloody man.

His coat was tattered, and under the coat were wounds of all sizes.

Those wounds had obvious

The ups and downs, flowing in a curve, are the special effects of the shock cut.

Moreover, since the muscle nerves in the cut surface have been necrotic, the bones under the skin are basically shattered, and it is impossible to fully recover in three to five months.

Similarly, this kind of pain is even more intense than breaking a hand or a foot.

However, even in such pain, Kidd did not make a sound, which is considered a tough guy.

"Boss Kidd!"


Accompanied by two exclamations, two figures ran in the distance.

One of them had long white hair over his shoulders and looked a bit like a zombie, and his mouth was sewn with silk thread, and his naked upper body had blue and purple thorn patterns.

The other wore a black shirt with white spots, and the blue mask on his head completely covered his face. The long golden hair behind him kept fluttering as he ran.

The most eye-catching thing was the pair of sickles on his hands, which were tightly locked by metal wrist guards. His hands swung and rotated rapidly, and only two afterimages could be seen.

They were the ‘fire-breathing monster’ Hit and ‘killer warrior’ Kira who had just arrived.

Kira was also one of the supernovas, with a bounty of 162 million w, and was very powerful.

“Asshole, you actually let Boss Kidd get such a serious injury, unforgivable!”

Hit was instantly furious when he saw Kidd’s appearance, and he opened his mouth wide and was ready to attack Luo Di, but at this moment, a sharp sickle blocked him.

“Kira, what are you doing, that guy is…”

Kira was very calm, but his words were full of solemnity.

“Hurry up and take Kidd to the ship’s doctor for treatment. Besides, even Kidd can’t beat him, what can you do if you rush up?”

Hit struggled for a moment, and finally clenched his fists, walked towards Kidd with a somewhat disordered pace.

But when he got closer, he found that Kidd had fainted at some point, but his body was still half-squatting, and he didn’t fall down.

"Damn it, Boss Kidd, you can't get into trouble!"

Hit hurriedly helped Kidd up and rushed to another island.

Kira stared at Luo Di closely, memorizing his figure, dress and face one by one, then moved his feet slightly and quickly chased Hit.

Kidd's serious injury, Kira and Hit's escape all shocked the pirates around who had not yet escaped.

"Eustace Kidd was defeated, how is it possible?"

"With just one sword, he killed a supernova. Is the content of the previous newspaper true?"

Of course, some pirates who had just arrived asked in confusion.

"What newspaper?"

The pirate who spoke before explained patiently.

"The Death Pirates broke through the Impel Down. Now it seems that it is probably not a joke!"


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