The two of them were very happy.

"Thank you very much!"

Luo Di knew that the reason why he could refine the black knife was closely related to Hawkeye's intentional guidance.

Regardless of his position, he still had to say thank you.

Hawkeye was still expressionless.

"Even without me, your knife can be upgraded to a black knife, it's just a matter of time."

"Although I don't know what your purpose is and why you want to intervene in this war, the things that happen later have nothing to do with me."

"It's worth meeting you in this war..."

As he said, he slowly turned around.

"I hope that next time I see you, your swordsmanship will reach a higher level, and don't disgrace the sword in your hand, it's a good sword!"

The footsteps gradually faded, and Hawkeye also walked away.

Luo Di looked at his back, and only pulled his eyes back after a long time.

He could see that Hawkeye was actually a very lonely person.

Maybe he really enjoyed this loneliness, but you have to know that people are complex creatures and it is impossible to remain unchanged.

Maybe one day he will get tired of it.

In the past, Hawkeye had only one friend.

As the saying goes, you don't know each other without fighting, and this is how he and Red Hair Shanks met.

The two are both enemies and friends.

Since becoming the world's number one swordsman, he has already reached the top of the swordsmanship, and only the battle with Red Hair can arouse the remaining passion in his heart.

But, it has been 12 years.

Hawkeye paused slightly.

The pirates and navy who were running around hurriedly hid far away, and no one dared to provoke this evil star.

"Yes, it's been 12 years."

He slowly took off the night on his back, clasped his hands tightly, but a trace of nostalgia flashed across his eyes.

12 years ago, Shanks went to the East China Sea and left his left arm there.

Since then, the intersection between the two has gradually become less and less.

Even if they meet, they will not fight, at most they will stop for a drink and talk about the recent major events on the sea.

And without the opponent of Red Hair, Hawkeye also successfully experienced what it means to be lonely at the top, which is an unspeakable loneliness.

These 12 years are probably the most boring 12 years for him.

There is no more powerful swordsman on the sea.

Until today...

"An interesting but not pure swordsman, I hope you will not lose yourself on the road to becoming stronger in the future, and I look forward to meeting you next time!"

Hawkeye turned his right hand and waved it casually, the ice surface quickly shattered, and finally connected with the sword that Luo Di had slashed before.

The two are bound to fight in the future.


"That guy was stabbed so easily by the pirates under his command. It's too ugly, Whitebeard, I don't want to lose to a cowardly man like you!"

Whitebeard's embarrassed appearance made Crocodile extremely angry.


Many people on the field woke up.

With Whitebeard's strength, it is impossible not to notice it. Even the attack of his confidants can be easily avoided, but the result...

"Do you know what you did, Squard!"

"You actually went to war against your own father. What a stupid son!"

Facing Whitebeard's roar, Squard slowly closed his eyes.

He knew that since he had done it, he would inevitably die.

However, in the agonizing wait, what greeted him was not the pain before death, but a warm embrace.

With disbelief and incomprehension, he opened his eyes again, and saw that although Whitebeard's eyebrows were in pain, his eyes were full of warmth.

"Even if you are a foolish son, I still love you."

Squard was a little absent-minded.

"I deeply feel how much you hate Roger, but it is such a ridiculous idea that the son should pay for the father's debt. What did Ace do to you? You and Ace have been through thick and thin together. Didn't you overcome any difficulties together with your companions?"

"It doesn't matter whose child Ace is. We met in this sea. Not only you two, but everyone is my son."

"It's not just Ace who is special. All of you are my family!"

This series of words hit Squard's soul.

Tears dripped down the corners of his eyes.

Regret, endless regret swept over him, and the suppressed emotions made it almost difficult for him to breathe.

Before he could say anything more, Whitebeard suddenly let go of his hand, and Kusunokiri was shocked. He walked to the bow.


Come back..."

The breeze blew on his wrinkled face, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was so conspicuous.

Even though he was covered in wounds, his posture was still upright.

Everyone knew that this old man over fifty years old was almost at the end of his life, but no one dared to underestimate him.

"Really, you are still as good as ever, Zhan Guo, you fooled me!"

This time, Whitebeard was really angry. He had never felt this way even when Ace was captured.

"You said I would sell my sons' heads!!! "

He inserted Kusugawa into the bow, bent his body slightly, swung out his strong and powerful arms, and hit the air with explosive force with his huge fists.

Bang, bang, bang——

The Tremor-Tremor Fruit was activated, and the atmosphere cracked.

The strong vibration effect spread rapidly along the air.

The ice wall surrounding the harbor collapsed and turned into countless small pieces of broken ice that fell into the sea.

As soon as the ice wall disappeared, the navy warships staying in the harbor were freed.

Not long ago, Whitebeard ordered the 43 affiliated pirate groups at the head of the bay to attack these warships.

Now, their position is not far from the warships, and they can reach them in a moment.

Boarding those warships, they can escape successfully.

Open up such a way of life for the "family".

There is no doubt that all of this is in Whitebeard's plan.

It's just a pity...

After all, it was a step too late, and the wound on the abdomen could not heal.

Just like his aching heart.

Being stabbed in the back by his family, even Whitebeard could not suppress the pain in his heart.

Of course, he hated the planner Sengoku and the implementer Akainu who took advantage of this emotion even more.

However, he was just an ordinary person with a heart after all. No matter whether he was called a devil or a monster, he could not always be the strongest.

"As long as I can maintain a young life into the future, my mission is almost complete!"

Whitebeard looked at Ace on the execution platform and had already made up his mind.

Then, he pulled out Kurokumo Kirei.

"If you want to follow me, abandon your life and follow me! "

Accompanied by a heart-shaking roar, he took the lead and jumped directly from the bow.

Bang bang bang——

Luo Di waved his sleeves, and the ice fragments that swept over were all turned into powder, and dissipated into nothingness with the aftermath of the vibration.

The ice surface under his feet was shattered by Whitebeard, and the scattered ice fragments could not stand at all.

However, this was not a problem for Luo Di who had the robe of the god of death.

"Has it started?"

Looking up, Whitebeard's strong body was looming, shuttling among the crowd.

With every punch, several navy soldiers who came to intercept were killed.


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