The old man was very angry.

"Remember what I said? Red nose!"

Lordi rubbed his hands, smiling without saying anything.

Baki's scalp was numb from the sharp eyes.

"I, I'll get it back now!"

Then, he swooped down with almost all his strength, and a layer of fine sweat appeared on his forehead again.

He had to get it back quickly, otherwise, the consequences... He felt a lump in his throat just thinking about it.

What's more, his 'life gate' was still in Luodi's hands, and he couldn't run away.


Whitebeard and Akainu noticed the movement above their heads at the same time.

There was a strange breath approaching quickly.

Then, the two of them exerted force in their arms at the same time.

The heat wave rushed to the sky with the two people as the center with a tremor effect.

Buggy, who had just caught the Den Den Mushi, was keenly aware of something wrong.

However, by chance, his body just reached a limit distance, and the pulling feeling made him very uncomfortable.

As a last resort, he could only fly diagonally upward.

And this happened to allow him to avoid the fatal shock wave.

"Hiss, hot, hot, hot, damn, what is that?"

Of course, it was not completely avoided.

Buggy's arm was still rubbed by the impact airflow, a corner of his clothes was burned out, and the skin below was instantly burned, with a large amount of black smoke.

"Is this the 'Lucky Fruit Ability User'? It's really a bit BT!"

Luo Di looked down at the whole scene, but more of his attention was on Buggy.

He avoided the fatal blow so coincidentally, which shows how lucky Buggy is.

At this time, a look with extreme coldness suddenly locked on him.

Luo Di's perception is very sharp.

Looking for the source.

His eyes finally fixed on the execution platform.

Ace's expression was extremely painful, and his face was almost distorted.

Garp's forehead was bulging with veins, and his fists were clenched, obviously suppressing something.

However, the two people's attention has always been on the battlefield.

Only the Buddha Sengoku, who was wearing a pair of frog glasses and had a long beard tied into a braid on his chin, raised his head slightly and looked up at the sky.

"Death God Luo Di!"

Under the observation color, he noticed Luo Di's existence.

At the same time, he also noticed the Den Den Mushi in Buggy's hand.

It was a video Den Den Mushi used exclusively by the navy.

It can transmit the recorded images to specific large-screen receivers around the world for live broadcast.

"Damn, aren't all Den Den Mushi unusable? Why can that one still be used?"

Sengoku noticed the special situation of the Den Den Mushi, and its wide-open eyes undoubtedly showed that it could still be used.

This frightened him.

In this battle, the Navy must succeed, not fail, even if it has to resort to some sinister means.

But this will also bring many negative effects to the Navy.

Not to mention the inhumane pirate massacre plan after the siege wall was activated.

The Navy that slaughtered enemies and enemies indiscriminately after the release of pacifism, and the number of Navy casualties in Akainu's large-scale attack, are not few.

All these phenomena highlight the Navy's cold-blooded and ruthless image of using any means to achieve its goals.

There is no doubt that these are all negative and will damage the Navy's "good" image in the hearts of ordinary people.

Even if the Navy wins in the end, those ordinary people will doubt the existence of the Navy.

These are what Sengoku doesn't want to see.

So, he ordered to turn off all the images.

But he didn't expect that the battle fluctuations of Lodi and Hawkeye came faster, and all the video Den Den Mushi lost their recording ability.

Based on this, and with the important plans to be implemented later, he didn't care about those Den Den Mushi anymore.

Now it seems that this decision is probably his biggest mistake.

Then, he took out another special communication Den Den Mushi from his arms, with an endless coldness on his face.



Bulu Bulu!

Bulu Bulu!!

Kizaru, who was fighting with Marco, heard the voice of Den Den Mushi, and his body turned into a golden stream of light and retreated to a safe position.

"Moses, Moses, Moses?"

He looked at the black Den Den Mushi on his wrist, his eyebrows full of confusion.

"Hello, it's so strange..."

The call was clearly connected, why didn't the other party speak?

Then, he tried to ask again.

"Hello, can you hear me?"

"That, that, General Kizaru!"


A voice suddenly sounded from one side

Attracting Kizaru's attention, he turned his head and met a face full of seriousness but with a little helplessness.

"You forgot again, the one in your hand is a black Den Den Mushi, which is used for eavesdropping."


Kizaru was slightly stunned, and scratched his head after realizing it.

"Is that so!"

"Usually, your communication Den Den Mushi are placed in the inner bag."

This naval officer had worked under Kizaru before, so he naturally knew some of his habits.

And his reminder did work.

As expected, Kizaru took out a Den Den Mushi from the inner bag of his clothes, and its shape was basically the same as that of the Warring States.


"Sure enough, it's so late to get through again, forget it, now is not the time to talk about these, Kizaru, there is an urgent task for you, look up and look at the sky above Whitebeard and Akainu!"

As soon as the voice fell, Kizaru raised his head subconsciously.

I saw that under the scorching sun, two figures stood in the air.

One of them was holding a Den Den Mushi and wearing a navy coat. His true identity was questionable, but it was a little strange that his feet were missing!

The other figure was too familiar to Kizaru, and he even felt a headache every time he saw it.

That black robe was as conspicuous as it could be.

At this time, Sengoku on the other side of the Den Den Mushi spoke again.

"Go destroy that Den Den Mushi. The situation here cannot be exposed. If we can control the god of death, Luo Di, it would be even better..."

Beep beep beep--

Suddenly, a busy tone came in, and the other side actually hung up the Den Den Mushi directly.

"It's a bit abnormal!"

Kizaru was a little confused.

This was not like Sengoku's style at all.

Then he put away the Den Den Mushi and turned around to look at the execution platform.

You don't know until you see it. When you see it, my goodness, Marco has arrived at the execution platform during his call time.

A major mistake!

Of course, he didn't panic.

With Sengoku and Garp backing him up, it wouldn't be that easy to rescue Ace even if Whitebeard went.

Not to mention a captain of the First Division!

"Oh, what a hassle, I have to fight that scary guy again!"

Kizaru shook his head helplessly, turned into a golden stream of light and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


"What are you waiting for, don't let him rush over!"

"Damn, when will Captain Marco of the First Division...?"

"Shoot, shoot!"

Bang, bang, bang——

Hundreds of bullets were fired at the same time.

However, this had no effect on Marco, who had transformed into a phoenix.

The bullet sank into his body wrapped in blue flames, but the next moment it went straight through as if it was hit in the water, without causing any impact on him.


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