The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with my memory!"

Magellan covered his head, his eyes full of confusion and anger.

He really had no impression at all.

Whether it was Luo Di or what happened that day, nothing was left in his mind.

But after Zhan Guo's narration, he understood that all this really happened.

Zhan Guo knocked on the table unconsciously, and a solemn look appeared on his face.

"In fact, it's not just you, Xiliu also rebelled."

Magellan suddenly raised his head.

"What about him?"

Zhan Guo sighed.

"He joined the Death Pirates, but to be more specific, he first joined the Blackbeard Pirates, escaped from Impel Down, and then defected to the Death Pirates."

"His goal...seems to have been to join the Death Pirates from the beginning. I think he would not have done so if no one was secretly instructing him."

"Everything points to the Death Pirates. I have to make such a guess."

After another silence, Magellan gradually regained his composure.

"Can you show me the information about Lodi and the Death Pirates?"

Zhan Guo nodded, and then dialed the Den Den Mushi in front of him.

Now this place is a small island near Marinford, and it is also a temporary stationing point for the navy.

And the information is still left in Marinford.

Zhan Guo obviously would not waste time to make a trip. After the war, he still has a lot of things to deal with.

Then, after a conversation, he hung up the Den Den Mushi and looked at Magellan again.

"The information will be delivered later, but I have something very important to ask you now."

Magellan looked serious.

"Ask, I will report everything I know!"

Zhan Guo pushed his glasses, his expression solemn.

"The examination report from the past two days came out, and we found that there was no drug residue in your body, that is to say, your 'amnesia' was not caused by drugs."

"However, you should know your body best. Have you felt anything 'abnormal' these days?"

Magellan scratched his head, and after another silence, he suddenly said.

"There are some differences, for example..."

But he raised his right hand and clenched it into a fist, and on the surface of the skin, a layer of black film visible to the naked eye was spreading at a very fast speed, and soon completely wrapped the entire arm.

"This... This is... Armament Haki!"

Zhan Guo's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had seen something incredible.

In fact, it is not uncommon to have Armament Haki.

Many people in the navy can do it.

Let's take the simplest example.

Two years later in Dressrosa, when defending against Doflamingo's bird cage, even some navy soldiers would attach Armament Haki to their weapons to resist.

This shows how common Armament Haki is in the New World.

Even if it is only the lowest level Armament Haki, it is still Armament Haki!

However, even this Armament Haki was not mastered by Magellan, and Sengoku, as the Admiral of the Navy, knew this.

But now, Magellan told him that he knew Armament Haki.

Wouldn't this shock him?

"... When did you learn it?"

Magellan looked confused.

"I don't know, just like... I knew it originally, but I know that I didn't know it before!"

It was very contradictory, but it could highlight the weirdness and weirdness here.

"Is that so?"

Sengoku looked thoughtful, and then flipped through the notebook.

He remembered that Garp had said that the Death God Lodi had the ability to let people learn Armament Haki instantly.

However, because it was too unreasonable, Sengoku just listened to it as a joke and didn't take it seriously.

Now it seems that this is not just a lie, it is probably true!

After a while, he took out a piece of paper covered with handwriting from his notebook.

And this piece of paper was given to him by Garp, which recorded the situation of the city at that time and some important information.

It just happened to contain what Garp had said.

After a long time, he handed the information to Magellan and couldn't help but sighed.

"Sure enough, everything has a trace. It seems that we still underestimated the influence of the Death God Lodi and the Death God Pirates he led."

"This 1.5 billion bounty may be

It's still too low!"

1.5 billion is the final bounty that the Navy has set for Lodi after considering many aspects.

This is not a small number.

On this sea, there are very few bounties that can reach 1.5 billion.

Take the various vice-captains of the Four Emperors Pirate Group as an example.

The bounty of the Phoenix Marco of the Whitebeard Pirates is 1.374 billion Bailey, the bounty of Katakuri of the Big Mom Pirates is 1.057 billion Bailey, and the bounty of the Flame Disaster Jin of the Beasts Pirates is 1.39 billion Bailey.

None of these vice-captains has reached 1.5 billion, which shows that the Navy has consciously included Lodi in the ranks of the Four Emperors.

As for Ben Beckman of the Red Hair Pirates, although it has not been clearly revealed, his bounty will definitely not be less than 2 billion.

However, this kind of pirate group that does not rely on devil fruits and is almost entirely monsters is another matter. .

To be honest, the Red Hair Pirates and Roger's Pirates have some similarities.

Whether it is the captain or the crew.

If you have to say it, it is like a legacy from generation to generation, and the hub connecting the two generations is the ordinary-looking straw hat.

Roger passed it to Shanks, and now Shanks passed it to Luffy.

Tsk, this sense of fate that cannot be escaped.

At this time, Magellan also finished reading the information recorded by Garp.

"1.5 billion? Just from what is revealed above, his abilities are definitely more than this number..."

His voice was firm.

It also proved that Luo Di was a great threat.

Sengoku sighed.

"It seems that we have to draft a new bounty. This god of death Luo Di, if he had been eliminated earlier, it would have been better, otherwise so many things would not have happened. "

This war on the top revealed a lot of things.

Especially the god of death, Rodi, his performance was extremely eye-catching.

First of all, he was not inferior to the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Kizaru, and his strength was beyond doubt.

Secondly, he hijacked the video Den Den Mushi of the Navy halfway, which made the world see the unbearable appearance of the Navy and damaged the image of the Navy.

Third, he infiltrated and manipulated the high-level of the Navy, made Shiryu rebel, and made Magellan poison the city, which caused extremely bad effects.

Just these three points, raising Rodi's bounty to 1.5 billion is probably a bit low.

And now, Garp's intelligence plus Magellan's special situation can confirm that Rodi has the ability to make people learn Armament Haki instantly.

For this last point, there is no problem in increasing the bounty by 500 million.


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