The old man was born in a big way.

If there is anyone in this world who can directly decipher ancient historical texts, it is undoubtedly the three-eyed people.

The three-eyed people are a race with unique advantages.

When the third eye on their forehead is fully opened, they can get an incredible power.

That strange power is a bit similar to Roger's "listening to the voice of all things", which can be used to listen to historical texts and interpret them.

And it is precisely because of this power that they have been suppressed by the world government, or more precisely, it comes from the "fear" of the Tianlong people towards them.

The Tianlongs are afraid that the three-eyed people will crack the secrets hidden in the historical texts.

Just like they are afraid of the group of archaeologists on O'Hara Island.

The secret of the historical text will fundamentally affect the Celestial Dragons' rule over this world.

After tens or hundreds of years of silent suppression.


The only three-eyed person left in the world is probably Charlotte Blin, the 35th daughter of Big Mom.

Even though she is just a mixed-race of the three-eyed people, the power in her blood still exists.

Specifically, the third eye on her forehead.

However, it is still unknown how long it will take to open the eye.

In addition to her physique that is no different from that of ordinary people, Big Mom's attitude towards her is extremely bad, and she has always shown disgust.

Her weird appearance also made her receive countless cold eyes and suffer from bullying since she was a child.

And this made her learn to disguise herself.

Now, she is still doing well in the Charlotte family.

None of her brothers and sisters showed any disgust, and the citizens on the island also respected her.

If it could go on like this...

However, the dream will be broken one day.

Some time ago, she heard that her mother seemed to be planning to marry her off.

Even if it was just a little rumor, she heard it.

This is what she is most reluctant to face.

What she longs for is free love, not a marriage arranged by the family.

Because of this, she likes the simple and kind Lola very much.

However, after Lola ran away from marriage, she never saw her favorite sister again, and she only had blessings in her heart.

I hope she can meet the love that belongs to her.


In fact, she started to inquire about Luo Di's affairs a few days ago.

She also roughly understood everything that happened to Luo Di.

How to say it?

Her evaluation is just two words-magical.

From obscurity to fame in the sea, Luo Di only took a few years.

And today.

What happened in Wan Guo further proved the magic of Luo Di.

"Even Brother Katakuri is going out? What did that guy do?"

After Katakuri and Baron Dandan left.

Brin came out from the shadows.

At this moment, her face was no longer as beautiful as usual, but only a little hideous and distorted.

However, the strange thing is that this expression on her pretty face gives people a weird sense of "cuteness".

It's very absurd.

"No, I have to go and see!"

Brin only knew that Lodi defeated Snag, and didn't know what happened afterwards.

She was also a little confused about the current situation of Wan Guo.

Then, she waved her hand behind her.

"Rabian, take me with you!"

Rabian is a talking and flying blanket, and its essence is also Homies.

"Yes, Miss Brin!"

Rabian turned around, and Brin raised her foot and stood on it.

There was only a sound of "whoosh".

The room became quiet again.

The sun was setting.

Cake Island was still brightly lit.

On the distant coastline, a pirate ship could be vaguely seen approaching.

The night breeze was not strong.

The sea was exceptionally calm.

The Death was also moving very slowly.

In addition, the wind shell box was storing energy, which greatly reduced the speed of the Death.

Originally, Luo Di thought he could get there before dark, but when he really got there, he found that it had been dark for a while.

"Brother Luo Di, is that Cake Island ahead?"

Aiko lay lazily on the table, yawning like a kitten.

If it were normal, she would have gone to bed at this point.

Unlike now, she is still floating on the sea.

Luo Di looked ahead, and the normal

Jing's face finally showed a different emotion.

"Yeah, we're finally here, but I always feel that it's too quiet here!"

The area around Cake Island was red and looked very lively.

However, this was not the case.

Under the prosperity, there was endless murderous intent.

The residents of Cake Island had already moved to nearby islands, and only densely packed soldiers remained on the island.

They were heavily armored and ready to fight.

The tall Katakuri, holding a trident, slowly walked out of the crowd of soldiers.

The cold eyes hidden in the shadows flashed a sharp light.

In addition to him, there were many other ministers around who had never been seen.

For example, the Nut Minister 'Ghost Lady' Charlotte Armand, who originally guarded Nut Island.

For example, the Baking Minister Charlotte Owen, who offered a bounty of 300 million berries, the Wine Minister Charlotte Zicket, and so on, there were nearly ten such ministers on the island.

These are the core forces of the Ten Thousand Nations.

Gathered together, they are almost not afraid of any force on the sea.

As for the other ministers...

Because tomorrow is Big Mom's tea party, they are still sorting out their gifts on their respective islands.

Some ministers related to diplomacy are settling the important people who were invited.

However, they used nearly one-third of their forces to deal with the "Four Pirates" led by Lodi, which shows their caution towards Lodi.

The Death Pirates can faintly see the posture of the Four Emperors!

"Hey, Lord Katakuri, the Death Pirates have arrived in the waters of Cake Island, and we can close the net at any time!"

Katakuri held the Den Den Mushi in his left hand, and his eyes kept flickering, as if he was thinking about something.

After a moment, he finally gave a response.

"Don't alert the enemy. Put them in the Cake Island first. This time, I will make sure they never come back!"

He has laid a net. As long as the Death Pirates approach Cake Island, they will be greeted by the most terrible nightmare.

No one can escape unscathed after provoking the Big Mom Pirates!

The Death Pirates will eventually perish!

"Captain, this sea is not peaceful. Do I need to do anything?"

Urouge, who was in charge of the ship, narrowed his eyes slightly.

Under the observation color, he sensed hundreds or even thousands of strange auras.

They lurked under the sea, waiting for an opportunity to move.

The Death is their hunting target.

Luo Di shook his head gently.

"Don't worry about it. Let's go in directly!"

If you look closely, you will find that he has a smile on his face.


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