The two of them were so busy that they were forced to flee.


Lodi and Sman threw four large bags on the deck.

Inside were the treasures they had found on the Kaim ship.

A rough estimate showed that at least four or five thousand Baileys could be exchanged.

And Iko looked at Lodi angrily.

"Humph, you didn't take me with you again!"

Lodi raised his eyebrows.

"When you learn the Armament Haki, you can join us!"

"Humph, I'll learn it in two days!"

After saying that, Iko turned around and ran to the deck behind.

At this time, Smanton pointed to the merchant ship that had stopped not far ahead.

"Are we going over there?"

Lodi shook his head.

"Don't worry about them, let's go directly to Lanrot Island!"

Smanton said nothing more and walked towards the rudder.

After determining the direction, the ship started moving again.

At this moment, a figure came quickly from a distance.

With the perception of the color of observation, Lodi found him at the first time.

It was a man wearing a black top hat, holding a cane, with a pair of white wings on his back, pale face, tall and thin.

Roughly estimated to be around 30 years old.

This outfit... Devil Sheriff Lafayette?

These words instantly appeared in Lodi's mind.

What is he doing here?


Lafayette successfully came to the deck, and Lodi also held the Scythe of Death.

But Lafayette didn't seem to have the idea of ​​fighting, so Lodi didn't make a move.

"Death God Luo Di, I came here without any ill intentions, or rather, I came here specifically to find you."

Hearing this, Luo Di was slightly stunned and a little surprised.

"Looking for me? Why? We don't have any intersection, right?"

Lafayette touched the brim of his hat and chuckled.

"Because I see the 'future' I'm pursuing in you, so I hope you can accept me, Captain Luo Di!"

Seven days ago, he got the newspaper.

A picture he saw by accident made him decide to follow the young man in front of him.

Nearly 10,000 soldiers lay on the ground together.

And Luo Di stood in the center like the god of death.

As if he was the only one in the world.

The unparalleled domineering aura deeply attracted Lafayette.

And now that he saw Luo Di in person, he was more and more sure that he was the person he wanted to find.

Luo Di spun the scythe of death and chuckled.

"Of course, but you have to let me test your strength, right?"

In fact, Luo Di admired Lafayette very much. He was calm and smart, and he was also a navigator. Most importantly, he could hypnotize, which made it very easy to extract information.

His ship just needed such a person who was good at extracting information.

Lafayette's cane was straight forward, and he took a fighting stance.


Luo Di didn't waste any words, and the Death Scythe slashed in the air.

"Ghost Scythe·Shock Slash!"

The huge black slash rolled the air towards him, and the oppressive feeling alone was not something that ordinary people could bear. Lafayette's face changed slightly, but he didn't look panicked.

"One word quick slash!"

With a flash of white light, the black slash broke from the middle, causing no harm to Lafayette.

But Luo Di saw it, and his hands were shaking a little.

"From now on, you will be a member of the Death Pirates!"

Luo Di probably tested the other party's strength, so he stepped forward and extended his right hand to welcome him.

When Smanton learned that Lafitte had joined the group, he immediately proposed to fight him.

In the end, because he was not familiar with the other party's abilities, he was quickly defeated.

When Eko faced Lafitte who suddenly appeared, she only felt that the man in front of her was very tall and very white, and then said welcome.

In short, Lafitte was successfully joined and was also the fourth member of the Death Pirates.

And the job of navigator was also handed over to him.

Smanton suddenly felt a lot more relaxed and had no objection to Lafitte's joining.

After replanning the route, it had only been less than half an hour.

A huge sea king rushed out of the sea.

The sailboat that Luodi and others were riding was not big, and it was almost overturned by it.

"It's so big!"

This sea king was a bit ridiculously large, and the exposed head alone was twice as big as the sailboat.

"Dark Domain·Flash Slash!"

The huge black domain was centered on Luodi and spread outward for nearly 100 meters. The entire ship, including the huge sea king, was completely covered by it.

The sea king seemed to sense some unknown danger. Although it didn't know what it was, it still instinctively dived into the water.

Go, prepare to escape.

But will Luo Di let it run?

Obviously not.

Especially since it was Luo Di's first time to encounter a sea king.


In the huge black domain, Luo Di just slashed at the air, very plain and unpretentious, and it seemed that there was no substantial damage.

However, the huge sea king had dense wounds on his body, blood gushed out, and the sea water was dyed blood red.

However, Luo Di did not stop there, and slashed forward a few more times.

The sea king just left the black domain and was killed the next moment.

This is the terrible thing about the dark domain.

In this domain, Luo Di can attack indiscriminately. No matter how far away you are from him, as long as he wants, you will be attacked by him.

At this time, the dark domain was lifted, and Smanton and Lafayette who had just arrived were on the side.

They saw the blood red in the sea water and the sea king corpse that gradually surfaced, and they knew it was Luo Di who did it.

They looked at each other and were silent.

It seems that their captain is much stronger than they thought!

"Become stronger again!"

Luo Di felt the power that had just been fed back, and his heart was slightly happy.

The sea kings are huge in size and amazing in strength, and the power of feeding back is also very considerable.

Even comparable to that of the naval rebel Fok.

This made him want to go to the Calm Belt to have a look.

That is the nest of the sea kings, and the number of sea kings can be imagined.


Time passed so quickly.

Lanrot Island.

The hundreds of meters high mountain in the center is the biggest feature here.

The top of the mountain has been repaired and maintained, and a huge castle has been built. Behind it is a wide square. You can vaguely see a group of people training, and gunshots are heard one after another.

And there are many artillery batteries installed around it, like a carefully built military fortress.

At the foot of the mountain, there is the only town.

The town of Lanrot is named after the island.

The pedestrians on the street are dressed in the same way, all wearing black windbreakers, with a gun on their waists, and on the right chest of the windbreaker is a symbol of two pistols standing crosswise.


One of the five major mafia groups.

This is their base.

"Everyone in front, get out of the way!"

The sudden shouting startled the pedestrians, and they all looked back.

However, when they saw who was coming, they leaned to both sides at the same time, and the street became empty.

At this time, what came into view were a dozen dark boxes, each box was carried by two mafia.

Further back were more than twenty female slaves with handcuffs and leg irons.

They were ragged, some looked numb, and some looked desperate.

A circle of mafia surrounded them, obviously to prevent them from escaping.

At the back was a short old man who was estimated to be only 1.5 meters tall.

He looked very thin.

But even so, the people around him did not dare to look directly at him.

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