The new moon is coming, and the new moon is coming.


Navy Headquarters.

A colonel of the headquarters knocked on the door of Sengoku's office in a hurry.

"Come in!"

Sengoku, who was flipping through the documents, stopped and rubbed his tired eyes.

"This Ace is really a headache. Not only did he refuse to become a Shichibukai, but he even joined Whitebeard. Is the balance of the new world going to be broken again?"

Ace has great potential. At such a young age, the bounty can reach hundreds of millions. It is hard to imagine how far he can go in the future.

What's more, there is the "world's strongest man" standing behind him to protect him.

It's hard for Sengoku not to have a headache.

At this time, the colonel walked in with a rare panic on his face.

While handing a stack of photos and information to Zhan Guo, he was still narrating something.

"Marshal Zhan Guo, something big has happened. The 'Tenjo Gold' of the Flower Country has been robbed. The Intelligence Department just investigated based on the feedback images and found that the one who robbed the 'Tenjo Gold' was actually the Death Pirates!"

The Death Pirates! ?

Hearing this familiar name, Zhan Guo paused after taking the information, and then nodded.

After the colonel left, he read it carefully.

The information compiled by the Intelligence Department is very detailed.

It contains some scenes of the battles of the members of the Death Pirates when they robbed the 'Tenjo Gold'.

And compared it with photos from six years ago.

A total of three members appeared in the information.

First, there was Raptor Smanton and Devil Sheriff Lafayette. They had not changed much compared to six years ago, except that they were more muscular, but they could still be recognized at a glance.

Just from these two people, it can be determined that the one who hijacked the "Sky Gold" was undoubtedly the Death Pirates.

And the last one, the captain of the Death Pirates——

"Death God Luo Di!"

Zhan Guo tightly grabbed the two photos.

From the face, it can be vaguely captured that familiar shadow six years ago.

His face was as sharp as a knife, his eyebrows were as sharp as a beam, his nose was as deep as a beam, and his eyes were as deep as an abyss. Compared with six years ago, he was more handsome and upright, but his momentum was also more and more compelling.

Especially the pair of black eyes, like the abyss, staring at it for a long time actually gave Zhan Guo the illusion of seeing the god of death.

If Luo Di six years ago was a sword that needed to be polished, then now, the sword has been polished into shape, with a hint of sharpness ready to go!

"Is he...smiling?"

Suddenly, Zhan Guo noticed that in the photo, the corners of Luo Di's mouth were slightly raised, obviously smiling, which made him feel like he was being watched, which was very absurd.

And that smile seemed more like a mockery and provocation.

"Heh, interesting!"

Soon, Zhan Guo turned to the end of the information.

It was a picture of the outside of a warship, and it seemed that there was some kind of malfunction, so only half of it was shown.

It showed half of the ship and a pirate flag that Zhan Guo felt familiar with.

"Could it be..."

Zhan Guo frowned slightly and found a newspaper among the documents piled on the table.

"Is it the same? This giant city pirate group, which has just appeared and has made a huge reputation, is actually affiliated with the Death God Pirates!"

He was a little unconvinced before, but now it seems that everything is true.

Supernova Ace just appeared, and the Death God Pirates followed suit. It's really more troublesome than the other.

"How should we deal with it? Looting 'Tenjo Gold' is a big deal. Should we do it like Tenyaksha?"

Looting Tenjo Gold is a big deal. It concerns the interests and reputation of the Celestial Dragons. Although Sengoku is the Admiral of the Navy, he cannot make the decision in this matter. The one who can really make the decision is the top leader of the world government - the Five Elders.

"However, it's time to move their bounties!"

Sengoku quietly stared at the photos on the table, and the room fell into silence.


The Kingdom of Flowers.

Oimo looked at the photos in his hand and the dense words on the notebook.

The excitement in his eyes could not be concealed.


The Death Pirates appeared again.

He has been lurking in the Kingdom of Flowers.

This is where Luo Di disappeared six years ago, and where he was defeated.

But Oimo believes that Luo Di will return here one day.

And it turned out that his intuition was right.

Not only did Luo Di come back, he also wiped out two powerful pillars of the Flower Country Pirates in one fell swoop, and the great pirate Huo, who had a bounty of 200 million Baileys,

Deng and Cai Yi, the grandson of Qingjiao with a bounty of 150 million!

As for how Oimo determined it, it was mainly due to the photo he named "The Lost Port".

In addition to the Death God Luodi, the other crew members of the Death God Pirates also showed their impressive strength in this battle.

Devil Sheriff Lafayette killed Connaji with a bounty of 80 million.

Raptor Smanton killed Katz with a bounty of 75 million.

Even Luodi's sister, the fifteen-year-old girl Ai Ko, killed Glade with a bounty of 65 million.

The first appearance in six years, the Death God Pirates showed such impressive strength, which would shock the whole world if reported.

And Oimo did it. He almost immediately sent the photos and his notes to Morgans in the Grand Line.

"The Death Pirates, which disappeared for six years, reappeared, and all the pillars of the Kingdom of Flowers were defeated. Although it is a big news, it is only the West Sea after all. Death God Luo Di, is your future only the small West Sea?"

Morgans put down the photo in his hand and sighed for a long time, as if he felt sorry for Luo Di.


As time passed.

In the afternoon.

The people of the Kingdom of Flowers fell into endless panic.

Some people saw the port with only a huge pit left.

Some people also saw the bodies of several pillars of the Kingdom of Flowers.

And these things spread quickly as people spread from one to ten, from ten to a hundred, and in just half a day, the whole country knew about it.

They were full of worries about the future of the Kingdom of Flowers and their own future.

The Palace of the Kingdom of Flowers.

Luo Di handed the record pointer and the map of the first half of the Grand Line to Lafayette, and then turned to look at Resia who had arrived not long ago.

"Lecia, how about letting you handle the follow-up affairs of this country?"

Lecia put a strand of purple hair that fell on her cheek behind her ear, looked at Luo Di without blinking, and sighed after a long time.

"Captain Luo Di, you are really good at finding things for me to do, but you should know that the power of the Bloody Rose alone is not enough to deal with the remaining pirate forces, but if there is the assistance of the powerful warriors of Elbaf, it will become very easy."

Two words were revealed in the words, borrowing people!

Of course, Luo Di did not refuse.


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