The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

It was Captain Lodi!

Audrey turned around immediately after hearing the familiar voice.

Three familiar figures came into view.

The leader was Lodi, and the two standing on both sides were the naughty little girl Aikou and the gambler Smanton.

"Hi, Uncle Audrey, long time no see!"

Aikou waved her hand with a 'nuclear-hearted' smile on her face.

Audrey was too familiar with this look, and she must be thinking of some bad ideas again.

Fortunately, Dongli and Broki rescued him.

"Are you the Luodi that Audrey mentioned?"

They have lived on the island for nearly a hundred years, and they have long forgotten the word. Moreover, the newspaper is too small to understand.

At this time, the giants of the Giant City Pirates scattered around also ran over.

"Captain Luodi!"

"Miss Aikou, long time no see!"

"Smanton, I lost to you last time, let's bet again, this time I must win!"

Meeting again always brings some good memories and joy of reunion.


Luodi and the three giants, Dongli, Broki and Audrey, sat around the fire.

They told each other some experiences.

At the end of the story, Luodi suddenly raised his head, and a hint of fighting spirit appeared on his face.

"Donli, Broki, let's have a fight!"

When these words came out, Dongli and Broki were both stunned.

After a while, Broki laughed.

"Ka Ba Ba Ba, you have guts. Audrey and his crew tell us about you every day. As the strongest warrior in Elbaf, I have long wanted to meet you!"

Donli glared, then laughed.

"giagiagiagia, don't listen to him, the strongest warrior in Elbaf is obviously me, dwarf, I will fight you first!"

Broki was unhappy and raised his giant axe to start fighting.

"It's me, I'll go first!"

Donli also picked up the giant sword and shield and glared back.

"Okay, let's fight, whoever wins will be the strongest warrior in Elbaf!"

Lodi didn't expect this to happen.

And Audrey, who had been silent, put down the wine jar and made a suggestion.

"Senior Donli, Senior Broki, why don't you two go together? Captain Lodi is very strong!"



The two looked at each other.

Dongli put down his weapon, and his expression instantly became serious.

"There are rules in our Elbaf village. For example, if we have a dispute with others in the village, we will accept the judgment of the Elbaf God. The Elbaf God will always protect the right party and let the person who did the right thing live."

Broki took over.

"Donli and I had a dispute over something. Now this island is our duel field. The right person will win, but the winner has not been decided yet!"

The meaning of the words is that they will not join forces.

Luo Di watched them quietly for a long time, with an unprecedented seriousness on his face.

"This is a problem within your village, and it is also your personal private matter. I am declaring war on you now. If you still think it is an honor to be an Elbaf warrior, then fight me head-on!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole space seemed to become depressed.

Although it was a provocation, it worked well.

After a long time.

Broki and Donli looked at each other and nodded solemnly.

"As a warrior of Elbaf, this is our honor. Since you said so, we will accept your challenge."

"However, we will also use our strongest attack to prove to you that the name of Elbaf warriors cannot be insulted!"

The most powerful move in the Spear of Elbaf - Hegemony!

Luo Di thought of this at the first time.

"Okay, then I will take your attack in the name of the God of Death!"

This is what he was waiting for!


The circular duel arena was formed by the battle between two powerful giants for a hundred years.

At this time, Luo Di and the two legendary giants stood on both sides.

The tense atmosphere made the air heavy.

At the outermost edge of the duel arena, Audrey and the members of the Giant City Pirates led by him stood there quietly, concentrating on the three people in the arena.

Aikou stood on Audrey's shoulder, clenched her fists, and kept shouting "Come on!", but because of Luo Di's request, she didn't shout out loud.

Smanton pushed his glasses and said to Luo Di.

Di was full of confidence.

That night, he saw the battle under the Twin Gorge clearly.

There is no doubt that Luo Di is powerful!

In the circular duel arena, the battle was about to start.

Dongli raised the huge sword.

Broki raised the huge battle axe.

"Taste the strongest spear in the legend of Elbaf!"


The roar came from their mouths, resounding throughout the ancient island with the glory of the Elbaf warriors.

The unyielding will rushed to the sky.

The red light ignited the battle axe, and the blue light dyed the long sword.


Dongli and Broki chopped down with all their momentum, strength and the glory of being Elbaf warriors. Two powerful shock waves burst out, forming two corridors on the ground, and they will eventually meet at one point, forming a more powerful shock wave, annihilating everything.

"As expected of the Spear of Elbaf, it's really strong!"

Lordi took a deep breath, and Huangquan flashed with a red and black halo after being infused with blood, and its fighting spirit was not concealed at all.

"Constrain yourself, your current strength is not enough to deal with it!"

Lordi glared at it fiercely, and then a domineering aura filled with chaotic atmosphere wrapped around it.

It was a mixture of Armament Haki and a little Domineering Haki.

This was what Luodi realized after summoning the 'True Body of Death'.

Armament Haki penetrated the body, and Domineering Haki penetrated the soul.

At that moment, he realized how to materialize Domineering Haki, and also understood what Domineering Haki was!

Now, although it can only wrap around a trace of Domineering Haki, that is enough.

The power of the God of Death, Armament Haki, and Domineering Haki all gathered on Huangquan. The powerful force made the sword body tremble slightly, and it can be seen that Huangquan seemed to be unable to bear it.

Luo Di called this new power composed of a mixture of various powers - Destruction!

"Destroy Slash!"

A sword slashed out, as if it could split the sky, and the dark destruction thunder surrounded the dark slash. Wherever it passed, the space was slightly distorted.

Bang -

The huge shock wave formed by the hegemony collided with the slash filled with the breath of destruction, and the whole island began to tremble.

The powerful breath rushed straight to the sky, and the clouds that were originally covered with dark clouds dissipated in an instant.

The dinosaurs and giant beasts on the island seemed to be frightened and fled to the edge of the island in panic.

"How is it possible, it turned out to be -"

In just a short breath, the huge shock wave dissipated completely, the hegemony's power no longer existed, and the dark slash driven by thunder continued to move forward with undiminished momentum.


Dongli and Broki looked at each other, their weapons had been broken, just like their current mood.


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