The young man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.


The afro felt as if he had been cast into a spell, his body was frozen in place, unable to move.

This time, he looked at Luo Di with a hint of suspicion and a hint of fear.

The boy in front of him was probably a fruit ability user!

"Captain Heiger, what's wrong with you?"


"Damn, what did you do to the captain?"

The crew behind him immediately noticed something was wrong.

Deputy Captain Buller reacted the fastest, and he pulled the trigger as soon as he raised his hand. The specially treated muzzle made a very small sound when the bullet was fired. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably have been hit.

However, Luo Di kicked Heige in the waist, causing his body to shift, and his shoulder was pierced by the bullet.

The pain made Heige sober, he covered his bleeding shoulder, a fierce light flashed in his eyes, and his right foot swept across Luo Di's lower three roads.

Luo Di had expected it, and he quickly pulled out Huang Quan in his hand, thrust it down fiercely, and directly crossed in the middle.


Heige had no time to retract his foot, and Huang Quan's sharp blade directly cut a flat surface on his right leg, almost completely cutting it off from the knee.

It was completely different!

The pirates behind were shocked.

Their captain is a pirate with a bounty of 45 million Baileys, but he looks so miserable at this moment...

Several pirates saw that the situation was not good and were ready to run away, but how could Luo Di let them escape so easily?

He casually pulled out the Huangquan embedded in the stone road, and then swung it with a simple and unpretentious swing. The black light was breathtaking, and the huge slash that almost spanned half of the street gave people a strong visual impact.


No, this is not an ordinary swordsman.

When all the pirates were beheaded, the black slash just dissipated.

Even the power was controlled so perfectly?

Those pirates who were attracted to watch the excitement became more and more frightened.

Suddenly, someone realized.

"Wait... Is that person... the god of death Luo Di?"

Obviously, he has recognized him.

"What? Is it the Death God Luo Di who just killed one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

"Well, look, I still have the newspaper here. The girl next to him seems to be the Waist-cutting Princess Ai Kou. Although she is young, her strength is also very good!"

"Ah, I just wanted to... ahem, damn, how did I meet these two evil stars, you guys continue, I'm going to collapse and sell out first!"

In the blink of an eye, because of Luo Di's reputation, most of the pirates who were watching ran away.

The rest of the people either watched the fun or had some other ideas, but there was no doubt that no one...

However, there was really one person who stood up.

"Death God Luo Di, I have wanted to see you for a long time!"

He was a young man who looked to be in his early twenties, wearing a white lab coat. He had brown curly hair, looked very gentle, and had a slender figure. It was estimated that he was two meters and five.

But no one knew him.

The pirates around had only one thought in their minds...

Who is so fearless?

Luo Di glanced at him calmly and raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? What do you mean?"

The young man took a black notebook and walked back and forth.

"If I'm not mistaken, the purpose of your coming here is... Sky Island!"

His voice was full of determination, almost with absolute certainty.


"What is my purpose, and what does it have to do with you?"

"Hey, don't be so heartless. Actually, I also want to go to Sky Island. Can you take me with you? Anyway, one more is not much, one less is not much!"

Sky Island?


When the people around heard these two words, they almost bent over and covered their mouths.

Who doesn't know that Sky Island is a rumor made up by Kulikai?

There are actually fools who believe it!

If the target was not the death god Luo Di, they would have ridiculed him.

At this time, Ai Ko stood up with his hands on his hips and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, why should we take you?"

The young man chuckled and lowered his voice.

"Because I... come from the 'Genius Country' Balkimoa, and I can help you!"

Aiko frowned, not understanding what he was saying at all.

"Hmph, what does it have to do with us that you come from Balkimoa? What does it have to do with whether we take you to Sky Island?"


Luo Di looked thoughtful.

He seemed to know where that place was.

He immediately pulled Ai Ko behind him and looked straight at the young man.

"What is your purpose in going to Sky Island?"

The young man only replied with two words - curiosity!

A very strange reason, but it is very reasonable.

Because curiosity can always drive people to do anything that seems unreasonable.

"Then how can you help us?"

Luo Di is not a philanthropist, and he will not do business at a loss.

The young man opened the notebook and flipped through it, then handed it to Luo Di.

"This is the power wing I developed. As long as you give it a starting force, it can continue to fly until the energy is exhausted, and..."

"Here, there is only one way to enter Sky Island, that is the 'Sky Current' five times a month. With my power wing, as long as you successfully ride the current, you can perfectly reach Sky Island!"

Luo Di looked at him strangely.

"Why do you know so clearly, and how do you know that there is Sky Island above?"

In fact, what the man in front of him said was not wrong, but the point is that he knew it too clearly.

The young man put away his notebook and pointed to his head.

"After getting information from Mont Blanc Kuliquet, I spent half a month observing and recording the currents here, and finally came to this conclusion."

"The most important thing is that 400 years ago, this was a complete island. Does the emergence of rising currents mean... that another part of the island was washed up into the sky?"

"Besides, the sky island itself exists, and there is another route to reach the sky island, and I don't go that way, all out of curiosity!"

"Of course, all this is my speculation. Practice is completely different from conjecture. I need to verify my conjecture, and your appearance makes me see the feasibility!"

Then, the two looked at each other for a long time.

Suddenly, Luo Di pulled Ai Kou past him.

"If you want to go, follow me!"

A gleam of light flashed across the young man's eyes, he put away the notebook, turned around and followed him happily.

In the subsequent chat, Luo Di also learned some basic information about him.

The young man's name is Frion. Although he looks like he is in his early twenties, he is actually thirty-five years old.

He comes from Balkimoia, the future country on the Mechanical Island, which is the so-called "country where geniuses are born".

He worked as an assistant to Vegapunk for a short period of time. He is also a genius, but he doesn't like the feeling of being bound by the laboratory. Instead, he prefers freedom and the outside world.

What's more, he has a certain degree of conflict with Vegapunk's ideas.

Therefore, he left Vegapunk, left his hometown, and traveled around.

Then there was today's encounter.


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