Although Qin Le's appearance made Meidi stunned for a moment, she still reacted quickly, looking at Qin Le's handsome face, and frowned.

"Are you the new commodore admiral?"

Qin Le smiled.

"Who exposed my information?Who is the traitor?

""I don't know, this is the news I bought, not my informant?

Mei Di chuckled, stretched her tongue out of her mouth, licked her lips with an intoxicated face, and looked at Qin Le with a charming face.

Qin Le shrugged.

"Forget it, it's not a big problem, you look like you're ready to die. "

Little brother really speaks......"

Before Mei Tai could finish speaking, a flash of silver filled her entire sight.


Fuya stood in front of Medy with a frenzied expression, and an extra knife appeared on her head.

"This speed!" Metty

looked startled, and stopped complaining, and jumped out of the window directly.

"Sting!" the

sound of broken glass came into Qin Le's ears.

With a flick of the "Xia Yan" in his right hand, he directly dragged Fuya out of the knife, and rushed out of the window with the knife in his hand.

As soon as he came out, Qin Le saw Mei Ti who was about to fall to the ground.

She didn't panic, not only facing Qin Le, but also winking at Qin Le.

I saw that a bunch of women suddenly appeared behind her as humanoid meat pads, and let her smash them down.

Pretty didn't do anything, but the women under her were miserable. But this is nothing for her, the main thing now is to escape the pursuit of this reaper behind her.

Her figure flashed and scurried into the crowd not far away.


Qin Le's mouth curled, and he followed with the moon step. Unhurriedly, she followed behind Metty.

He didn't believe that Maddy could escape from the palm of his hand.

Although his sights and hearings could not cover the entire island like Reilly, since he had locked his breath, he could still chase it within a limited range.

What's the situation

? Is it a coincidence

? How can this commodore still follow me

? What the hell is going on?!,

Metie shouted in her heart. The calmness on her face slowly disappeared, and she found a very desperate situation, no matter how she hid in the crowd, how she used the people she could control to help her cover, Qin Le could always follow him with a leisurely face in the air behind her.

It scared her, it scared her.

Eventually, she stopped.

Stopped in a complex of buildings with no people.

She turned, and an indifferent voice rang out here.

"Do you have to force me?" Qin

Le grinned.

"I'm a navy. If you don't kill the pirates, who will you kill?!"

"There are big men behind me!navy!government!merchants!If you kill me, you will die!" she shouted in a hoarse voice and a look of horror.

"I'd like to hear who's who? If you say it, I'll let you go if I'm afraid. Qin Le looked down at her leisurely.

“... Damn, you don't want to get an inch!"

she began to get angry, if she said those names, she would disappear the next day in the South Seas, she knew the horror of those people.

"Bye-bye then.

Qin Le laughed, and slapped the sneak attacker who was sneaking in from behind with the back of his knife.

Hundreds of people suddenly pounced on him from the otherwise empty complex.

Those who have the ability to dance the fruit of the dance, those who enjoy her dancing for a week will become her slaves. An average of six hours a day.

The preconditions are touching.

When the normally capable people do not control the slaves, the slaves live freely, and do not even know that they have become slaves. This is also the reason why Fu Ya didn't know anything at first, and died under Qin Le's knife with a confused face.

If she had known earlier, she would have figured out a way to ask Qin Le to sneak attack and kill Meidi.

Of course, Qin Le didn't necessarily listen to her.

During the time the Abler controls the slave, the slave has no memory. When the Capable is released, the slaves will automatically fill in the void with an event in their brains.

If you have become a slave, it means that you can't get out of the control of the capable, and if you don't have the permission, the slave will take the initiative to go to the edge of the control range, and the brain will be instantly controlled and stop at the edge range.

It can be said that although the preconditions are touching. But once it is controlled, it can be said that it is difficult to turn over.

Metty also relied on this fruit to become the master of the island, perfectly controlling the entire pirate group, and becoming a pirate with a bounty of 71 million Bailey.

Although her subordinates are all weak, they can't stand the crowd, and once they are controlled, they ignore the pain, like a loyal dog who has fought for his master's life.

Most people didn't know the effect of the fruit of the dance, and Qin Le didn't know it originally, but when he came to take office this time, he took the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book from Zefa.

On the way to Kabukicho, I was bored and took a look at it, but I didn't expect him to find the information about the fruit of the dance.

This will not make Qin Le waste more time.

Of course, even without the Devil Fruit Guide, he could still kill Medie.

Just like it is now.

Three-style Combination Finger Razor

, Swordsmanship, Shattering!

Meddy felt a gust of wind blowing, and her head flew out, and her headless body turned into a puddle of flesh as if it had been cut thousands of times, with fragments of stumps among them.

Qin Le grabbed Meidi's dead head, and watched the slaves who had originally gathered around suddenly wake up, without the slightest fluctuation on his face.

There are many people here who are members of the Kabukicho Pirates like Fuya, but Fuya is just a cadre. Qin Le's small notebook had her name in it, so he could recognize it.

If it weren't for Qin Le's fear of accidental killing, Qin Le would really kill hundreds of people in front of him on the spot.

"Hmph, spare your lives!" Qin

Le snorted coldly.

And now that the slaves came to their senses, they knew all about the power of the Meddy fruit, and they remembered everything. Everyone looked at Qin Le, who was in the center.

"Thank you. Hundreds of people × bow

to Qin Le and thank him, he was a little uncomfortable. frowned, didn't care, took Meidi's head to herself, and disappeared into the air step by step.


"Now, do you think the new Admiral will really bring back the head of the Maiko?" asked

Notanliri, touching his good friend Mogobe's arm with his elbow.

"The new Admiral?, that person is the new Admiral?!"

Mogobe's shocked look made Notan Ridton feel bored.

"You don't even know this?"

"I don't know. "

“... Anyway, did you say that the head of the "Maiko" would really be brought back?" "

I didn't believe it at first, but if you say it's the Admiral's words, I think it should be possible. "

Why do you say that?"

Notalliri's trust in Mogobe was a little inexplicable.

"Because he's the Admiral! You know, the former Admiral will be able to fight the "Maiko" to the death. Could it be that under such a rampant form of South China Sea pirates, the headquarters would still send a person weaker than the original admiral to take over the position of admiral?"

Notan Lili was stunned for a moment, and smiled randomly: "I didn't expect you kid to be so shrewd, don't you usually look stupid?" "

You bastard! You're stupid!" "You're

just stupid, that's it, that's it." "

I'm going to kill you!" Mogobe chased Notallili around the deck.

"The two of them are making trouble again. "

It's really not reassuring.

"The relationship between the two is really good. The

rest of the navy looked at the two people running on the deck, all of them looking helpless.

"Hahaha... Ha ha... What's that..." Notali laughed and laughed as he ran, laughing and laughing, and for some reason the laughter grew smaller and smaller until it was completely gone. The sudden burst out of the picture made Mogobe stop and look at him.

"That's... Lord Admiral, you're back with the head of the Maiko!!"

Qin Le landed on the deck and looked at the two of them who had been staring at him without moving. Puzzled, he asked.

"Is there anything on my face?"

"No, you don't have anything on your face at all. Notanili said quickly.

"Lord Admiral, there's a drop of blood on your face. "But his brother is not inferior to him.

The corners of Notalli's eyes twitched.


Le touched his right cheek, there was indeed a drop, he should have thrown Fuya off the "Xia Yan" when he overdid it, and a drop of blood dripped onto his right cheek.

Listening to the completely different answers of the two, Qin Le couldn't help but smile dumbly.

"You're honest. "

Thanksie, Admiral Praise!"

Mogobe bent down and bowed 90 degrees to Qin Le.

Notan Lili's two eyes kept staring at Qin Le's head, which was still dripping blood. Qin Le lifted the head in his hand and waved it at him.

"Ah, this. That's right, that's what you think. Don't feel unconfident, she's not strong. It's just a scary name.,Kabukicho Pirate Captain.,Known as "Maiko" Alma Meti.。

You see, a pirate captain, a title, a surname, set off a pirate who is mediocre in itself.

If you call her Maidy directly, don't you feel a few notches lower in an instant?

Qin Le patted Notanili on the shoulder and told him a way to deal with pirates.

"In the future, if you come across those pirates who have titles, or a lot of pirates in front of them, you don't have to say anything, just call them by their names. It can give yourself a little confidence, remember, don't be blinded by appearances, and overcome fear. "

Conquer fear......"

Notalili fell into deep thought.

Mogobe next to him also had some insights when he heard this.

Most of the time, the navy at the bottom is not very capable of fighting pirates alone, one is weak, and the other is that fear controls their brains.

They must have a bunch of people next to them and someone to command them in order to be able to play a combat capability.

This is their disadvantage, and it is also the bottleneck of their promotion, as long as they break through this bottleneck, promotion is not a dream.

Qin Le glanced at the silent two and threw the things in his hand at their feet.

"You two can help me clean this head. Just leave it to me in the afternoon. "

Thank you, sir!" ×2

This time, the two friends are 100% synchronized.

Qin Le threw this thing at them, which could be said to have a huge impact on the way they were thinking and overcoming fear.

If they, as a navy, give them half a day to observe the head of a sea thief, they will be shaken by what they fear, and they will have the opportunity to overcome their fears.

Qin Le smiled, and after specifying the next route, he went to sleep.

This time, Almar Metí's fate will be the fate of the other three pirates.

Qin Le was looking forward to

the day when the four of them would hang their heads at the intersection of the Great Route.

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