Seeing the boxes of cash in front of her, Perona felt a little stunned.

Although she is not a greedy person for money, getting so much wealth at one time is indeed exciting enough.

Moreover, if you can make a lot of money in the investment of this adventure, you will definitely be praised by Ling Ye when you go back.

Thinking of this, Perona became even more fluttery, and the whole person shook.

“600 million Baileys, if you buy all the stuffed animals and umbrellas, how much can you buy… It’s definitely all piling up. Halehale Hare~”

“Wait, this young lady. The next bet is about to start, don’t you continue to participate? Seeing Perona ready to leave, the cashier hurriedly reminded.

“The next bout is the final of this martial arts competition. Hayashi Ye from the ‘Black Gold’ combination against the hero of the arena, Diamanti. The stakes for this match could reach unprecedented amounts! ”

“Because when the game enters its most intense moment, some big guys will join in and put in a lot of money. And this time it is said that our Royal Highness also participated in the bet. Saying this, the cashier covered his mouth with one hand and lowered his voice, “So the total amount of funds for this bet is likely to be record-breaking!” So, since you’re so lucky, aren’t you going to give it another try? ”

“Ah, I’m not forcing you to do that. After all, the further back the game, the higher the uncertainty…” As he spoke, the cashier’s confidence was a little insufficient, and his voice was weaker. Because according to her experience in this industry, discerning bettors will receive good money after making a big profit, and will not continue to participate in high-risk gambling.

This time, Perona made 600 million at one time, and she should be satisfied, and she should not choose to risk it again.

Who knew that hearing the cashier’s words, Perona immediately turned around with flashing eyes:

“I’ll try, of course I’m going to try! How can such a good opportunity to make money be missed? ”

“So which player do you bet for? Although the voice of the Lin Ye players is slowly rising now, as far as I personally think, it is Mr. Diamandy’s winning surface that is relatively big. Seeing Perona’s determined look, the cashier kindly reminded. After all, she has been working in the arena for a few years, and basically every major match ends in a victory for Diamanti.

The last game of Diamanti must have made money, which has become the consensus of many gamblers.

This is why the final bet amount will be much higher than before. Conservative people want to make a little money, while adventurers dream of taking advantage of this opportunity to become rich overnight.

“Therefore, I suggest that you choose Diamanti, which is more vocal, and do not have to invest too much, so that even if you miscalculate, you can still have some income——”

“No, no, of course I have to choose Ling Ye.” Perona leaned in and made an imposing gesture, “And this time with full support.” ”

“The more you bet on your capital, the more rewards you’ll get when the time comes, right?” While speaking, Perona put all the boxes of cash under her feet on the cash register.

“Then I’ll bet on all of this time.”

“600 million Bailey!”


Perona felt that the way she threw several boxes of cash to the cashier like a super local tycoon just now could be called handsome.

Thinking of the huge prize that was about to come, her steps on the road became much lighter, intending to return to the audience to enjoy Ling Ye’s victory.

“No stroke, no stroke, no stroke… Don’t caress, don’t stroke, don’t stroke…”

Just then, the phone bug in my pocket rang. It was baby-5 calling.

“Hey, is it Miss Perona? I have important news reports. After connecting, baby-5 quietly suppressed the sound of the horse came out.

“Doflamingo, he seems to have sensed your arrival and is now sending someone to search the island. Pika has been sent out of the King’s Heights to prepare for battle. Monet drove to the northernmost part of the kingdom. But Buffalo, he has been sent to investigate near the arena. If you’re going to do it, exactly.”

“I see. Alas, it seems that the game is not watchable. Perona sighed, “Then I’ll deal with Buffalo.” ”

“Miss Perona, please make sure that your subordinates intercede!”

Saying this, baby-5’s tone became worried again, “Although Bafaro is your enemy, he is usually stupid and cute, please leave him at least one life…”

“Well, don’t worry, I won’t hit hard. At most, it’s just a half-crippled blow-up. Perona agreed simply, “But then you can’t experiment with new moves.” ”

After ending the call with Baby-5, Perona immediately ran towards the perimeter of the arena. Not long after, Ling Ye contacted her again with a phone worm.

“Perona, you received all the information from baby-5 just now, right? You are only responsible for dealing with Buffalo. Return to the arena as soon as the mission is completed! ”

“Of course I know that.” Through the crowd and seeing that the huge Buffalo had appeared not far away, Perona’s expression became solemn.

“The battle is about to begin.”

At the same time, many battles were brewing in various regions of Dressrosa.

Underground trading port, 500 meters outside the cadre tower where sugar is hiding.

“Captain, you don’t have to worry. Jorah, that old woman, was killed by me a long time ago. It’s just a matter of one shot at 800 meters. ”

Hiding behind a huge cargo box, Ezante reported to Ling Ye while wiping a sniper rifle.

“Now the room where Sugar and Torrepol are located is locked. Sniping is available whenever you order. ”

“I know. I’ll let you know soon. In addition to the voice of the night in the phone worm, there was also the noisy shout of the crowd and the excited shout of the host.

It looks like the battle over there is about to begin.

“Understood, Captain. Then leave it to me! ”

Locking onto a target 500 meters away with a scope, Eric said in a calm tone.

Smoke grenades, explosive grenades, tear gas, anesthesia bombs, all kinds of special ammunition have been prepared.

Although he fights head-on, he may not be able to match Torrepol and Sugar.

But sniping secretly from a distance of five hundred meters is absolutely easy …

King’s Heights, outside the royal palace of Doflamingo.

An invisible black ghost regathered its body and walked towards the armored giant man guarding the stone palace.

The sharp black claws were raised high, immediately bringing out a splash of blood.

“Aaaaah! My neck, my neck is scratched! ”

“Lord Pika, what the hell is going on? The people over there are inexplicably injured! ”

The enemies guarding the gate of the kingdom shouted in panic because of the sudden attack.

“It is the enemy who invaded our country.” Instinctively bowing his head and lunging forward, Pika dodged IBM’s deadly claw, and then hurried into the stony ground before the next blow came.

“You all disperse!”

“That invisible enemy, I will deal with it!”

While IBM was wreaking havoc in the palace, Pika had transformed into a stone giant wrapped in heavy armor, frantically swinging his fists towards the ground everywhere.

The entire royal palace in the highlands shook.


Finally, in the middle of the arena, on a cracked floor stained with blood.

“Okay, our fighting match has entered its last fight!”

The host, standing on the high platform, was making an impassioned loud announcement.

“In a previous game, the four cadres of the Don Quixote family unfortunately lost and left the arena they loved forever.”

“But then, think that more powerful fighters will join the fight and bring us an exciting pinnacle showdown!”

“Let’s welcome, the highest cadre of the Don Quixote family, the hero of the arena-”

“Mr. Diamanti!”

“Oooo As the host shouted the name loudly, the audience in the audience also boiled.

“It’s finally ushered in this moment.”

Seeing the slender figure slowly coming from above the platform, the corners of Ling Ye’s mouth raised an arc, and then raised the phone worm.

“Perona, Ezante, you’re all ready.”

“Our four-front battle is about to begin.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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