Chapter XLV

“Capture the atmosphere of the old times and analyze it.”

“The legendary sword master of the country of Wa, the great sword master Ryoma with the world’s first swordsman sentiment, is it recruited?”

“The sailor room is insufficient, the recruitment failed, please ask the host to upgrade the ship’s level as soon as possible.”

The system’s prompt sounded when Luo Ya got this famous knife at the level of the national treasure of the country of Wano, but unfortunately, as Luo Ya thought, the recruitment failed.

His turbulence points only had four points left when he upgraded all the special buildings, while upgrading the third-level era end of the Yan was a full ten turbulence points.

“It’s encouraging me to do things, but there’s obviously nothing to do lately.” Luo Ya was a little helpless.

Whitebeard’s body, the Gulosaiadi is being repaired, and they just hit the world government in the face in the Wald incident, I am afraid that they will be hit the worst by the world government in a short time, if they dare to show their heads, it is a desperate thunder strike.

Roya had no doubt that with the urine of the five old men on Mary Joa, how hysterical he would be when he knew his whereabouts, he was confident, after all, he existed for a day, which would be for the world government and the rotten nobles, it would be to trample their faces on the ground and ravage.

“Wait and see.” Luo Ya’s eyes narrowed slightly, he had a hunch that this sea would not be so calm, if he didn’t make trouble, someone would always make trouble.

And he can slowly accumulate strength, and at that time when this sea is chaotic, he will strike hard and stir up the world even more chaotic.

This is the best option.

“It seems that you are very unhappy, do you want to have another one?”

Suddenly, a voice sounded directly in Luo Ya’s ears.

Roa looked up and saw that Mihawk had walked to the side with red wine.

“Not having fun?” Luo Ya was stunned for a moment, Hawkeye should not have taken the expression he had just frowned and thought because of Ryoma as a sign of unhappiness.

However, he did not explain much, because he had already seen the battle intent in the eyes of the eagle eye.

“Okay, now?” Luo Ya did not dodge looking at the sharp eyes of Hawkeye, put the seven-star sword on his shoulder, and said with a smile.

“No, although the battle just now is negligible for your consumption, I still hope that you are in the most peak state, tomorrow.” Hawkeye drank the red wine in his hand and revealed a rare smile: “In the face of an opponent like you, I also have to adjust to the best state.” ”

For a big sword like Hawkeye, it is a notch higher than Solon’s dream.

The most interesting thing is not the so-called pursuit of the world’s number one swordsman, but the ability to find opponents who can compete in swordsmanship.

And this pursuit, after Shanks broke an arm, it seemed a little ethereal, or in other words, the world’s number one swordsman, a little lonely.

Because no matter how vast this sea is, there are too few who can be called great swordsmen, and there are even fewer who can make him go all out.

That’s why he launched a swordsman duel against Luo Ya, not because of anything else, but just wanted a hearty battle, which is why Luo Ya did not refuse, and he also happened to want to take advantage of this time to try the weight of the world’s number one swordsman in this era.

“If you have a place, you can stay with me at night.” Hawkeye said.

“Then bother.” Luo Ya threw two bottles of red wine towards Hawkeye: “It should be a meeting gift.” ”

“Then I’ll take it.” Hawkeye originally wanted to say that it was not necessary, but when he smelled a trace of wine in his hand, his eyes couldn’t help but light up.

He doesn’t have many hobbies, in addition to practicing swordsmanship, it is red wine, and the red wine thrown by Luo Ya, although the packaging is not very good-looking, but the aroma of wine is actually the best red wine he has ever drunk, and the quality is probably much better.

Seeing that Hawkeye accepted the red wine with some hesitation, Luo Ya couldn’t help but smile, the wine produced in the cellar was all good wine, and it was added to the taste of four percent on the basis of good wine.

It is Whitebeard, who has drunk almost all the best wine in the world, who is full of praise for the wine in the cellar, let alone Hawkeye.

“However, this hobby of red wine is exactly the same as that guy from Field, and this guy from Hawkeye won’t really be Field’s illegitimate son.” Luo Ya couldn’t help but say a little.

Lonely and arrogant, I go my own way, I still like to be a lone ranger, and there are few friends, plus I like red wine, if it doesn’t look like it, Roya really feels that Hawkeye and Red Count are simply carved out of a mold.

“The dark wound in this idiot swordsman’s body is very serious, I have to take him back to the ship for treatment, there are not enough medicines here.” Kourokas carried Solon Dao.

Since discovering the dark wound in Solon’s body, Solon has been promoted to idiot swordsman here in Kourokas, alongside idiot Whitebeard.

“Try to restore his body to its best condition without worrying about any consumption.” Roa instructed.

And this made Kulokas stunned for a moment, he knew very well what Luo Ya meant, the second-level health room has a basic medicinal material output every day, but although it is basic, it is a basic drug produced on the premise of surpassing the world for a hundred years, and there are some drugs that are precious now.

It was a drug that could not be made at the current level of Kulokas, and their effects in this world were enough to drive many doctors and pharmaceutical companies crazy, and Roa meant that these precious drugs could be used.

“I see.” Kulokas said with a smile, with the help of these drugs, he was sure that all the dark injuries in Solon’s body could be eliminated, even the fatigue and dark injuries left by the previous battle.

After all, Solon is not a white beard, he is still young, and some dark injuries are far less serious for his age, of course, these dark injuries seem nothing now, but they have actually affected his fundamentals, such as physical strength and strength, and even affect his future growth ceiling.

“Go, Newgate will come with you.” Roa gestured towards Whitebeard.

Kulokas is a baby doctor, he is not a combatant, and he has little combat effectiveness when he is old, although the beasts along the road have been cleaned up, but if he really suffers any accident, Luo Ya will die of distress.

“Roronoya Solon, my gift to you is ready, it depends on how big a storm you can make.” Roya looked at Solon in Whitebeard’s hand and said secretly.

Kulokas didn’t have so many ideas about those drugs, they were all some basic drugs that could be produced every day, in exchange for a swordsman with endless potential, and a swordsman he admired, it was really a cost-effective deal.

Without the burden of physical dark wounds, coupled with the black knife that broke through in advance, coupled with Hawkeye’s swordsmanship teaching, no one could imagine how far Solon could grow.

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