Chapter Ninety-Seven

At the end of the era, the door of the cabin that was watched by everyone opened.

At this moment, the dark clouds are denser, there is no slightest raindrop falling, and no thunder sounds, perhaps just the embodiment of the changeable climate of the great voyage, but it may also be a harbinger of something, before the bell of the times rings, before the curtain of this era is completely opened, no one knows where the future is about to go, just like this thick and thick sky.

Watched by legendary sea pirates such as Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Walder.

Watched by Saab, Belo Betty and other high-ranking members of the revolutionary army.

It was watched by the former admiral Qinghe, who had been silently observing and still holding justice.

Even those watched by the hawkeye who stayed out of the picture.

Luo Ya walked out first, still with a calm smile, making it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

In the back, there was the dragon, who now looked thoughtful, but with a smile on his face and a good mood.

This made Belo Betty breathe a sigh of relief, at least on the surface, not to the point of turning their faces.

“Did the negotiations succeed? Dragon. Lindbergh greeted him directly, and couldn’t wait to ask, if you really join forces with the Roya Pirates, it is really the biggest good news since the founding of the revolutionary army.

“Nope.” Long smiled and said, “The negotiations broke down. ”

The dragon’s words made the whitebeard all breathe a sigh of relief and smile again, as Shiki said, they were pirates, not revolutionary troops.

“Heh, it seems that the curtain of the new era has not yet fully opened.” Hawkeye lowered the brim of his hat and muttered with a smile, and Solon on the side looked at him suspiciously, not knowing why.

“What exactly are the two of them thinking?” The green pheasant thought more, wanting to carefully see something from the faces of Luo Ya and Long, but after a moment he gave up, scratching his head a little lazily and helplessly: “Forget it, these are still to let the righteous partners have a good headache, but fortunately, it also buffers the time for the upcoming big conflict~.” ”

It can be expected that if the revolutionary army and the Luoya Pirate Group join forces, then in a short period of time, the strength will swell to the point that it is not much worse than the world government, and the two tigers will compete, and the end can only be that the world will usher in a devastating conflict in a short period of time, of course, not now, and that kind of conflict will break out sooner or later under a certain opportunity.

However, if there is a little buffer time, there is still a turnaround.

However, compared with the relieved performance of Roya’s side, the revolutionary army’s side showed great puzzlement.

“Why?” Maury, Kerra and they were all a little unbelievable, this was the best time to change the world, and the negotiations failed, why would the dragon look happy.

“Really?” Belo Betty spat out a cigarette and did not show much surprise: “The road of revolution is undoubtedly a muddy road full of thorns, from the beginning, we want to take the road and shortcut is wrong, even if we achieve the goal in a short time, we will find that it is impossible for a long time.”

“Yes.” The dragon nodded, acknowledging Betty’s words, the point was also what he had just thought about, pirates and the revolutionary army could not be confused.

If pirates are to break the shackles, break through one, and pursue freedom, then the revolutionary army is to establish a new order for this chaotic world.

Forcibly cooperating, then for both sides, it is already wrong.

“What a terrible man, Gordoa.” The dragon twisted a glance at Luo Ya, who was in a group of legendary sea thieves, with a playful expression, and sighed with some emotion.

From the beginning, the group of them did not notice that something was wrong, but Roya had seen through this from the beginning when he saw his purpose, so he rejected him so decisively.

“Compared with me, you are an outlier of this era, a natural leader, if only you were from the revolutionary army.” Long sighed in his heart, but soon his eyes were full of fighting spirit: “However, we will not lose, the pirates are powerful, but the revolutionary army is the organization that can really bring change to the world.” ”

“Hey, dragon, stay and have a banquet together.” Roa slapped the dragon’s back.

“Didn’t you just have a banquet yesterday? Allala, what a noisy crowd. The green pheasant sighed helplessly, banqueting every day on this pirate ship, yesterday’s hangover made him a little unenergetic now.

“Hey, Saab, have a drink.” Ace was the kind of person who was excited when he talked about the banquet, and directly put his arm around Saab’s shoulder.

There is nothing more gratifying than that the dead brother came back from the dead and became the second-in-command of the revolutionary army.

“Mr. Long?” Saab looked at the dragon.

“Then stay here for a few more days.” Long smiled and said, “I have asked you a lot of things on weekdays, so these days should be a vacation.” ”

“Great.” Saab couldn’t help but cheer.

Several legion commanders also smiled.

“Robin, I really didn’t expect you to join the revolutionary army.” Ace and Saab went to the side to reminisce, and Solon couldn’t help but come over.

To say that the face is cold and hot, Solon is definitely number one, on the Straw Hat Group, it is counted that Solon is a little alone on weekdays, but surprisingly, the best relationship with almost everyone is also Solon, although the Straw Hat Pirates Group does not have a deputy captain, but in this captain willful, the deputy captain silently gives everything on the sea, Solon is undoubtedly the deputy captain.

“Ah, I was photographed by Mr. Xiong on the island of the revolutionary army.” Robin laughed.

“Mr. Xiong?” Solon sensed a slight sense that something was wrong.

“Ah yes, Solon, you don’t know.” Robin smiled gently, “Mr. Big Bear is a cadre of the revolutionary army, and he was here to save us when he was a three-masted galleon and Chambord land. ”

“No wonder, it felt wrong at that time.” Solon recalled how easily the three-masted schooner let them go.

And the Chambord Islands slapped them in front of the yellow ape, and even more photographed him on the island of Hawkeye, so many coincidences linked together can only show that the bear they have always feared is actually helping them all the time.

“What did you (Li Nuo’s) say?” Robin didn’t hear Sauron’s murmur.

“No, it’s nothing, we can’t forget this kindness.” Solon pulled out the words of the Wado on his waist, and seemed to be serious about the knife: “The benevolence and righteousness owed by men will one day be repaid.” ”

While Solon was talking to Robin, there were other people watching them.

A green pheasant who sat silently on the side and drank, quietly looked at Robin who was chattering with Solon, couldn’t help but show a hint of a smile, and then turned into self-deprecation: “Sauro, the facts have proved over and over again, maybe you are right.” ”

“Is the world government, the navy, which we have always believed in, really just? Are the tasks that have been performed really all with a clear conscience? ”

“Justice, what is it?”

ps: After watching Pirates, I looked back at O’Hara, there was really too much foreshadowing, and O’Hara really almost revealed the essence of the world government. _

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