
With the sound of a gunshot, the bullseye 200 meters away was immediately pierced, and thunderous applause suddenly erupted from the recruit training camp at the Navy Headquarters.

"He deserves to be Cage, the Navy’s top marksman."

"This pistol technique is really beyond words."

"hehe...No matter how powerful he is, he is just a gunman. He can only make surprise attacks. A real duel is a head-on fight. What's the use of this?"


The freshmen in the new barracks had mixed opinions about this. Some people naturally admired Cage, while others were naturally full of disdain.

Of course, in the final analysis, it’s just pure envy, jealousy, and hatred.

"Well done, hit the target accurately, 100%!"

A strong man walked up to Cage, patted his thin shoulder, and said with joy,"You are one of the best sharpshooters I have ever seen. If you work hard, you will definitely become the mainstay of the navy in the future."

"I understand, Teacher Zefa, thank you."

The young man named Cage nodded respectfully, and then quietly retreated, leaving others to come up for target shooting.

It was a hot summer day, and Cage casually found a shady place to sit down, and he grabbed his hand from the ground. I picked up a piece of grass and held it in my mouth in all kinds of boredom

"Time flies so fast, it has been eighteen years since I came to this world."

Cage looked at the blue sky, his pupils were dazed, and he recalled the past.

He was not a native of this world, but an out-and-out traveler. He was born on an island in the New World, and his parents were just ordinary hunters. , Cage hunted with his father in the mountains since he was a child. He started playing with guns when he was five or six years old. Now, he has been playing with guns for more than ten years.

Even as a time traveler, Cage has never had extravagant hopes and expectations for this world. , he doesn’t have the ambition to dominate the world, he just wants to live his life smoothly. Although his life as an Orion is boring, he wanders in the mountains all year round, has close contact with nature, and goes for a walk in the mountains when he is bored. , it’s not that different, and the family is enjoying themselves happily.

But all this beautiful life was destroyed half a month ago. The island where Cage lives was attacked by pirates. These ruthless executioners have no humanity at all and will rob everything they see. , killing everyone on sight, and Cage's parents also died in the war.

Although the navy rushed to support, it was already too late, and those vicious pirates fled. The reason why Cage is still alive is that he is alone A man went hunting in the mountains and survived. When he returned home, all he saw were the cold bodies of his parents.

Later, Cage dug a grave alone and buried his parents with his own hands. After those sailors left, he wanted revenge.

Therefore, he now became a navy soldier

"Hello, Cage."

A pleasant voice suddenly came from beside him. Cage's slightly squinted eyes opened, and what came into view was a young face. The girl had long, silky sea-blue hair. She seemed to rarely talk to boys. The girl He bit his lips tightly, his face was red, and he was particularly shy.

"Are you Ain? Can I help you."

Cage's eyes flashed with light. He was quite surprised. It was difficult for a member of the same recruit camp to ignore Ain, because this time the new navy students had two Devil Fruit users, and one of them was Ain. Okay, she is a person with retrograde fruit ability.

And the other person is Binz, he is a superhuman type with lush fruit ability.

"I didn't pass the firearms assessment task. I want to ask you for a favor."Ain's voice was very low, sounding a little embarrassed and nervous.

This was the first time she talked to Cage.

After Cage joined the recruit camp, everyone's first impression of him was that he was very cold and rarely communicated with others.

"Girls are not suitable for firearms. This is not your toy. Cage responded lightly,"Aren't you a person with abilities? Think more about the ability of the Devil Fruit. That's how you can save your life in the future.""

"Cage! Ain

's little face suddenly became tense, and the blush disappeared. He emphasized seriously:"I just want to exchange marksmanship skills with you. You can't discriminate against all girls because of me.""


Cage was silent after hearing this. A woman's brain circuit is really strange, so he simply got up and left.


Ain was furious and stared at Cage's figure. Just when he was considering whether to catch up, Cage's voice came.

"There is no skill, you just need to control your breathing, don't care about the eyes of the people around you, calm yourself down and immerse yourself in your own world."

"And the most important thing, especially for you...Confidence, this is the source of everything"

"Remember, practice more, practice makes perfect"

"With enough practice, you can hit even a moving target blindfolded."

Many navy recruits were stunned when they heard this. When did this guy become so friendly? He actually told Ain his skills.

"cut...A guy who only knows how to be cool, who can't talk the talk, really thinks he is a sharpshooter?"

A discordant voice sounded, and everyone looked over at the same time. What came into view was a strong man wearing a pink turban. The turban extended from his head to his chin, and there was a samurai sword hanging on his back.

This man is one of the rookies in the navy recruit camp - Binz

The new book needs everyone's care, I hope you will give me a lot of support

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