"Genos, don't mess around too much, the doctor will do his own experiments after he finishes. "

And North nodded likewise.

In fact, the whole city was completely shocked, and the newspaper published a notice of the Weird Association.

Everyone was a little panicked. At this moment, the association has also begun to act thoroughly.

Even now, metal bats and others are a little dignified.

The Heroes Association and the Weirdos Association seem to be about to start a head-to-head showdown, but the Hateful Weirdos' Association is despicable.

At this moment, even the S-class heroes are starting to get serious, and of course there are some exceptions.

And at the same time that the news was released, the weirdos were already aware of it.

In some weirdos who didn't participate in the Weird Man Association, they actually broke the gate of Z City directly, swarmed in, and headed towards the headquarters of the Weird Man Association. A terrible force was formed.

But I didn't expect that in the next moment, these weirdos were all blown up, and I saw One Punch Man holding his fist at this time, and there was smoke on the fist.

And in his hand there was a large bag, as if he had gone to buy something.

But when he looked at these weirdos who were directly beaten by himself, Saitama was also a little puzzled.

There are a lot of weirdos today, so these guys are probably coming for me, and more importantly, it's time for the garbage truck.

As he spoke, he hurriedly ran towards the place where the garbage truck was, but he didn't expect that it was garbage in his hands, not something he bought.

Cage, on the other hand, was in a wooded area at this time, his figure dodging among the trees.

At this time, he looked at the four little boys below, who were discussing something, but it made Cage very curious.

"What do you say, someone has taken over our secret base. One of the boys was a little confused.

"yes, there's a man I don't know sleeping there. Another boy with glasses also said that he really saw it.

"It's a fake, or you're going to get them, Hammerman. "

But what I didn't expect was that one of the four little boys felt familiar, it was the little boy who had some acquaintance with the hungry wolf.

The other three people just looked at the hammerman and said.

Hammerman was surprised when he heard this, "Why do you want to let yourself come out." "

"That's right, let's get him out of the house. The other boys did the same.

"But I can't help it. The hammerman was afraid, but he didn't expect it to be a punch.

"Don't be long-winded, hurry up. "Since he can't mess with these guys, Hammerman can only go to his secret base.

Unexpectedly, in the secret base he called, the evil wolf was wrapped in injuries at this time.

Unexpectedly, under this battle, he actually had a high fever, even if his body was damaged, but the wolf was not afraid, but this kind of injury from the inside out made him helpless.

"Damn, I have a high fever that doesn't go away, so I can't move for two or three days. The hungry wolf gasped, but was a little helpless.

But it just so happened that at this time, the hammerman actually walked into the secret base.

But when he saw the hammer man, the hungry wolf also stood up directly, but scared the hammer man directly to the ground.

"What are you doing here?" said the hungry wolf indifferently.

The hammermen were already frightened, and because of the lighting, they didn't see the wolf's appearance clearly.

This room is our secret base. The hammerman said, but his tone was trembling, 10 points scared.

The hungry wolf didn't see all of them clearly, so he just wanted to scare these guys away at this time.

But when he saw it clearly, he was a little surprised, "I didn't expect it to be you, aren't you the little ghost who watched the hero Mingjian?"

When the evil wolf saw it clearly, he was also puzzled, and the hammer man Yile saw the appearance of the hungry wolf clearly at this time.

"You were the uncle at that time. "

The hungry wolf rolled his eyes, "Didn't I tell you that I wasn't an uncle?

"Then please get out of this room. But the hammerman said awkwardly, after all, no matter how hungry wolves know him.

The hungry wolf wondered all day long, "Why did I want you to drive me away?"

The hammerman was about to be scared away by the hungry wolf, and when he was scared, he trembled and said, "Because everyone told me to tell you so." "

"Your friends, reject them?" said the hammerman, but he cried, as if he was a little incompetent.

Don't cry you guy, really, okay, okay, you don't have to worry, I'll be gone in a while.

Seeing the hammerman crying, the hungry wolf was helpless.

If you still have an idea, then call your friends over, "Do you understand? "

The hammerman also nodded when he listened, the hungry wolf now wanted to heal his injuries.

Standing up helplessly, he looked at the hammerman who was still a little timid, but said, "I'll teach you some ways to make your friends dare not mess with you." "

The hammerman nodded when he heard this, he didn't want others to mess with him, and he was too timid.

But the wolf felt that this guy was a little different from what he usually saw.

As for the three children outside, they were quietly waiting for the hammerman at this time.

"That guy is too slow. One of the boys said.

"Is something happening?"

But just as they waited, the Death Machine Gun did arrive behind them.

"Children, stay away. Unexpectedly, everyone was shocked by the arrival of the signs of death, but they showed a hint of surprise, and even the smiling hero and the stabbing man behind the death machine gun also came.

Unexpectedly, there were as many as 8 heroes who came here, and each hero had his own terrifying strength.

Looking at these 8 heroes, even these three children were pleasantly surprised.

And when he saw the 8-meter hero on the tree, the smile on Cage's face slowly became weaker, and if he didn't figure it out, he shot directly, and these guys also violated the name of the hero.

Of course, he also knew that these heroes were helpless, after all, no matter how much the damage caused by the hero hunter to the hero was too serious, it would also reduce their sense of majesty.

The wounded hero hunter is in that room. Looking at the secret base in front of him, the smiley man asked the death machine gun.

The three children didn't seem to tell anyone about their companions being in the secret base, after all, Hammerman was dispensable to them, and Hammerman was just the master they bullied.

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