Today's events slowly fell, and Z City became calm.

But the reappearance of Elder Centipede is obviously known to the people in the headquarters of the Hero Association.

And at this moment, the headquarters of the Hero Guild looks impregnable and an impregnable fortress.

However, a strong fortress can also collapse, or tremble.

There are all kinds of intricate information, so at this time, the seemingly impregnable fortress has already formed a huge reaction anomaly inside.

At this time, the leadership of the Hero Association headquarters had some disagreement.

And the sudden appearance of the centipede elder also surprised them very much.

At a meeting, the people at the top were all settled, and some people were very happy when they watched the centipede elder solve it.

"I thought the destruction of that city was inevitable, but I didn't expect that a huge monster would be destroyed by an unparalleled and powerful attack. "

One was sighing, and the other was also surprised, "Are you saying that Elder Centipede was killed on the spot?"

"It's unbelievable, but it's something that only he can do, and it's great that King is on our side," some of them were equally glad to have.

If the king had been from the Weirdos' side, I'm afraid their disaster would have been even worse.

Although it is said that the centipede elder has been dealt with, the hero hunter has disappeared at this time.

"The silver fangs who were given carte blanche on the Hero Hunter's side, isn't the mission a failure now, what are you going to do, Mr. Hitch?"

"If there are still heroes who are affected, we really can't stand up to that, after all, the Hero Association is now very dangerous. "

Some of the current high-ranking people still think that the hungry wolf is just an ordinary person, and even if the silver fangs didn't eliminate it, it was because of the sudden appearance of the strange man and let him escape.

If you let some heroes destroy it, I'm afraid it will still be able to be destroyed. But Siqi was very dignified at this time, and even broke out in a cold sweat.

"The current wolf is no longer human, I hope you can treat it as a strange person, maybe the next time he appears, he should explain the alarm according to the disaster level and call the corresponding hero to deal with it. "

But in the face of strange words, there are still people who keep refuting, "But he is actually still a human being, can there be a human being who can use his body against our family to stimulate the hero? If it is common sense, shouldn't it be a problem on the basis of strategy." "

Listen to their words. Strange is indeed speechless, could it be that they are still for their own interests until now.

"Considering that the silver fangs made contact with the hungry wolf, but did not solve it, it was indeed surprising to me, after all, I was convinced of his ability. "

"But he must have dealt a heavy blow to the hungry wolf, and when it comes to the decisive battle with the Strange Men Association, the hungry wolf will definitely not be able to become the opponent's combat power, we just need to grasp this aspect and think about it......"

But before the strange words were finished, a bald leader drank directly, "Call the blast to come out, let him solve it, obviously he is the first hero, but there is no movement, really, what are you doing?"

It seems that this guy is also very dissatisfied with the explosion, but Xiqi frowned, "We can't order the explosion, he will only carry out heroic activities according to his own wishes." "

"In short, he refuses to be tied down and doesn't want to be noticed, so the roster of heroes doesn't reveal any information about him, and we judge that this special treatment is valuable to him. "

They didn't know that the wolf had already been taken away by Cage, so even now they could only think that the hungry wolf had been captured by the people of the Weird Society.

But Strange hesitated again.

"When he himself really thinks that humanity needs help, he will definitely show up. "

However, as soon as the strange words were finished, an angry voice began to roar throughout the conference room.

"What are you talking about, isn't it that time now?" It turned out that the father and son before the person who appeared was serious, the rich man.

Because of the previous incident, this rich man was also very angry, and he didn't expect to dare to beat his son's idea, then he had to let this weird association be destroyed.

As soon as they saw this person coming, all the high-level officials also came to his side with smiling faces, and their bodies couldn't help but tremble.

"Mr. Kim......"

When these people still wanted to speak, the rich man was angry again and said, "My son was almost taken away by those strange people, isn't it a dangerous time now? Is it really necessary for my son to be taken away before he came out to ask for help?"

The words of the rich man made some high-level people very angry, could it be that his son was a human being, and others could only be killed with cold eyes?

"Either way, I made a promise with you that I would destroy the Weirdo Society. "

But at this moment, a man in a suit directly stood up and blocked these leaders, and at the same time, his eyes turned out to be mechanical, which looked very different.

"We are now working hard to find out the location of the enemy base, and I can understand your feelings, so you might as well take your son into hiding for the time being until you succeed in destroying the Weirdo Guild. "

Looking at the man in the suit, the rich man was also stunned, "Who are you?"

The man said lightly, "I am the commander-in-chief in charge of this operation, whose name is Zekinger, and I would like to ask you for more advice." "

At this time, in Cage's room, Cage didn't know about the discussion in the headquarters of the Hero Association at this time, but Cage was able to guess a few points.

After all, Cage also knows about human nature, and even those rich people he really wants to kill them directly.

These guys' hearts have already been twisted, and compared to those weirdos, I'm afraid they are just wearing a layer of skin.

And Cage, who was just sitting at the table faintly, was drinking tea beside him, but suddenly, there was a muffled snort.

Immediately after that, he started a man, and the man's body was muscular, but he was wrapped in bandages, and the man's hair was very special, white, and he looked like a hungry wolf.

The hungry wolf had just woken up, but when he felt the pain all over his body, he smiled bitterly, and when he thought of himself again, when he finally woke up to something, he suddenly became cold.

When his eyes swept to his private life, he found a man he knew very well.

"You guy. The hungry wolf roared and wanted to stand up and rush to Cage.

But he didn't expect that he was directly paralyzed on the ground in the next moment, without the slightest suspicion.

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