"It's good that you get the idea. "

Cage also nodded, but in the next Cage corner, he fell in love with the undocumented knight, and asked seriously, "I'll ask you again at the end, are you really sure you must worship me as a teacher? I'm afraid you will be very bitter in the next time." "

And when he heard Cage's words, the undocumented knight didn't even think about it, he nodded firmly, and at the same time, his face became solemn, "Master, I will definitely follow you." "

After hearing this, Cage Corner smiled and looked very satisfied, the unlicensed knight in front of him.

"Okay, in that case, then you can go back first, and come back tomorrow. "

And after Cage successfully collected the unlicensed knights, in an information database, at this moment, Emperor Tong was eating his lollipop on the one hand, but on the other hand, he was controlling the robot, constantly searching for the specific location of the headquarters of the Official Association.

They didn't stop such a strong strength, so they could only search for it on their own.

However, as Emperor Tong searched, he was extremely impatient.

Even those people who had been staring at themselves were a little irritable.

"Can you leave here for a while and be watched like this by you, I can't concentrate at all," Emperor Tong snorted coldly,

Hearing Emperor Tong's words, everyone was helpless, so they could only walk outside, and when one person wanted to say something, Emperor Tong did receive it directly, "If you find anything, I will call you, don't worry." "

But after hearing this, they walked out with peace of mind.

However, as these guys just walked out of the Tong Emperor, they pressed directly on a key, only to see that there was a circle on this key, which seemed to be a head.

"Metal Knight, I know you're there, answer me quickly. "

Unexpectedly, the big screen that was still on at the next moment turned into a pattern at this time.

Those snowflakes flickered and flashed, but nothing happened, and the characters appeared, as if they had been infected with a virus.

Soon, however, there was a voice on the other side of the computer.

"I'm having breakfast. "

But hearing this, Emperor Tong was shocked.

"It's already afternoon now, I feel like I'm wasting my efforts now, you should have fully mastered the location of the base, tell me where it is, otherwise I really won't be able to catch up, do you plan to die or not save me?"

Emperor Tong's words made the metal knight on the opposite side sigh.

"If I don't tell you that I won't be saved, then if I tell you that not only them, but even you will die, I look at justice, so that I can make the most reasonable and thoughtful choice. "

While talking about the metal knight, it was actually solemn.

"But there's another option, you're going to fight too. "

The same body listened but roared directly.

I didn't expect that this time the metal knight knight would be the same and not participate.

"I didn't think there was anything that would make you scared like this, what would the metal knight's machine become like this? If so, what kind of weirdos would it be destroyed, and how would it be destroyed?"

The Tong Emperor directly asked three questions, but the metal knight fell silent.

Because behind him was some broken metal, and this combination of metal was the metal robot that had fought against the previous centipede elder.

And now this metal robot is in tatters.

After a moment of speechlessness, the metal knight still sighed and said.

"Strange Ambassador Wang, I don't know how he did it, I'm afraid it's a manipulation of something like a shot, just by relying on a single blow, he directly penetrated the body with arm protection, and even the self-exposure device stopped working in an instant. "

And when he heard the helpless and frightened words of the metal knight, Emperor Tong's eyes instantly widened.

He didn't know if the Metal Knight was right or wrong, but he still believed in the Metal Knight.

At this time, the metal knight's robot was directly dismantled, and it was obvious that he could feel how powerful the weird king was.

The Metal Knight has arrived. "It's not the Weirdo Guild that I'm afraid of, it's the other evils that are eyeing the world, but when humanity's defenses weaken, it will attack in a big way. "

"You must also be more careful, don't trust those people around you, if justice is maintained, then it is enough to calm me alone, and before that time comes, the most important way is to preserve strength. "

When he finished saying this, the big screen suddenly turned black and white with snowflakes.

And seeing this scene, Emperor Tong also knew that the metal knight actually hung up the phone directly.

sighed helplessly, and I didn't expect that such a long time would be wasted by myself.

You have to find the position of the collective as soon as possible, and Emperor Tong is also serious, but he didn't completely obey the words of the metal knight, after all, Emperor Tong also has his own temper.

Damn, the Snow Blowing Clan was wiped out, and although most of it was Cage's work, it has become an emergency now, and it is necessary to hold a meeting here as a branch of the Snow Blowing Group.

Unexpectedly, Hell Blowing Snow walked forward at this time, but in front of him, there was a room for One Punch Man.

At this time, Hell Blowing Snow came here, and after ringing the doorbell, he didn't expect that it was an old man who opened the door.

The old man looked a lot like Bangpu.

Originally, Hell Blowing Snow wanted to be called Saitama directly, but I didn't expect this guy to suddenly appear and I was a little confused.

Why was this old man in Saitama's room?

"Are you a friend of Saitama? Instead of refusing, he turned into an enthusiastic look, and directly invited him in, while shouting inside, "You have a guest here, Saitama-kun." "

When he walked into the room, Hell Blowing Snow was completely speechless, even shocked.

Unexpectedly, in the room, it was not only Saitama, but also King, as well as Genos and Banggu.

In such a small room, there were 5 figures, and now the arrival of Hell Blowing Snow has also become 6, which instantly makes the house even more crowded.

But he was even more surprised to look at Banggu lying on his side with a few silver needles on his back, as well as King and Saitama who were playing games, and even Genos, who looked extremely broken now, what was going on?

Hell Blowing Snow didn't know, but it was already a little shocked.

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