Bello Betty is a superman with the ability to inspire the fruit. This is a magical ability that can inspire courage in people's hearts and arouse the power in people's hearts by waving flags and shouting.

To put it simply, even a scumbag who is afraid of death will burst out with great courage if he is affected by her ability.

At the same time, the Revolutionary Army also received news of the naval landing.

Near the royal capital of the Kingdom of Illusia, the huge royal city was surrounded by densely packed revolutionary troops.

The core command area of ​​the revolutionary army

"Morrie...The navy has landed and, according to reports from informants, is approaching our side."

Bello Betty had a cigarette in her mouth and carefully examined the map on the table."With the speed of the navy, it will probably take a few hours to arrive. We cannot completely control this country in such a short time. It seems that Sooner or later there will be a battle with the navy, Morrie."

The big man sitting on the ground next to him stared at the gaze cast by Bello Betty. This giant man covered his cheek shyly and said in an embarrassed tone:"Don't stare at them, Betty, I know. you are obsessed with me...But people won’t be able to bear such a direct and naked look!"

"Moreover, they are giants and you are human. In terms of size, it is completely impossible for us!"

Bello Betty:"........."

She twitched the corner of her mouth fiercely, suppressing the urge to hit someone,"At this serious moment, please speak to me!"

Bello Betty's spit sprayed onto Mori's face.

"cut...Why are you so fierce?"

Morrie curled his lips, then stood up from the ground, patted the dust on his miniskirt, and the trident he was holding hit the ground with a bang.

"The navy leader seems to be a major general...It's not a difficult character, let others stop it."Morrie winked at Bello Betty very charmingly.

"This is the only way. I immediately ordered everyone to start attacking the city and strive to liberate this country that has been oppressed for a long time as quickly as possible."

"But when facing Cage, you have to be careful. Don’t think he is just a rear admiral. It is said that he is very good at marksmanship. He is also the youngest rear admiral in the history of the navy. Be careful, Morrie."


On Cage's side, the large army is still approaching the royal capital quickly.

"Major General Cage...Does the Belo Betty you mentioned really have such miraculous abilities? Doesn't it mean that the people affected by her power will turn their hearts to the revolutionary army?"

Cage also explained to Ain the power of the Encouragement Fruit.

"That's about it. Otherwise, why do you think the revolutionary army is developing so fast? Not to mention that this woman has all the credit, at least part of the reason is because of her. Wherever she yells, a bunch of free troops will be used. Isn’t that group of mobs we just encountered a living example? Without Bello... With Betty's encouragement, how could those ordinary people dare to fight head-on with our navy, and they were not afraid of death, even if they risked their lives."

Cage said, maybe Bello Betty's personal combat effectiveness is not very outstanding, but this auxiliary ability is unparalleled, it can be called the top BUFF bonus!

"Such an ability is so abominable!"

Ain stamped his feet and said angrily:"It's completely equivalent to using innocent people as props."

"Isn't that what war is like? How fair and aboveboard do you think it can be?"Cage said casually, Ain's ability to accept is still a bit poor.

"Order the front troops to speed up. We have invaded in such a bold manner. It is impossible that the revolutionary army has not received the message. They will definitely speed up the siege."

Ain once again used the phone bug notification to contact all junior officers.

It is worth mentioning that not only Cage was promoted, but even Ain was no exception. She was also promoted to captain by the Navy. It turned out that she was only a second lieutenant. , promoted two levels in a row. Ain knew in her heart that it was because of Cage's nepotism that she was taken care of, so she obeyed Cage's words.

Time passed quickly, and more than two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period...Cage's troops are getting closer and closer to the royal capital, about ten kilometers away.

Even the forward troops have encountered the revolutionary army.

Boom boom boom...Boom boom boom...Boom boom boom...

As several loud noises fell, the ground in front of the navy cracked open without any warning. It was like an earthquake. The ground was forcibly torn apart. A bottomless dark abyss appeared in front of everyone's eyes. Many people saw it. The navy didn't notice it and fell off guard.

This unusual situation soon attracted Cage

"Sorry Navy boys."

Under the soil that the feet stepped on, a hole opened again, and a huge giant race emerged. This guy was dressed in a strange way, wearing a miniskirt, with stubble on his face, holding a trident, and his hair was tied up. pink bow

"Our revolutionary army is attacking the city. I hope you can wait here!"

Cage recognized the identity of this big guy at a glance. He was undoubtedly the revolutionary army commander Morrie, the commander of the Western Army.

"I reject."

Cage naturally refused this ridiculous request. Without saying a word, he directly raised the rifle and aimed it at Mori.


A bullet flew out of the barrel and flew to Mori's head with great accuracy.

The new book needs everyone's care, I hope you will give me a lot of support

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