Suddenly, the wolf spat out a mouthful of blood, and the distance had even pierced it directly into the wall, and even smashed the wall out of the hole.

"The tentacles were the first parts that Orochi discovered after he turned from a human to a strange man. Zhang Wangwei said.

Powerful, flexible and fast, not only has a long range but also can be easily controlled.

As Zhang Wangwei said, the tentacles of the big snake had slowly withdrawn.

The wolf slowly fell from the wall, covering the entire wall with blood.

Including the next moment, the eyes of the looking monster were slowly widening, because within his eyes, he didn't expect the evil wolf to stand up again.

Even though the current evil wolf had a hole in his abdomen that looked not small, the evil wolf did not pay attention to it, but smiled slightly.

Even though he was in tatters, he was very indifferent. "No problem, my body was just pierced once. The wolf laughed a few times as he spoke, as if he didn't pay any attention to the trauma.

But in the next moment, the serpent roared as well. Immediately after that, the entire tentacles on his head completely began to stab towards the evil wolf quickly, and there were ten tentacles, directly stabbing towards the evil wolf.

But the evil wolf was just indifferent, and then the next moment the flowing water salt spring was opened, and with the arrival of the foot, the hungry wolf also used his own flowing water to constantly resist.

The sound of thumping kept ringing, and it was here that the serpent's massive body used its tentacles to cause real dust throughout the scene.

As for the center of the dust, the form of the hungry wolf has long since disappeared.

When I saw this violent noise, the weirdos on each floor also looked at it.

They were also shocked when they saw the big snake attacking in person, and at the same time they also saw the hungry wolves in the tentacles that kept dodging.

Look, Lord Orochi is fighting in person, is it the intruder I mentioned earlier?

Some weirdos also saw clearly, whose monster snake was fighting, so they were a little shocked, and when they saw this scene, they didn't expect the evil wolf to suddenly appear on a level, and there were also weirdos here.

However, with the running of the hungry wolf, these strange people were also solved by him, and they were directly split by the hungry wolf.

But in the next moment, it was like a skewer of mutton, and the tentacles of the big snake didn't pay attention to these strange people and directly pierced it.

There was a thumping sound, but this time it was obvious that it was because the wolf was constantly dodging, turning the entire level into a target.

These little weirdos, the big snake and the Zhang Wangwei didn't pay attention to it at all, and the Zhang Wangwei looked at the speed of the evil wolf was also a little dignified, but he didn't expect its speed to be constantly accelerating, and even turned into an afterimage.

As the wolf continued to dodge, he didn't expect the big snake to use his tentacles and directly start shooting.

The tentacles that had been running after the wolf were directly transformed into scattered attacks in the next instant.

No matter where the hungry wolf hides, the tentacles can stab him, and it seems that the serpent has mastered these tentacles perfectly.

The thumping sound sounded again, and the blood on the hungry wolf's body was also flying, even if its speed was fast, but the tentacles of the big tongue were not slow.

So there are a lot of injuries that have been caused by the bang again.

The evil wolf is also a little dignified. If you blindly dodge, I'm afraid it will be endless, but when he used his running water to hit it just now, he found that it was not cut at all.

Because the serpent's tentacles are extremely tough and extremely hard.

glanced at the big snake, but the hungry wolf had already made plans and hid directly towards him.

Directly in the next moment, the figure of the hungry wolf jumped up directly and smashed towards the head of the big snake, while also thinking.

If I get close, it's my most powerful range, and if I'm a human before, my weakness should be the same as if I hit this huge target hard.

As he spoke, he raised his fist.

But in the next moment, the big snake had already turned its head in an instant, and in his mouth, it opened one huge mouth after another.

The mouth looked extremely terrifying, as if it was layered on top of each other, and when it saw this huge mouth, the evil wolf also reacted instantly, because its speed was too fast, and it could only dodge in an instant.

There was a loud bang, but this time it was because of the serpent's mouth shut.

This speed is too fast, even if the hungry wolf is suddenly dodging in the air, it is the only way to dodge it.

When he fell to the ground and turned his inertia and looked at the serpent, the wolf also became solemn.

"What the hell is this guy?"

Zhang Wangwei also fell in love with the big snake, but it was dull.

At this time, the big snake didn't expect that his entire body began to turn into a snake, like countless snakes, and began to slowly become inseparable, even his head, as if his entire body was condensed by snakes.

And at this moment, all the snakes are staring at the hungry wolf, but the evil wolf is also solemn, what the hell is this guy looks extremely terrifying.

Didn't you expect the dog monster to follow closely after this earthworm boss?

But I didn't expect that in the next moment, all the snakes began to condense a scorching energy, and the evil wolf was also dignified when he saw this scene.

"That's not good. "

Unexpectedly, the hungry wolf in the next moment, just after finishing speaking, all the snakes began to spit out from their mouths, and one after another terrifying energy waves instantly wrapped the evil wolf.

All of this place was already filled with scorching flames, except for the energy shield that was within a small radius of the lookout's body, and the rest of the place was already enveloped in blazing flames.

And the evil wolf in the center is already a little dignified at this moment, blindly resisting it.

Did you take the heat as a matter of course? Seeing that the hungry wolf easily resisted the high temperature, Zhang Wangwei was also indifferent.

Unexpectedly, the current big snake continued to spray flames like a monster, and even the flames around him were filled.

After spraying the flames, his body was reassembled and turned into the appearance of a large snake, and he smashed it towards the hungry wolf with a single punch, and the speed was extremely fast.

Even the evil wolf was a little unresponsive, because he was now resisting the scorching flames, and the giant in the sky didn't expect that the big snake's punch had smashed into the center of the flames.

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