
Looking at the half-dead Morrie, Cage decisively shot again.


The bullet hit his head on the spot and exploded to pieces. All kinds of messy things in his head splashed all over the floor.

He didn't even look at it. Cage stepped directly over Morrie's body.

Bulu Bulu...

After taking a few steps, the phone bug on this guy rang. Cage frowned without a trace, turned around and walked back.

From Mo Li Two phone bugs were found on his body, one of which was pink and the other was light pink.

"What a girly phone bug."

Cage murmured speechlessly, and then pressed the answer button.

"Hello...Morrie, the boss has spoken, asking us to retreat and warning us not to confront the navy head-on. Even if we defeat Major General Cage, there may be other major generals, even lieutenant generals and even generals who attack us."

"I have left this kingdom and it is not the time to start a war yet."

A rather pleasant voice came from the phone bug.

"Even if you beat me? Are you dreaming? After a while, Cage grinned and laughed:"You are this big guy's accomplice, right?" I'm so sorry, I've already killed him"

"And judging from the tone of your words, you should be of the same level as him. You are the one who used the Encouragement Fruit to control those mobs, right? bello beti"

"The boss you are talking about is Monchi.·D·Dorag?"

Cage talked and sat down on the spot. Since the opponent has retreated, there is no need for him to rush to the capital for reinforcements.


The phone bug was silent for a long time, and then he scolded coldly:"It's just a rear admiral of the navy, how could he defeat Mori?!"

"How can the commander of our revolutionary army be so fragile?"

"It's really not weak. Cage nodded with deep understanding,"I wasted several bullets before I was killed.""

Bello Betty:"…………………"

Bello Betty, who had retreated at this moment, was extremely messy, and her breathing was obviously heavier. She didn't believe that Mori had been defeated, and the giants plus the devil fruit's ability...An ordinary vice admiral is not enough, let alone a mere rear admiral.

But Morrie's phone bug happened to fall into Cage's hands again.

"You're a fast runner, woman. I'd better not let me run into you or other units of your revolutionary army in the West Sea in the future. Otherwise,...I'll punch a hole in your head too."

Cage said bloodthirstyly, and then hung up the phone bug

"As for whose phone bug this is?

Cage stared at it for a long time and thought:"Could it be that Monkey?"·D·Is it from Dorag?"

Out of curiosity, Cage dialed the phone number.

Bulu Bulu...

The phone number rang for a while and no one answered it. Cage was about to give up, but unexpectedly, a very irritable voice suddenly came out.

"Morrie...Why did you call me again? Do you still want me to turn you into a woman? Do you really yearn for a shemale?"

The voice on the other side of the phone was very rough, especially loud. Although Cage had no impression of it, a person immediately jumped out of his mind - Ivankov.

"I didn’t expect you to still be carefree outside. At this time, I thought you were still living a hard life in Impel Down City."

Cage spoke slowly. Ivankov on the opposite side was stunned for a moment and said in a deep voice:"Who are you? Why did that guy Morrie's phone bug end up in your hands?"

"He is already a dead man, and you are...Since you haven't been caught yet, I will have some free time another day and personally send you to Impel Down City to eat in prison."


After saying that, Cage hung up the phone.


Half an hour later, Ain returned and joined Cage. After the revolutionary army retreated, the resisting mobs were also caught and thrown into prison one by one.

King Xiendaluka invited Cage to come to the palace as a guest and entertained him warmly. In the end, he refused, and the group returned in a hurry.

At the Navy Headquarters in the West Sea, ever since Cage arrived, the Navy has never had a leisurely day. It sends out troops to hunt big pirates every day.

Facing the pirates...Cage implemented a consistent approach - to use violence to fight violence, to kill to stop killing!

For a long period of time, he led the navy to conquer various places in the West Sea.


The Kingdom of Flowers seven days later, the headquarters of the Babao Navy+

"What's going on with the newly appointed rear admiral? Don't you take our Eight Treasures Marines seriously at all?!"

"Several of our ships have been sunk by the navy, and we have suffered heavy losses!"

"Forget it was just a loss of treasure. A few days ago, a ship just went to sea and was annihilated after sailing for about an hour. No one came back alive, and the leader was Rear Admiral Cage."

"After fighting with them, do you really think that the West Sea belongs to their navy?".........

The violent men in the room all had angry faces. They had only been in Xihai for a few days, and some pirates had already given Cage the nickname"Mad Dog Major General" because he bit anyone he saw.

Because no matter who it is...As long as they were pirates, or some disobedient violent elements, such as gangsters like the mafia, Cage would kill them if their crimes were more serious.

In the past few days, dozens of people from their Eight Treasure Navy have died, all of whom were killed by the navy.

"Whatever you are talking about, shut up!"

The boss who had been silent all this time - Cone Zhiqingjiao, his eyes widened and he suddenly roared loudly, causing everyone to have temporary tinnitus.

"The other party is the navy. To put it bluntly, they subdue the gangsters and start a war with them....Even if we win a great victory, we will only attract a stronger navy in the end.

Qingjiao's eyes were gloomy and he thought:"It's not appropriate to beat him to death."...But at least you have to teach that guy a lesson, you have to make him understand something - the West China Sea is not the navy's final decision!"

The new book needs everyone's care, I hope you will give me a lot of support

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