"But I'm also going to take part in the assault, and I'm not going to give in. "

Looking at this appearance, Emperor Tong was shocked and wiped his saliva, it was so powerful, he didn't retreat at all.

When Sweetheart Mask left, Emperor Tong also walked in front of King, "Mr. King, even if you are alone in the face of all the enemies, it is still too reluctant." "

King wanted to say something, but Emperor Tong continued to reply, "Driving Revelation also went to the ghost town alone to investigate like Mr. King, and now there is no news, I don't know what kind of threat lurks there, let's start working together now." "

Hearing this, King could only nod his head, "Okay," but he was a little helpless, and he still wanted to go home and play games.

The roar was remembered in the Hero Association, and it turned out that the helicopter had stopped at the place of the Hero Association, and then it walked down with the elevator for a while.

There seem to be other heroes here, can you take it as a warning when you witness this kind of scenery every day?

And beside him, there is also a life in this life, looking at the desolation and strangeness outside, but it is a prominent breath, this is caused by the last alien invasion, and now it has reached a critical moment.

Absorbing the indifference, Mr. Jin also nodded, "15 support personnel have been gathered, and they are ready to go." "

"Even so, we're in an overwhelming disposition, are you going to go straight to the scene?"

"Yes, as the person in charge I would like to see the end. "

I was surprised when I heard this, "I didn't expect you to be such a backbone person, but I was impressed by you, and I thought you just wanted to be in the limelight." "

But in the face of the details, Mr. Jin snorted coldly, "I really made you right, that's not wrong, this is a once-in-a-lifetime big victory, and it is a sure thing that if you can defeat the Weird Association, you will be able to get ahead." "

While saying that the elevator has also opened at this time, I will be a celebrity.

And in front of them, 15 heroes are also ready to be sent on behalf of each one, and the appearance of each one seems to be different.

Looking at these people, Mr. Jin said directly, thank you for coming together, "I'm Mr. Jin." "

Xiqi also introduced himself, and then asked, "Do you all know your respective tasks today?"

As Siqi asked, one of the women, dressed in a tracksuit who looked like she was in perfect shape, walked out, looking like an athlete and even carrying a few gold medals around his neck.

Knowing that the project was a senior who supported her, the woman asked, saying that she was a water book.

Looking at this woman, Xiqi was also stunned and nodded, she also wondered who it was.

However, Mr. Jin did cough, "Specifically, it is to take out the miserable party that escaped, ensure the retreat path, and protect the children......"

Mr. Jin didn't finish speaking, but said directly again, "After the S-class attack earthquake rescued the hostages, you continue to escort people, as long as you return to the headquarters safely, this is the first priority." "

After listening to these Wolverine-like guys, it was a matter of hearing that the hostage was the son of a wealthy man.

"But it's okay, don't worry, no matter how much we hate this guy who still gets the job done," is the result of reaching the A rank, his name is Feather.

"It's pitiful to be in a big family when you encounter this kind of thing, save it as soon as possible," everyone is ready to need, and there are even superpowers, but because the number of digits is too low, he can only reach the C type, but his mind is still very smart.

Looking at these guys, he was surprised but a little worried, "Mr. Jin, can these guys really stop it?"

Mr. Jin smiled confidently, "Don't worry, according to my estimates, some of those people are potential stocks that may be promoted to S-level in the future." "

But looking at these guys, Mr. Jin is also very satisfied.

"How strange, don't you think the interaction to protect humanity is quite solid?"

Qiqi was a little embarrassed, but he still nodded very cooperatively.

However, at this time, there was still a voice from the elevator, and then a man appeared directly to Xiqi Road.

Mr. Siqi spoke further, whispering to Siqi as he walked in front of him.

Sic was also a little shocked after hearing this, "What did you say." "

Soon he followed the man straight down into the reception room.

And within the time of the answer, I didn't expect that the silver fangs and his brother were already sitting here.

When he saw these two people, Siqi was also stunned, "The silver fangs are here." "

Banggu smiled faintly, "Hey Xiqi, I'm sorry I lost the walkie-talkie, can you get me a new one." "

Hearing this, Xiqi also smiled awkwardly, but quickly reacted.

"That's it, I understand it, and I'm going to prepare immediately. "

He also remembered what Mr. Kim had said to him, so he didn't tell the two about going to the Weirdo Society to rescue the hostages.

"Is there any new news about the wolf's hideout, I guess I'm still mixed with the weird group. "

Bao Gu continued to speak gloomily, but they still didn't know that the hungry wolf was following Kaiqi Xiqi at this time, and he also shook his head, and there was no news.

Although Xiqi knew that Silver Fang and King had defeated Elder Centipede, there were some things that could not be stalemate.

"But why did you contact the hungry wolf at that time but let him escape, is it really the weirdo's troubles?"

Looking at Bang Gu like that, Xiqi was also puzzled.

Bang Gu shook his head, "Do you want to say that the old man deliberately let him go?"

Xiqi also sighed, "I'm sorry, a lot of things happened, and there was some confusion," because after saying that, he opened the room directly.

Then I was asked to bring the new communication equipment inside, I will ask the staff to bring it, please wait here for a while, I am in a hurry for the time being, and I will retire in advance. "

After saying this, he left directly, and it didn't matter if Bangpu looked at the silver, but he still received it.

"It's suspected, because of the mercy of his subordinates, the matter of cleaning up the wolf has not been exposed?"

But the gang shook his head with a gloomy face, "There is no mercy on my subordinates." "

He was completely unable to get rid of the wolf, because the wolf's strength gradually became stronger.

But at this moment, the door of the room did suddenly click again, and then a man walked in, and this man turned out to be King.

In fact, King has no plans to go to the Weird Society, he just wants to go back to play games, and King is also relieved to see that no one is following behind him.

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