Looking at the direction of Cage's movements, the light can also be directly hit on Naba's throat. Naba held his arms against his throat and shouted at Cage before he could throw it out in a split second.

"But I think I was wrong earlier, and I have a more important answer!"

Cage put the card back away and sneered at Naba: "Why do you have any other answers, I don't think you should delay here!"

"Even if you want to surrender to you, don't you say a little welcome to me?" said Naba angrily.

Even when he was fighting, he often saw people who needed to make them surrender, but each time the other party showed the appearance of a corporal of Rite and Hyun, and he had never encountered a move like Cage who intended to kill him without saying a word.

At this time, Naba looked at Cage's eyes with a bit of anger, and Cage smiled and continued to Naba.

"I'm sorry, from the moment you plan to surrender, you are my absolute subordinate, I, as your boss, what do I need to treat you Corporal Lixian, anyway, if you don't surrender, then there is only one way to die. "

Naba finally nodded helplessly about things that he had no choice about.

Of course, he let out a few angry cold snorts at Cage before nodding, and Cage gradually just swept his cold gaze after hearing Naba's voice.

Naba, who originally wanted to complain a few times to Cage, closed his mouth at the moment, and Cage looked at Naba's bulky appearance, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

Is this guy really Naba?

I always feel that it is too weak, which is very different from what he sees in the anime.

A silver-white energy began to pass through the palm of Cage's hand, directly into Naba's body, Naba felt these silver-white energy, and actually resided in his heart, looking at Cage's eyes revealed horror, and said loudly to Cage.

"What is this doing? Why is this being done to me?"

"You don't think that you want to surrender, just let you follow me, how could I face you in such an unsuspecting way, a sinister and cunning fellow like you?"

Cage said coldly.

At this moment, Naba's heart began to exude more helplessness.

He had indeed had this idea, after all, there were quite a few people who had asked him to surrender before, and those people had never made a move like Cage Station, and he left from those people smoothly at that time.

Over time, Naba thought that the root person would make the same pose, but he never thought that he had completely made a mistake.

Naba couldn't help but wonder in his heart at the moment, could it be that he would really be a strange subordinate in the future, would he live for a lifetime?

His eyes shot in front of Cage from time to time, and he wanted to ask Cage a few questions, but in the end, he had no courage and could only choose to retreat.

Cage continued to walk forward, asking as he went, "Now that you're here, where is Vegeta now?"

Hearing that Cage even knew Vegeta for a moment, Naba's expression stiffened slightly, and his eyes began to reveal a bit of exploration when he looked at Cage.

Cage sneered and continued, "I forgot, besides him, there is Raditz!"

Naba was originally counting on his other two companions to help him, but now Cage directly pulled out all his companions, and looking at Cage's appearance, he planned to take the two of them into his own hands.

Naba's face began to hesitate, if even his other two companions surrendered to Cage's men, wouldn't that mean that he would have less chance of leaving Cage in the future?

At this time, Naba was still dreaming in his heart, and one day, two of his companions killed Cage, and then he would naturally be able to escape from Cage's hands.

Cage looked at the appearance of Naba's eyes rolling, and continued with a cold snort: "I advise you to tell their whereabouts obediently, since you have fallen into my hands, they will naturally have the same fate, otherwise you will wait for one day, all three of them will go down to the underworld to meet!"

Cage said as he flashed an icy smile at Naba.

Naba's face turned paler in an instant, and he was silent for a moment before smiling lightly at Cage.

"I really don't know where the two of them went, they don't have much contact with me right now. "

Cage saw that Naba was still speaking, but he didn't do any persecution to Naba, but after a faint glance at Naba, he began to continue to march forward.

Since this guy refuses to speak, Cage doesn't plan to persecute him anymore, anyway, the days are still long, and the purpose of his coming to this world is to build his own team.

Then it means that anyone who appears in this Dragon Ball world will fall under his hands, and Cage has nothing to worry about.

Naba obviously didn't know what Cage was thinking, and after he saw that Cage wasn't questioning him, Naba's face even showed a little smugness.

Cage is a very good fool, and although he has now fallen into Cage's hands, Naba still thinks that as long as he fools Cage more, he will be able to defeat him completely.

When the time comes, after he cooperates with Vegeta and Raditz, he must make him pay for today's events!

Netizens thought viciously in their hearts.

Cage took over and kept moving forward, and from time to time he swept his gaze in the direction where Naba was, and saw the light in Naba's eyes.

Cage knew that this guy's mind should be thinking about how to get revenge on him, but Cage didn't stop him in any way.

Anyway, the more he thought about it now, the more hope he had, and when his hope was completely shattered, Cage felt that he must find a chance to appreciate how ugly Naba's face was.

Thinking of this, a sarcastic smile hung on the corner of Cage's mouth.

It seems that Naba has some benefits in receiving his hands, at least he can constantly play with him like a cat and a dog.

Cage and Naba followed each other, pushing forward.

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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