"You are trying to influence us, and I advise you not to daydream here. "

He didn't respond when he heard the other party's words, his palm just sent out a ray again and again in the next second, and when the golden ray reached yesterday's head, he saw General Blue let out an angry sound.

Therefore, General Blue found that his hair was cut off directly by Cage under this attack by Cage.

Moreover, Cage's energy attack actually rushed towards his scalp quickly, which not only represented his humiliation of General Blue, but also meant that he could raise his strength to the highest level when facing General Blue.

General Blue's face became more and more ugly, and after a roar of rage, he began to launch a rapid onslaught towards Cage.

When his eyes were fixed on Cage's body, it was Cage who was seen, and a faint red light emanated from his eyes.

Cage's brow furrowed slightly, and before he could think of tears, what did the red light of General Blue's scene represent, he found that his palm movements began to slow down a lot.

At this moment, General Blue continued to Cage with a rampant smile on his face.

"Did you find that you couldn't move at all?"

Suddenly hearing General Blue's words, he secretly let out a sigh, sure enough, his body was in such a situation, it was all because of the hands and feet of this guy.

Cage didn't respond to it, he just stood quietly opposite General Blue, while mobilizing the energy of the system to quickly dissolve the energy that General Blue entered his body, while paying attention to General Blue's next moves.

General Blue saw Cage's refusal to respond to him. The smile on his face began to become brighter and brighter, for General Blue, in his opinion, Cage's current performance also means that Cage has no power to fight back.

While he was approaching Cage, his palm kept waving energy, hitting Cage's body, Liby was like a butterfly in the air at the moment, it seemed that General Blue's energy had caused him great damage, and the communication next to him saw Cage, in the face of General Blue's powerless appearance, his face was happy at first, but soon his heart was cold.

Cage's appearance is a little too strange, and it is not at all in line with the attitude he showed when he provoked him in front of him.

Seeing that General Blue seemed to be planning to delay any longer, Adjutant Braque shouted at General Blue, "Don't wait any longer, hurry up and attack him." "

For General Blue, who has not vented all the anger in his heart at Cage, he is naturally unwilling to carry out a deadly attack on Cage, and if he is allowed to die smoothly in his hands, General Blue seems to be a punishment for Cage.

Anyone who insulted the Red Ribbon Legion would have to pay the price of life rather than death, but as he continued to walk towards Cage, Adjutant Brack's icy voice rang out again behind him.

The majesty that Adjutant Brak has built up in the Red Ribbon Legion for so many years made General Blue dare not hesitate any longer in an instant, and after his toes hit the ground, he quickly rushed into front of Cage, and General Blue's fist was raised high, containing a silver energy shockwave, and it hit Cage's chest with air.

As long as it can hit Cage in the chest, then Cage will die directly under his attack.

But when his fists were about to touch one of Cage's bodies, General Blue suddenly found a hand holding his fist, and General Blue's eyes flashed with excitement.

When he looked down the palm of his hand, he realized that it was Cage who had broken free from his original energy restraints and stopped his fist at this moment.

A panic began to appear in the chat's heart, and he subconsciously wanted to attack Cage again, but Cage didn't give General Blue any chance this time, he directly backflipped, and smashed General Blue to the ground.

Taking advantage of the fact that General Blue had not had time to react, Cage directly stepped General Blue into the important position of this competition platform one by one, and a pit one meter deep began to emerge on this competition stage full of bluestone slabs.

General Blue lay at Cage's feet, and for a long time there was no movement.

The beginning and end of the battle were so fast that no one could react for a moment, but Cage smiled and continued to the rest of them.

"Now it seems that General Blue has lost at my hands, so what do you have in mind?

Cage's trial was too strong, and the original Copper General thought that he was so rampant in the face of Cage, and his heart began to float with a wave of fear.

If it weren't for what Cage said to others just now, he would be no heavier than General Bibru, and for a while, General Copper silently took a step back, which shows that Cage has completely broken General Copper's pride.

After Cage noticed General Dong's movements, he didn't care at all, but shifted his gaze to the others again.

Adjutant Brack's face became more and more pale, not only because of what General Blue had told Cage, but also because his men had pleaded in front of Cage.

Adjutant Braque thought silently in his heart, when this competition was over, he must let his men feel how precious it is to have courage on the battlefield.

However, Cage did not seem to give General Hubru and Adjutant Braque any more training opportunities, and seeing these bastards in the legion, they still stood quietly facing him, and did not make any response.

Cage let out a helpless sigh, and suddenly the soles of his feet moved back, and the glowing red energy was released from between Cage's soles.


The moment the crisp voice sounded, he lay at Cage's feet, and before General Blue could even let out a terrible scream, he died at Cage's feet.

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