"Since you're all here, come here!"

After Cage's words fell, there was no movement at first, but after a while, he saw a series of footsteps starting to walk towards him, and Cage found that it was not only the cat fairy who had obtained the door, but even the people in the Red Ribbon Legion were hiding behind the door.

They looked at Cage's face one by one and began to show a little embarrassment, and Cage finally couldn't help it and said helplessly to them.

"I didn't expect you people to get acquainted with it so quickly!"

He originally thought that these people had always been in opposition to each other, and even if they wanted to become friends, it would take at least a long time, but he didn't expect it to be achieved so quickly, Naba winked at Cage and said, "Of course, after all, boss, you said that we should cooperate in the future, of course, we must use the fastest time to get acquainted with each other." "

Cage didn't believe what Naba said, in his opinion, the reason why these guys were able to become familiar with each other in such a short time was to collect all his exercises into his own hands, but Cage didn't refute this at the time, after all, this was also his original purpose.

Cage randomly exchanged a few from the system, and after the exercises of their personal physique, he threw one by one into their arms, and even the people in the Red Ribbon Legion did not miss anything.

Everyone looked at the fists or legs in their hands, and even the flying exercises they carried, and then looked at Cage, only to feel that their hearts were uncontrollable hot.

Sure enough, following Cage, just like he said before, all of them can get a super increase in strength.

After all, in the beginning, they wanted to get a copy of the exercises, but it was a difficult thing, and the people in the Red Ribbon Legion could only get a book of cultivation exercises if they continued to win battles and won 10 consecutive victories.

After this cultivation exercise is over, other people can obtain new exercises in turn, whenever they want to improve their strength is exercise, they will continue to restrain them in the rear, although the people in the Red Ribbon Legion continue to resist, but the black commander at that time has always had a suppressive attitude towards their resistance, and in the end he can only choose to accept it helplessly.

Originally, Adjutant Brak and the others heard Naba say that Cage would give exercises after they were united, but they didn't have more expectations, but only expected to leave a good impression in front of Cage, so they deliberately cooperated with Naba.

I didn't expect Cage to be able to speak like this, and for a while, everyone looked at each other's eyes and began to show excitement, and Cage didn't care about their attitude.

He got up and walked directly to the driver's room on the side, for them now, going to the Huali Holy Land to find the cat fairy talent is the most important thing.

As for chatting about how they get along, Cage can't spare any time to deal with it now.

In front of the Sanctuary of Flowers, there is a high mountain, and after Cage and his spaceship are parked at the foot of the mountain, they need to cross this high mountain to meet the cat fairy.

This is the first rule to follow if you want to meet the cat fairy, although Cage's spaceship can reach the fashion, but before meeting the cat fairy, he is still looking forward to leaving a good impression on the cat fairy.

Everyone began to climb towards this mountain, and Cage thought that it was just a mountain with a relatively high height, and it would not affect them at all.

After all, they have all gone through the baptism of blood and fire, and they have become the powerful appearance they are today.

But when Cage and the others climbed halfway there, they found that all this was very different from what they imagined.

The temperature had begun to shift dramatically, and at least when Cage and the others were halfway there, even Cage felt a slight stiffness in his fingers, and there were endless blocks of snow all around them.

If it weren't for Cage as the pioneer of their team, but with the result of Adjutant Braque, I am afraid that when I go to this place, I can only choose to give up.

The cold was relatively easy to overcome, but after going up a few thousand meters, Cage found that the air in this area had become extremely weak at this time, and the most troublesome thing was that during their climbing, there were thunderous blows from time to time.

Whenever these thunderous powers hit Cage and the others, Cage could force up against it with his physical strength.

But for Adjutant Braque, every thunderbolt meant they needed to be injured during the climb.

Among the booming thunders, Cage kept thinking of Cage in this place, and in desperation, he replaced all the remaining energy points in the system with energy potions, and distributed them to Adjutant Brak, remembering that Adjutant Brac looked at the energy potion in his hand, and his eyes showed confusion.

"Boss, what is this, is it of any use?"

"Of course it works, except that with this thing, you can go all the way!"

Cage explained simply, because they swallowed it all.

The private enterprise hesitantly put the key in his mouth, and the next second, their eyes instantly lit up, and they were full of excitement when they looked at Cage's expression.

"Wow, boss, where did you get the key? I instantly feel that my whole body is full of strength, or you can give me a little more!"

A lively Naba made another request to Cage, Cage snorted coldly, the eldest brother did not pay attention to Naba, but turned around and continued to walk forward to the heir, everyone's hostility has been restored, why continue to wait here? After seeing Cage's action, Naba shook his head helplessly and complained in a low voice.

"What a pit boss!"

It's a pity that although everyone around heard yesterday's words, none of them echoed what he said, and there was no way to show that Cage's strength has always been very strong, and that kind of injury has already left a deep impression in their hearts.

If they dared to taunt Cage, they feared that they would be kicked off the mountain by Cage.

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