Cage felt that he had restrained his attitude a lot as much as possible, but unfortunately, after hearing his words, the other party smashed his head with a fist, and when the opponent's arm had a large amount of energy in front of you, it even made Cage feel a wave of energy constantly spreading around his body.

Since he raised it from time to time, Cage naturally would not show mercy to any of his subordinates, his palm would move, and there was a vitality directly hitting the opponent's body, and the opposite direction retreated a few steps, looking at Cage's eyes showing more ferocity.

Ever since he arrived under Granny Crystal's command, he has always bullied whoever he wants, and no one has ever dared to fight him back.

"You kid is really looking for death!" The man snorted coldly, and once again rushed towards Cage, his body was quite tall, and each impact contained a lot of energy, Cage even felt that this guy was about to become a meat egg, and when he came from the meat to Cage, he was extremely tall in front of Cage, which caused a great mental deterrent to Cage.

Even the moment his fist slammed into Cage's chest again, the space was torn apart by it.

The surrounding people watched the battle between their boss and Cage, and all of them showed a smug look on their faces, in their opinion, Cage would eventually die at the hands of their boss, after all, how could a person like this who seemed to be powerless survive their boss's attack.

Cage's palm stretched out and hit the opponent's fist directly, the two sides began to fall into a stalemate, and the people around him stiffened slightly at this moment, no one thought that Cage would be able to really stop this bow and arrow, and even several people approached at this time.

We plan to take a good look at this scene to see if it was all the hometown Cage noticed the movements of these people, and while confronting the guy opposite, he asked these people around him.

"Then don't make a bet with me, as long as I can win him well, you can help me tell Granny Crystal?"

After hearing Cage's words suddenly, he refused to pay attention to Cage, and kept shouting cheers at the man in front of Cage, and the people who fought with Cage, after hearing Cage's words, the look on their faces became more and more annoyed.

"You kid is destined to die at my hands, and you will pay a terrible price for these words you say!"

Cage Song's shoulders were not in his ears from beginning to end for what he said, and in his opinion, the other party's current words were the most ridiculous existence.

If he had been able to win him from the beginning, how could it have been possible that he was still verbally alternating with him to this day, shouldn't he have been constantly attacking him with a head-on confrontation from the beginning?

He didn't respond to the man's words, a resentful energy was released from his body, and in an instant, the man retreated dozens of steps back.

If it weren't for the fact that his companion was behind him to hold up his attack, he would have been completely disgraced, and Cage walked towards these people step by step.

Although his size belonged to God's position compared to the size of the others, everyone still felt extremely discriminatory from Cage, and for a moment, everyone shouted to Cage.

"Stay away from us, don't come again!"

After hearing their words, Cage smiled lightly and asked, "Why do you feel scared now?"

"And what were you doing before?"

"Again, I'm here to see Granny Crystal, and if anyone dares to stop me, I'll let him die at my hands. "

As the words fell, Cage's palm shook violently to the left, and with a loud bang, everyone saw that a hole with a diameter of more than one meter appeared on the left side.

For a moment, everyone would look into Cage's eyes, as if they were looking at a monster, and they could see it clearly when Cage applied energy just now.

Cage didn't use his various spells, but was able to inflict so much damage on the ground just by relying on the energy contained in his body.

These people didn't even dare to imagine what kind of shockwave Cage would be able to explode during the battle once he used the spell.

"Who are you?"

"What are you here for?"

At this time, these people looked at Cage's eyes with more and more seriousness, and even in their current state, they were looking forward to being able to completely kill Cage in this place.

Cage's strength is a great threat to them, and they are worried that Cage will have a very serious impact on their place.

Cage's brows were still furrowed, looking at these guys with a stubborn look, his sword was raised high at a time, Cage no longer intended to continue talking nonsense with these guys, he was going to kill them directly.

At this time, these people have already formed their formations, looking at Cage's expression, their shoulders are also serious, they can't fight against this side with their own energy alone, and these guys have already clearly understood this.

They talk about going head-on with Cage and the forces of his group.

The energy shockwave of the first path quickly caused a rumbling sound in this place, and the mountains that stretched for dozens of kilometers next to it had already begun to collapse under the action of their shockwaves, and even left mottled traces on the ground.

At this time, these people in the center of the attack saw Cage looking at him with a very relaxed appearance, as if even his internal organs were about to be crushed.

There was more and more despair in the eyes of several people, and if they continued like this, they feared that they would eventually die at the hands of Cage.

At this time, Cage's eyes were full of anger, and when his gaze swept on these people, it was as if the judge had swept over them.

For a moment, the few of them only felt as if they were about to be haunted by Cage's injury, and they desperately struggled to leave, and Cage quickly escaped from the energy aperture he cast.

But in this situation, they found that the soles of their feet seemed to be stuck in a puddle of mud, and every movement seemed to be firmly trapped by someone, and their struggle had no meaning in the face of Cage's super attack.

Cage chuckled faintly, and his energy surged again.

This time, he intends to completely wipe out these guys from this world, and those who dare to disobey him will eventually die at his hands.

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