After leaving this place, Cage piloted the spaceship, and without stopping a single step, he walked towards the place that Granny Crystal had told him.

This place is not particularly far from where Cage is now.

Cage piloted the spaceship, and an hour of time had already arrived.

But having just arrived in this piece of the sky, Cage felt that there was a wave of turbulence in and out of the sky at this time.

Cage even felt an extremely powerful aura surging towards him.

Cage's brow furrowed slightly, curious about the breath.

What's going on? Why is there such a thing in this place?

Instead of landing his spaceship, Cage hid it in the clouds, quietly feeling what this turbulence was.

Turbulence seems to have been aware of Cage's existence before, and when he arrived at Cage's place, he actually looked around this place for a long time.

After more than ten minutes, the other party seemed to be sure that there was nothing left in this place, and began to walk into the distance.

At this time, Cage slowly drove out of his spaceship, but did not follow the place, but planned to continue to land on the island as originally decided.

But before the spaceship could land completely, the return turbulence suddenly rushed in front of Cage.

Cage looked at the planet that knew Liu, and sighed helplessly.

originally thought that the other party would be able to leave in front of him in a short time, but as a result, the other party turned out to be like what he was doing now, and they were all hidden in the clouds.

The two spaceships were moving on to each other in the air, and the most intelligent look at each other smiled faintly, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly opened the hatch and walked out of the spaceship.

After the other party saw Cage's move, he waited for a few seconds and opened the door.

When the other party appeared in front of him, Cage's eyes showed a hint of surprise, but he didn't expect that it was Paragas who appeared in front of him.

Cage smiled and asked Paragas.

"What are you doing in this place?"

As he said this, his eyes continued to scan back and forth over Paragas's body, trying to find out the current state of Paragas's strength.

Paragas was calm compared to Cage, his eyes swept over Cage's body, and after a glance, he continued to Cage.

"I guess the reason why I'm here is similar to you. "

When he first appeared, he had already felt the breath of the dragon balls on Cage's body, and after thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to Cage, and said with a sneer.

"As for the dragon ball on your body, give it to me obediently, so that you can survive in my hands, otherwise you will only die in my hands in the end. "

After hearing the other party's words, Cage's eyes began to show a hint of surprise, it seems that this exchange is really like the appearance shown in the legend, his strength is very strong.

Otherwise, Cage has already put the Dragon Balls in his system, and how did Paragas feel the presence of the Dragon Balls.

"And what if I refuse to give it to you?"

When I asked him to Paragas, now I have begun to have energy going into it.

If Paragas attacks him in the next time, he will not hesitate at all, and will attack Paragas as soon as possible, Paragas heard Cage's words, snorted coldly, and continued to Cage.

"If you refuse to give this thing to me, then you will die at my hands. "

Cage's words to Paragas were also a faint sneer, and he didn't cast his gaze coldly on Paragas's body before he spoke.

Paragas sensed Cage's decision in Cage's attitude, and they began to rush towards Cage's speed.

When he reached Cage, he encountered energy fluctuations that quickly began to invade Cage's body from Paragas's body.

Cage snorted coldly, the matter of the fist pinching, when this energy fluctuation reached his death, Cage's fist swung violently forward, and the energy fluctuation was directly hit into pieces by the fist at this time.

Even Cage's punch power quickly slammed into Paragas's body because there were still many factors left after breaking the energy fluctuations.

After seeing this scene, River began to show surprise in his eyes when he looked at Cage, he didn't expect Cage to be able to break his attack in such a quick time.

He had thought that Cage would at least be in a lot of trouble under his attack, but Paragas looked at Cage with a look of solemnity in his eyes.

His body quickly retreated dozens of steps backwards.

The next second, covering larger energy fluctuations, began to emerge at this moment.

At this moment, the attacks of the two sides have completely exploded at this moment, although the space in the air has been torn apart a lot, but Cage and Paragas still show an extremely serious appearance in the face of the opposite method.

Suddenly in Cage's mind, a way to kill Paragas appeared.

In an instant, the eight energies that emerged from Cage's body gradually converged, and the energy disc emerged.

As this energy disc continued to shine in the air, Paragas saw that the space in the middle of the attack had actually been torn apart by this energy disc.

The surroundings of this energy disc have become a complete vacuum.

At this time, Paragas's expression began to reveal a bit of fear.

He had never seen someone as strong as Cage, and he wanted this opportunity to get out of Cage's presence quickly.

Cage smiled when he saw Paragas's appearance and sneered at Paragas: "It seems that you are about to die at my hands!"

"Otherwise, you can have another choice, if you are willing to become my servant, then this time the matter between us will be completely resolved!"

In Cage's eyes, seeing that Paragas wants to be his enemy, it is still not qualified, this guy can become his servant, and it is already considered that Cage has given him enough face.

Cage's words infuriated Paragas.

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