"Now that you know where my strength is, follow me obediently and walk forward, and stop doubting me. "

Cage has already shown himself to be so strong that Broly would be an idiot if he doubted it any longer.

Even if someone put a weapon behind him and asked him to get away from Cage, Broly would not listen.

Such a powerful boss following him makes people feel safe, how could he do such a stupid thing.

Cage: They began to move on.

King Vegeta is extremely far away from their place, and Cage and the others need to fly a spaceship and travel for half a month to reach the place where King Vegeta is.

For this matter, Cage and they did not blindly force it at that time.

Walking along the way, if there is something else, I will stop for a while to let myself rest.

Looking at the Namek star that appeared in front of him, Cage smiled at the corners of his mouth, he remembered that there was a villain named Frieza on this planet.

Frieza has occupied the planet for hundreds of years, and has an extremely ruthless personality, ruthless and ruthless.

Not only does he constantly launch invasions on other planets, but even the people on his own planet will kill them in various ways from time to time.

After a long time, he was given the title of Evil Emperor on this planet.

Cage thought for a moment and turned to Broly and asked, "Since Frieza also appeared, should we try it in front of him?"

When we hear Cage's words tomorrow, we look at Cage's eyes with surprise, and it's a little strange, why did Cage suddenly make this proposal?

"Aren't we looking for King Vegeta, why are we still clashing with Frieza?"

"I'm hitting Frieza in this place, will I get the attention of King Vegeta!"

As for Broly, the first thing that matters is to kill King Vegeta, and as for the others, he doesn't have much in mind.

Cage saw that Broly didn't seem to care much about this matter, smiled lightly, and continued.

"You don't want to think about what we will do if King Vegeta and Frieza attack us together when we reach the front of King Vegeta?"

After Cage's words fell, he realized that there was still this statement in the city.

Broly wanted to retort to Cage, but after a moment of silence, he finally found that all his rebuttals seemed to have no meaning in the face of the current scene.

Cage was right, if Frieza suddenly jumped out and laid siege to them, it would be trouble.

After all, even if they can kill King Vegeta, it is not a simple matter to take King Vegeta's planet into their own hands, and the battles they need to face are endless.

Once King Vegeta's men and Frieza form a situation of outflanking, they will find themselves in a difficult situation.

Broly was still reluctant to deal with Frieza before, but now his eyes lit up instantly.

At this moment, he wanted to rush directly in front of Frieza and kill his men.

Cage saw that Broly had been persuaded by him in such a short period of time, and the smile on his face began to grow brighter.

The rest of the people, they nodded their heads the moment Cage's eyes swept over, and it was clear that they didn't have any intention of refuting what Cage said.

These guys also have a clear understanding of their own strength, and they know that their strength in front of Cage is not very powerful.

Therefore, even if they protest against it, it will definitely not make any sense, but may offend Cage completely.

In such a turbulent planet, after being mixed in for so long, these people have already had excellent survival skills in such troubled times, and naturally they are not willing to easily offend a powerful figure like Cage.

After saying everything, Cage and the others continued to walk forward.

Frieza was in his palace, trembling at the scene, which was an excellent leisure time for him, but a sudden sound next to him caught Frieza's attention.

"Reporter, my lord, there is an unknown spaceship landing on our planet!"

Frieza's brow furrowed slightly.

I feel a little dissatisfied with my subordinates who have delayed their leisure time.

"Since the other party has come to our heart, then catch it for me, I want to see who dares to trespass into my planet. "

Frieza said lightly, obviously not putting Cage and their ship in the eye.

The subordinate's face began to put on a hesitant look, and Frieza looked at the subordinate's hesitation, and continued to ask the subordinate with a frowning brow.

"What else?"

There was a hint of impatience in his tone.

"If you have something to say, say it quickly, if you dare to delay it any longer, I will let you die in your hands!"

The subordinates couldn't stop trembling and said busily.

"Well, once they reached the planet, they rushed towards the palace, and at this moment our spaceship had already gone up to the airspace to try to stop it. "

Perhaps in order to confirm his subordinate's words, as soon as his words fell, the sound of banging kept sounding in this place.




At the moment when the three explosions sounded in a row, other subordinates rushed into the palace at this moment, his face became much more anxious than this subordinate, and after kneeling on the ground, he said loudly to Frieza.

"King, the people who came to our planet are too powerful, and we people have no way to fight against them. "

Frieza's face became more and more ugly: "In that case, what's the use of me raising you guys?"

The force that was not strong enough to speak was swung out of Frieza's palm, and the two subordinates who were originally hugging Frieza turned around and gradually fell to the ground, no longer breathing.

All the others in the room fell to their knees, shivering as they watched Frieza's body.

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