In the Navy headquarters, where factions are criss-crossed, the only ones who can truly support Cage are General Akainu and teacher Zefa.

Garp and Aokiji can be said to be in the same camp, Kizaru is neutral, and Akainu is in the same camp, but Zefa is currently on Akainu's side. In the final analysis, it is because of Cage.

Akainu is no less supportive of Cage.

Of course, Sengoku was also optimistic about Cage and believed that he was a talent. It was impossible for Sengoku to punish Cage for a pirate.

The Warring States Period was not that pedantic. Things passed and things passed. In some special times, using violence to control violence was also a way.


In the blink of an eye, three days later, the news of Qingjiao's tragic death was known to everyone around the world. While people were sighing and sighing, they also became curious about Cage.

There was even a newspaper reporter interviewing Cage, but he refused on the grounds that he was"hectic".

Cage's fame also brought great oppression, especially to the pirates in the West Sea. When they heard the name of this big devil, they all felt an inexplicable feeling of coldness coming out of their bodies, and their necks felt as cold as A sniper rifle has locked itself remotely.

The method of killing to stop killing has indeed worked, and many pirates have gone into hiding, because to a certain extent, the Eight Treasure Navy of the Flower Country is the dominant force in the West Sea, and such a powerful character has been defeated by Cage. After being killed, the boss, Qingjiao, was hung up and exposed to the sun. Many pirates were so frightened that they disappeared.

Not only did Cage have the nickname"Navy Mad Dog", he even got the nickname"Navy Satan". Many pirates secretly cursed Cage as a devil in navy clothing.

"Major General Cage, your previous strategy has worked. Countries in the Western Sea say there are far fewer pirates. In the past, there were always pirates invading towns on the edge of the port. Now those kings say there are far fewer pirates."

"The kings of some countries even said that they would definitely have a nice word for Major General Cage at the world conference in the near future."

In Cage's office, Ain reported the situation in the past few days. Cage's murderous pirates have caused dissatisfaction among many people, but those countries that have been oppressed by pirates for a long time are grateful to Cage.

"Those kings are really interested."

Cage smiled faintly, and then he looked up blankly at the ceiling. He didn't expect others to understand what he did. After all, everyone's values ​​are different. In life, all you want is a clear conscience. Just like some people They feel that pirates do all kinds of evil, and killing them all is not an exaggeration. However, some people also feel that pirates advocate adventure, follow freedom, and like an unrestrained life. There is nothing inherently wrong with that.


As if he thought of something, Cage's eyes regained their sharpness, looked at Ain and asked,"How did you handle the things I asked you to do?"

"You mean Capone Becky and that Lafitte? Ain quickly said:"I have found out about these two characters, and they are not good guys!""

"That Capone Becky is the godfather of the mafia. He almost rules the entire underground world of the West Sea. The power group is very powerful, he has done all kinds of bad things, and he has many lives on his hands."

"As for Lafitte, he is not a good person. He is currently a security officer, but he has also been criticized for using excessive violence."

After Ain finished the introduction, he looked at Cage quite strangely, wondering why he asked these two people.

That Capone Becky is the godfather of the mafia and has done many bad things. It is normal for the Navy to find trouble with him. As for Although that Lafitte likes to solve problems with violence, at least he hasn't done anything excessive yet.

Cage looked into Ain's clear eyes and asked quietly:"Ain, nip the danger in the cradle in advance....Do you think this is wrong?"

"Of course not, it is undoubtedly the most appropriate way to deal with the enemy before they rise."Ain said it without thinking, without thinking.

"You think so too, so go ahead and prepare and take care of these two guys in advance."

Cage's eyes flashed with coldness. It seems that these two people are already full of bad records, especially Capone Becky. As a mafia, he does everything, including human trafficking, arms reselling, and various drug businesses. There is his shadow.

Although this guy has not yet become a pirate, he is still hateful.

As for Lafitte, he will be even more amazing in the future. He is one of Blackbeard's cadres.


Cage gave the order, and Ain immediately followed it strictly.

Bulu Bulu...

Soon after Ain left, the phone on Cage's desk rang, and his expression suddenly became more respectful," Teacher Zefa"

"We haven't seen each other for almost half a year. Cage, after the matter in the West China Sea is resolved, let's come to the Navy Headquarters to catch up on old times."The vicissitudes of Zefa's voice

"Sure, I will bring the best wine from the East China Sea and the West China Sea to honor you."Cage said with a gentle smile, always grateful to Zefa.

"Hahaha...You know me better."

There was a happy laughter from the other side of the phone. Zefa was silent for a moment and said,"You really should come to the Navy Headquarters. Your extreme approach has aroused the dissatisfaction of many people, including Kuzan and Garp. Sakaski has helped you solve a lot of troubles in the past six months. Otherwise, even if Warring States was optimistic about you, I guess you would have been punished."

"I understand that once the matter in Xihai is resolved, I will take the time to rush back to the Navy Headquarters."

Cage also knows that he owes Akainu a favor, but now that he is in a low position and has little power, he cannot help Akainu much.

"Akainu, Akainu, if I rise in the future, I will definitely raise my hands and agree with you to become the marshal."

Cage thought in his heart


Please give me flowers and review votes. The author plans to stay up late tonight to update!!


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