It wasn't until King Vegeta's whole body was covered in a cold sweat that Cage smiled at King Vegeta and continued.

"Now I realize the biggest difference between the two of us. "

King Vegeta didn't speak, but he also knew that he couldn't help but escape from Cage's front in front of him at this moment, and suddenly the power of thunder began to flicker one after another.

Cage noticed that after this scene, all this violent energy was injected into Raditz's body in an instant.

Raditz felt the damage caused by the furious energy and quickly tried to get out of the way, but his push was quickly stopped by Cage.

As these violent energies raged in Raditz's body, Cage clearly saw that a large amount of red mist began to fly from his body, and in the blink of an eye, a scene in the air was formed.

For Raditz, more panic began to appear in his eyes at this moment, he didn't expect why such a secret of red mist suddenly appeared.

The secret he had been hiding for a long time was completely cracked by Cage in such a short time.

It wasn't until this moment that Raditz began to show a look of fear in Cage's eyes, and she was worried that the longer Cage spent with him, all the things he wanted to hide in his heart would be revealed in front of Cage.

"Tell me, where did all this red mist come from, and what are you going to do with it?"

After his voice fell to Raditz, Raditz snorted coldly, turned his head and did not answer Cage.

Seeing that the other party was so stubborn, he shook his head without hesitation, it seems that the other party just toasted and didn't eat, and wanted to eat and drink.

After a few swings of Cage's palm, the thunder in the sky began one after another, and one after another hit Raditz's body.

Countless arcs of electric light began to spread over Raditz's body.

At this time, Raditz kept screaming from his mouth, and he struggled to get away from Cage again and again.

But in this situation, this struggle has long been meaningless, and these thunderous powers have not emanated from Raditz's body.

In the past, things that could devour other energies only dared to hide carefully in the face of the power of thunder at this time, and did not dare to do anything else.

"Tell me, what is the red mist you have on your body?"

"It's the current situation, I don't think you should hide it from me anymore, if you continue like this, don't blame me for being unkind to you. "

Cage's words are a naked threat to Raditz, and for Raditz, no one has ever dared to treat him with such an attitude when he is in his current state.

Raditz wanted to say two more words to Cage, but the power of thunder was once again introduced into the palm of Cage's palm.

The words that Raditz originally intended to say had completely avoided his mouth at this moment, and Cage looked at Raditz's timid and scared appearance, and shook his head helplessly.

"I thought your guy's strength could swell to a certain extent, but now it seems that it's just that!"

"Then you have the ability to let me go, as long as you let go of a frank and honest fight with me, the relationship between the two of us will naturally be much better!"

"Whatever you want to ask out of my mouth, I can tell you. "

Since there was no way to threaten Cage, Raditz decided to switch his routine and disintegrate Cage internally.

Cage snorted coldly, obviously not taking these words of Raditz into his eyes, he would move his palm, and he was about to attack Raditz again.

When Raditz saw Cage's movements, she knew that what she had just said had obviously not left any impression on Cage's mind.

At this time, Raditz planned to change his way to carry out a new round of taxes on Cage, but at this time, after Cage's cold smile fell, he directly caught King Vegeta in front of him, Cage looked at King Vegeta, and then looked at Raditz and said.

"I've heard that during interrogation, one of the ways to do this is to put the people on their team in different places, so that you can understand what the person is saying and what the people above are doing. "

"It's not going to be difficult for us to get them all out. "

Brow looked at Cage with a complicated look, he didn't expect Cage to suddenly have such an idea.

He also knew that if the idea was actually implemented, it would probably achieve excellent results, but for Broly, other ideas began to pop up in his mind.

Will Cage treat him the same way one day?

But after thinking about it, Broly banished the idea from his mind, as long as he was able to show his loyalty as a subordinate in the face of Cage from beginning to end, he believed that Cage would never betray them.

After Cage's words fell, Raditz and King Vegeta kept yelling at Cage at the same time, he was a despicable and shameless fellow.

Cage didn't speak, and the power of thunder was soon introduced into the bodies of the two of them.

Compared with Raditz, King Vegeta's ability to withstand this aspect is naturally much weaker, but in just a few minutes, King Vegeta fell to his knees on the ground, enduring the power of thunder, while constantly kowtowing to the dialogue and begging for mercy.

"Whatever you want to know, I can tell you that if you remove this thunderous power from me, I am on the verge of dying in these attacks. "

Cage didn't pay attention to what King Vegeta had said, but shifted his gaze to Raditz to the side.

At this time, Raditz's face was still in a rather peaceful state, but Cage could notice that the time of his fist drilling could see the damage in these thunders, which first put Raditz on the verge of collapse.

King Vegeta next to him was still shouting, Cage looked at King Vegeta, and then asked Raditz, "Don't you sympathize with King Vegeta at all?"

Raditz gave Cage a cold look and didn't answer Cage, but when he refocused his gaze on King Vegeta, Raditz let out a helpless sigh.

At this time, Raditz's eyes were full of confusion.

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