Cage's eyes quickly stared around, only to realize that dozens of robots appeared in front of them at this moment.

The appearance of these robots is no different from ordinary robots, the only thing that seems a little strange is that their eyes are actually emitting the exact same color as these radiations, and Cage's face begins to become more and more ugly.

"So these guys are the reason you destroyed the whole city?"

"Do you know how much disaster what you are doing now will be for the people of this city, and do you know how many people have been destroyed in your hands?"

Cage angrily questioned Dr. Miao.

When Dr. Miao heard Cage's words, not only did he not show any shame, but he laughed out loud.

"I can only say that these guys are really blessed with a lot of life, I spent so much energy and used so many raw materials to release those radiation, and as a result, these guys didn't even die under the radiation attack, don't you think it's strange about this?"

"I didn't think they were worth mentioning, but now it seems that they still have something to admire, at least this tenacity is really admirable. "

Dr. Miao's words sounded more like mockery than praise for those people, and at this moment, Cage couldn't help but think about Dr. Miao's rapid impact.

But before he could reach Dr. Miao's face, another stream of sleeks passed through Cage and saw that one of the robots was actually clenching his fists, thinking that his head would be smashed hard, and the speed of this robot and the speed of Cage could barely reflect the robot's attack on him.

After he raised his arm to block the robot's attack, he saw the robot's second attack and grab it along his head.

In desperation, Cage had no choice but to swing an energy barrier to block the robot's attack on it, and after a few consecutive laps in the air, it dodged before the robot surrounded it, and stood back in front of Broly, Dr. Miao smiled mockingly at Cage and continued.

"I thought you were so strong, now it seems that you are a complete cat fairy, so obediently get out of front of me, your current virtue makes me feel extremely disgusted!"

While saying that, Dr. Miao waved his palm, and urged the other robots to slowly approach Cage, it seems that if Cage is not stopping, and if Dr. Miao's words leave this place, it is estimated that the entire company will use a huge explosion to bid Cage farewell.

At this time, Cage sneered, not only did he not pay attention to these robots, but he did it all in one fell swoop, and it can be easily seen from Prime Minister Bai's current state that he does not have any fear of these robots.

Dr. Miao said to Cage in a calm voice, "What do you want to do? You don't plan to stay here for the rest of the time, if that's the case, then I advise you to die of this heart, or I will make you pay a terrible price for what you are doing now!"

As he spoke, Dr. Miao was not only urging these robots at this time, but even Cage was approaching, and even he had already run in front of Cage, his palm stretched out to pull Cage out of the chair.

Cage slammed a fist into Dr. Miao's shoulder.


Large mouthfuls of blood erupted from Dr. Miao's mouth.

At this time, he looked at Cage's eyes full of shock.

Ever since he had his own lab on the planet, anyone who saw him had shown the utmost respect.

Dr. Miao never imagined that a guy would dare to launch a head-on confrontation against him.

After Dr. Miao's roar fell, all of the robots aimed their weapons in their palms at Cage, apparently intending to confront him head-on.

Cage watched the other man's movements, and a mocking smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

"Don't you think that what you are doing now is a deliberate provocation against me? Think about it, under the condition that your radiation is so serious, I can come to this place, and I can easily break into here, don't you think that my strength should be far beyond your imagination?"

After Cage's words fell, Dr. Miao looked at Cage and snorted coldly, even at this time, he still didn't believe that Cage had any trials to confront him, seeing that the other party was so stubborn, Cage didn't continue to dwell on this matter.

His figure suddenly turned into a streamer, and in an instant, he was in front of Dr. Miao.

After Dr. Miao saw Cage's actions, he subconsciously wanted to block Cage, but in his current state, Cage was already determined to unleash his super attack on Dr. Miao.

The energy cannons released by the robot didn't even have any effect on Cage when facing Cage's energy barrier, and these energy lights quickly turned into mottled points of light.

At this time, Dr. Miao's eyes were full of shock when he looked at Cage, and he couldn't believe that such a scene had happened in front of his eyes, he kept retreating, and the stone widened the distance between him and Cage.

At this moment, his eyes kept looking around, intending to find a direction where he could quickly escape.

Cage, however, was a dodge gradient that had appeared next to Dr. Miao's body.

When Dr. Miao saw Cage's appearance, he subconsciously let out a scream of surprise.

At this time, Cage said lightly to Dr. Miao: "Look at why you are so panicked, I have tried my best to let you get better treatment in the next time." "

"What does that mean?" Dr. Miao frowned and looked at Cage.

"That is to say, if you are willing to float in my hands, then the entanglement between us will be completely over, but if you continue to struggle, then these robots in your hands will be completely destroyed by me, and of course you will die directly in my hands. "

Cage always had a faint smile on his face, but the flowers fell into Dr. Miao's ears, and he looked at Cage as if he were looking at a demon.

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