"My father said that because I am his daughter, if I leave this place, I will face a lot of intrigues against me, and if I want to protect myself, then I must stay in this place. "

"Do you know? Since I was born, I have been staying in this palace for four weeks, except for a few times when I went to other planets with my father, and if I couldn't find my figure, the whole palace would be completely in a state of chaos, and over time I wouldn't dare to trouble anyone else. "

When the turtle immortal said this, his eyes began to reveal a bit of loneliness.

Cage sighed helplessly, stretched out his palm, gently patted Kiki's shoulder, and continued to her.

"If that's the case, then there is a bit of fate between the two of us. "

"What does that mean?" Kiki looked at Cage with wide eyes, and he felt extremely curious about what Cage had said.

"I'm going to be here for a long time, so we can have a good conversation between the two of us, and if there's anything you want to ask me about unnecessarily polite, I can tell you anything I know. "

At this point, the smile on Cage's face became brighter and brighter.

At this moment, Qiqi jumped up directly and gave Cage a hug tightly, and this time the scene of such dependence made Cage stunned in place.

He didn't expect Kiki to make such a move out of the blue, and the most embarrassing thing for Cage was that when he began to realize that the action between the two of them was a little too intimate, in the next room, he suddenly remembered a burst of footsteps.

Cage subconsciously looked back and saw that the Bull Demon King had rushed into his room again.

At this moment, the Bull Demon King arrived in front of Cage with an angry look on his face, and began to attack Cage.

It seems that this matter has been completely misunderstood.

Cage instantly pushed Kiki away from him, and at the same time, his palm stretched out to firmly block the Bull Demon King's attack.

But even so, the Bull Demon King did not flinch in the slightest, and then the next second, his head slammed into Cage's body.

The Bull Demon King's head has two extremely sharp horns, and if his head collides with Cage's body, Cage will even feel that two huge blood holes will appear on his skin.

In the face of such a scene, Cage didn't dare to have the slightest doubt, his body quickly tossed in the air a few times, and then got out of the Bull Demon King's attack, after the blow, Cage looked at the Bull Demon King and was about to rush towards him, quickly stretched out his palm, and said loudly to the Bull Demon King.

"If you stop, the relationship between the two of us is definitely not what you imagined, don't go crazy here, okay?"

Kiki had just been violently pushed away by Cage, and now after seeing the fight between his father and Cage, Kiki finally came to his senses, and he walked into the Bull Demon King in a panic and explained to him.

"Father, you really misunderstood, absolutely nothing happened between me and Cage!"

"Nothing happened between the two of us, why hug each other? Do you think I'm blind?"

It is worthy of the Bull Demon King's treasure like thunder, and he continued, since he had Qiqi's daughter, he has always held her in his hands, afraid of falling and holding it in his mouth for fear of melting.

I didn't expect that Cage would inadvertently get closer to Kiki.

At this time, in the eyes of the Bull Demon King, Cage was trying to draw him into their camp, and after failing, he put all his ideas on his daughter.

For the Bull Demon King, even if he relies on this life, he must make Cage pay a terrible price for it.

Cage looked at the Bull Demon King and was about to rush towards him, and kept explaining: "I really won't have any problems with your daughter, you don't need to doubt this." "

"Or do you really want me to have some problems with him, and you have to keep getting closer now. "

The Bull Demon King's original action of rushing towards Cage stopped instantly after hearing Cage's words.

He watched as Cage let out a few angry cold wind sounds, turned around and tried to leave the room, but after thinking about it, he froze in place again, his eyes fixed on Cage.

His expression was full of murderous aura.

Cage watched the Bull Demon King look like this, his hands were raised above his head, and he assured the Bull Demon King loudly.

"Don't worry, the relationship between me and Kiki is just ordinary friends, and there is absolutely no other situation that will happen to the two of us in the recent period. "

When he said this, there was a trap in it, what he said was only the recent period, as for whether he would have emotional involvement with Qiqi in the future, Cage didn't dare to guarantee it, after all, Qiqi can definitely be regarded as a beauty-level character.

At this time, the Bull Demon King had already been carried away by anger, so he didn't notice the meaning of Cage's words.

Now that he heard Cage's oath, he snorted coldly, and sat back down in the chair next to him, looking at Cage closely.

When Cage saw the virtue of the Bull Demon King, he didn't dare to leave in front of him, and he also sat opposite the Bull Demon King, waiting for his follow-up.

"I tell you, if you don't face the flames of this palace tomorrow, then you will honestly get out of this place, and never be here again. "

At this time, the Bull Demon King said these words extremely strongly, it seems that this is true, and drove Cage out of this place, but for Cage, the words of the Bull Demon King will not have any impact on him, after all, he has now determined that there will be a fire tomorrow.

Cage smiled at the Bull Demon King and nodded, "Seeing that you have repeatedly emphasized this matter in front of me, does this mean that you are already seriously considering cooperation with us in the next time?"

After Cage's words fell, the Bull Demon King snorted coldly, for what he said, the Bull Demon King did not intend to deal with Cage.

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