At this moment, Qiqi next to him looked at Cage's eyes and began to reveal a bit of probe.

Cage doesn't care what kind of thoughts the Bull Demon King has in his heart, Cage has a good impression of Kiki, and naturally it is impossible for him to leave such a sinister and vicious image in front of Kiki.

Cage stretched out his hand and directly shook off the palm of the Bull Demon King, and seeing that the Bull Demon King was about to rush forward again, Cage said in a cold voice to the Bull Demon King.

"Don't forget the things we promised between the two of us yesterday, why are you planning to go back on now?"

"Even if I don't plan to go back now, I have to ask what the hell is going on!"

"But you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I'm going to blame you for all of this. "

At this time, the Bull Demon King still said these words with confidence, Cage sighed helplessly, and it was not a simple matter to add the Bull Demon King to their team.

If it were really possible to do it easily, those who used before would not be able to face these losses again and appear helpless.

"In my opinion, you are really a brazen guy!" Bai Jifeng smiled, so he already knew what the Bull Demon King was thinking in his heart.

But that doesn't mean he's merciful when confronted with the other party.

The Bull Demon King's face began to become closer to him, and after snorting coldly, he was about to hit Cage again, and Cage's energy barrier was completely blocked from his body in an instant.

The Bull Demon King wanted to rush out of the energy barrier several times, but unfortunately there was still a huge gap between his strength and Cage's strength.

Under the wave of his fist, the Bull Demon King found that he couldn't make any changes in the energy barrier, and after snorting coldly, he didn't dare to continue to dwell on this matter.

After all, there are still many people in his palace at this moment, observing this place.

If the Bull Demon King shows a scene where he can't deal with Cage in front of everyone, doesn't that mean that he has no confidence in front of everyone next?

It was something he couldn't tolerate.

After snorting coldly, he withdrew his palm, but his eyes were still quietly listening to Cage's body, waiting for Cage's follow-up response.

Cage saw that the Bull Demon King had changed his attitude in the fastest time, the corners of his mouth were outlined, and a faint smile continued.

"Could you please open your eyes and take a good look at this place, could it be that we caused it?

"Of course I know it's a volcano!" the Bull Demon King replied with a cold snort.

"But the volcano I built is an extinct volcano at all, how could it suddenly erupt, if it weren't for you guys deliberately looking for trouble, it wouldn't have been possible for me to face such an embarrassing situation now. "

It seemed that this was going to push everything on Li Kaiqi and them, Cage snorted coldly and continued.

"Okay, in that case, then you can just jump into that volcano and take a good look at whether we can use other means in the volcano, so let this volcano erupt again. "

Cage said as he lowered his palm directly into the front of the Bull Demon King.

When the Bull Demon King saw that Cage's affection was about to reach his body, he subconsciously stopped Cage.

But it's a pity that the gap between his strength and Cage's strength is too big.

Although he saw that Cage's palm had reached the top of his neck, the Bull Demon King at this time had been able to drag Cage forward.

Seeing Cage's appearance, Qiqi subconsciously rushed in front of Cage, and tried to stop Cage several times, but at this time, Qiqi didn't have time to make more moves.

At this moment, the turtle immortal had quickly rushed in front of Qiqi and stopped him, and Qiqi's turtle immortal at this time had already found that Cage was already holding a great idea now, so he was naturally unwilling to let Qiqi completely destroy this matter.

Cage pulled the Bull Demon King directly to this place where there was still no flame, and he directly reached in, intending to throw the Bull Demon King into the magma.

Under such a scene, the Bull Demon King's face began to become more and more pale, his palm was dead, holding Cage's arm, and he refused to let Cage leave in front of him at all, for the Bull Demon King, although he can be regarded as a very strong existence.

But he never thought that he could fight against Yanjiang with his own strength, in his opinion, this was simply a move to find death, Cage communicated with him, and was already completely frightened under his movements.

Cage snorted coldly and threw the Bull Demon King back on the ground. The Bull Demon King staggered back a few steps, waited until his body stabilized again, and after a few breaths, he looked at Cage's eyes and began to show resentment, but this time before he could respond to Cage, Cage continued to him.

"I advise you to recognize the difference in strength between the two of us, otherwise, if you accidentally do those things that annoy me again, it is very likely that I will throw you directly into this magma, and now think about it, even if I kill you, it will be of great benefit.

At least the wealth you have accumulated over the years can completely fall into the palm of my hand, and even without your help, it shouldn't be too difficult for us to confront each other. "

Cage said as he glanced up and down the Bull Demon King's body a few times, as if he was really thinking about whether to throw the Bull Demon King into the magma.

At this time, the Bull Demon King quickly retreated a few steps back, and he looked at Cage's eyes as if he was looking at a madman.

For the Bull Demon King, he never thought that he would be so embarrassed in the face of a guy who tried to pull her into the team.

After all, those guys usually do their best to appease him and prevent him from joining the other side's team.

As a result, Cage couldn't help but play his cards according to the routine, and even deliberately did something to him in this matter, setting it in the Bull Demon King, which seemed to be an incredible scene

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