The turtle immortal sighed helplessly, looking at Wukong's eyes with a bit of sadness.

For Wukong, he had never seen the turtle immortal show this sail.

At this time, Wukong's brows began to wrinkle more and more tightly.

He secretly swore in his heart that if someone really did such a thing to the Turtle Immortal, he would definitely make the other party pay a terrible price.

"Do you know each other?" asked the Turtle Immortal after a moment of silence before turning to Goku.

"What's wrong?" Goku didn't deny.

"All the injuries I have are because of Cage. The turtle immortal said lightly.

"This can't be!" Goku subconsciously denied.

But when his words fell, he saw that the turtle immortal began to show a look of disappointment in his eyes when he looked at him, and he was busy explaining to the turtle immortal.

"I'm sorry grandpa, it's not that I don't believe what you say, I just don't think it's possible for someone like Cage to do such a thing!"

"Since you don't think it's possible for him to do such a thing, isn't that just saying I'm lying to you?" the Turtle Immortal snorted coldly, looking at Goku's eyes with a real coldness.

"Isn't there a falling out between the two of you, and why do you still show so much trust in her face?"

The Turtle Immortal continued to say to Wukong, and after Wukong heard this sentence of the Turtle Immortal, his eyes were full of shock when he looked at the Turtle Immortal.

After a moment, he asked the turtle immortal with some hesitation.

"How did you know about this?"

"Why do you know about the falling out between me and Cage?"

"Could it be that Cage told you all of this?"

Goku asked three questions to the Turtle Immortal.

The turtle immortal looked at Wukong with a look of disbelief, and sighed helplessly, his palm stretched out and gently patted Wukong's shoulder, trying to calm his emotions.

"That's exactly what Cage told me. "

"But he told me that if you want to know how the wound on my body came from recently, let me tell you directly that it was all caused by him!"

For the turtle immortal, he couldn't tell what kind of thoughts he was holding now, he just felt that in the face of a guy like Cage, he would definitely not be able to form a more intimate relationship between Wukong and Cage.

If this is the case, it is likely that they will suffer greatly in the subsequent process of resisting the bad guys.

At this time, Wukong's eyes revealed more and more pain when he looked at the turtle immortal.

He thought that he and Cage had been relatively peaceful before, and now that he was going to have a head-on confrontation with Cage, it was not an easy thing for Goku to accept.

Although there was a brief conflict between him and Cage at this martial arts conference before, it seems that after a series of things in Goku's opinion, he can re-resolve these misunderstandings with me Cage again.

But now the words he said were all clearly telling Wukong what he said, but they were all extravagant hopes, and Cage didn't have any thoughts of reconciling with him from the beginning.

For Goku, he has always lived with the Turtle Immortals.

Although the Turtle Immortal is good to him, there is a lot of age difference between the two of them, and there are no young people in the area where the Turtle Immortal lives, so Wukong has always been, for example, now quite lonely, after finally meeting Cage, Wukong only felt the vitality generated when their young people gathered together for the first time.

The last time Cage absorbed the energy had completely failed, and for Goku, he couldn't wait to go back to the previous period of time and control the water in his head.

Otherwise, why would there be such a big misunderstanding with Cage after hearing a little provocation from others?

In the process of Wukong's immersion in his emotions, the Turtle Immortal has been on Wukong's body at the same time as his gaze, carefully reviewing Wukong's various psychological conditions.

But after he saw the attitude on Wukong's face, the turtle immortal began to panic a little, Wukong had never shown such an appearance when facing him.

This is not a good teaching for the Turtle Immortals, if they attack again because they are going to have another battle with Cage in the future, there is no way for the Turtle Immortals' martial arts to fall on Cage.

Thinking of this, the turtle immortal's face began to become more and more serious, and he stepped forward and walked in front of Wukong.

After noticing the changes in the turtle immortal, he restrained his attitude a little, and looked at the turtle immortal's eyes revealing doubts.

At this time, the turtle immortal still fixed his gaze on Wukong's face, and after a while, he sneered and said to Wukong.

"If we had to fight Cage later, what would you choose?"

Wukong frowned slightly when he heard the Turtle Immortal's words, a little strange, why did the Turtle Immortal suddenly ask this question.

The doubt in Wukong's eyes, for the turtle immortal, had already angered his emotions again, and his face began to show iron blue.

"Why? Seeing that your grandfather has been hit by Cage, don't you need to avenge your grandfather like this?"

"Grandpa, what you taught me on weekdays, isn't it time to repay grievances, and ask me to let go as much as possible when facing the other party?"

Wukong asked with a frown.

He felt annoyed and confused about the relationship between Cage and him that had become what it was now.

But for this change in the current turtle immortals, he still feels very strange, after all, in his impression, the turtle immortals have always been amiable, and they rarely pay so much attention to everything as they do now.

In Wukong's opinion, at this time, he even wondered if the turtle immortal had suffered some kind of stimulation during this time.

Otherwise, how could his mentality have changed so much.

After hearing Wukong's words, the turtle immortals began to reveal raging anger in their eyes as they looked at Wukong.

His palm slammed on the ground beside him, and a burst of energy brought the ground directly out of the ground in an instant, a hole more than a meter deep.

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