However, in the process of Cage's entry, because this part of the energy was recorded too violently, it had an extremely serious impact on these people's bodies.

Listening to these voices, the smile on Cage's face became brighter and brighter. "Look at your virtue, I originally thought that you would be able to hold up in my hands for a long time, but now it seems that you have only lost in a few rounds, so remember not to provoke me casually in the future!"

Although everyone had already shown anger after seeing Cage treat them with such an attitude, they could only watch Cage leave here with Kiki and a few of them, and at this time, everyone had no ability to stop Cage and them.

Everyone is worried that if they rush into Cage's face, they will become the first person in this place to be killed by Cage, after all, this guy's attitude from beginning to end is extremely cold, and no one dares to take risks in this matter easily.

These things that Cage made at the door of this martial arts conference have already attracted the appearance of other people in this martial arts conference.

When Cage arrived in front of the martial arts competition platform, he saw that at this moment, Wukong appeared in front of him with a turtle immortal and a cat immortal.

Wukong looked at Cage with a cold attitude in his eyes, although he could understand what Cage was doing in the field at that time, but now seeing Cage take the initiative to provoke everyone, Goku still disagrees with Cage's actions.

He was silent for a moment and then said coldly to Cage, "Do you know that what you did today may offend a lot of people?"

Still in a gesture of understatement, Cage did not put these words of Goku in his eyes, but shifted his gaze to the cat fairy.

Although he and Wukong are now in a falling out, he still shows extreme respect for the cat immortals.

Cage took the initiative to clench his fist at the cat fairy and said, "It's been a long time since I've seen the cat fairy!"

The cat fairy didn't have any antipathy to Cage, in his opinion, Cage naturally had his own path to travel, not to mention that compared to Wukong before, he hoped that Cage could become his apprentice.

Now when he saw Cage facing him, he still showed a look of respect, and the smile on the cat fairy's face was much more sincere.

"It's been a long time since I've seen Cage, and you seem to have grown stronger lately!"

Cage smiled and nodded: "I have absorbed extreme energy in this place before, and when I stayed with the Bull Demon King and them for a period of time, my world has also been further enhanced." "

As he spoke, he turned around and beckoned to the Bull Demon King, and then continued to introduce to the cat immortal.

"This is the Bull Demon King!"

"This is Kiki!"


The cat fairy didn't have any prejudice against the Bull Demon King, just smiled and nodded, looking at the Bull Demon King, their eyes did not reveal any hostility, Cage was secretly relieved when he saw this scene.

Cage is worried that the cat immortals will have a hostile attitude towards the Bull Demon King like the turtle immortals, and if this is the case, he is afraid that they will completely tear their faces apart.

Thankfully, all of this has come to an end by now, which is a great thing for Cage.

The turtle immortal next to him showed a disregarded attitude when he saw that Liu Baizi was just saying that he was facing him, and the turtle immortal's face began to become more and more difficult, but before he could open his mouth Wukong Dao, he had already seen it from the attitude of the turtle immortal, and took the initiative to step forward and say loudly to Cage.

"What's going on with you?"

"Didn't you see my grandfather's existence?"

At this time, when Wukong was facing Zheliban, his tone also began to show a bit of anger, in his opinion, what Cage did today was too much, Cage looked at Wukong's appearance, and his eyebrows began Zhou Zhiyue found that at this time, there was a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth.

"If that's the case, then I think it's ridiculous that you're talking about it now. "

"I believe that your grandfather has already told you that there is a complete contradiction between me and him, don't you think that you are simply joking when you make this request to me now?"

"The two of us have become like enemies, why should we give him a little face when facing him?"

"Does he have such a position in front of me?"

Cage unceremoniously responds to Goku.

The Forbidden City Assassin looked at the people around Cage with a bewildered expression, and his expression began to reveal more shock.

They didn't expect that Wukong and Cage had completely torn their faces, and they didn't expect that Cage would not give any face when facing them immortals.

Cage looked at the crowd around him, smiled, and continued.

"You take a good look, think about the difference in strength between you and the turtle immortals, and determine whether you have enough strength to fight against me in the next time, if not, then please stay away from me, otherwise, if I attack you, I am afraid that you will not be able to withstand it at all." "

Cage's attitude is quite rampant.

Wukong subconsciously rushed into Cage's face, at this time, a large amount of energy began to be hidden in his long heart, and his weapon had been completely released at this moment, it seemed that a stick might break Cage's body to the bones.

But despite my oppressive behavior, Cage was rather indifferent throughout.

He stood silently in place, waiting for Goku's attack to land on his body, and when the first attack hit Cage's side, Cage just stood quietly in place, facing such a scene, without even flinching from the rear.

His cold attitude made Goku's face open in an instant, and he began to get closer and closer, and Goku at this time, suddenly realized that he didn't have any advantage at all when facing Cage.

The guy didn't put him in the eye from the beginning.

Thinking that the cat fairy chose Cage in the first place, this made the anger in Goku's heart start to rise more and more.

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